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As multipurpose cash disrupts traditional divisions of responsibility in the sector-based humanitarian sector, disagreements remain around how cash and voucher assistance (CVA) should be coordinated.


Effective coordination can prevent gaps and overlaps in humanitarian responses, ensure the impact of CVA is optimised for the benefit of crisis affected populations, whilst also making the most of limited humanitarian funding. But the CALP Network’s State of the World’s Cash report found that cash coordination is seen as weak and ad hoc, and that this is having serious operational impact. 

Ninety-five donors, international and national NGOs, private sector actors and one UN agency have called for clarity on two key issues surrounding cash coordination: 

  • Who should be accountable for ensuring effective cash coordination, and 
  • What the scope of Cash Working Groups should be, including in relation to multipurpose cash. 

We urgently need to build on what works and provide clarity at the global level on the questions above, whilst adapting to different contexts. Clear decisions based on the impact on affected populations rather than agency politics are long overdue. 

Current priorities

We aim to contribute to progress on this issue on three levels: supporting Cash Working Groups at the regional level; contributing to practical solutions for cash coordination at the global level; and convening evidence-based discussion on the key issues, highlighting critical decision points and opportunities for progress. 


Cash transfer mechanisms and disaster preparedness in the Philippines


The use of cash to deliver assistance in case of humanitarian emergency remains a relatively new approach in the Philippines, and aid agencies are at the early stages of developing guidelines, policies and organizational capacity to implement cash projects. Project managers lack support and guidance with...


Learning from Cash Responses to the Tsunami: Case Studies

Case Study

These case studies form part of a project to document learning around cash based responses to the Indian Ocean tsunami. The project was funded by the British Red Cross, Save the Children UK, Oxfam GB, Mercy Corps and Concern Worldwide.


Watan Card Project – Pakistan National Disaster Relief Program


Presentation to the CALP Network 4th Global Learning Event (Bangkok, February 2011) from the National Disaster Management Authority of the Government of Pakistan.  The presentation reviews the WATAN card cash transfer programme implemented by the Government to transfer money to flood affected people. The...


Key Challenges and Lessons Learned in Interagency Cash Coordination in Pakistan


A presentation from the CALP Network’s former focal point Loreto Palmaera on ‘Key Challenges and Lessons Learned in Interagency Cash Coordination in Pakistan’


Helpdesk Research Report: Financing and Cost-effectiveness of Cash Transfer Schemes


Query: What does the evidence base on the costing, financing and cost effectiveness of cash transfer schemes tell us? Cash transfers are a form of social assistance in which money or cash-like instruments (e.g. vouchers) are distributed to vulnerable individuals or households. They can vary in targeting...


The Voucher programme in the Gaza Strip – Mid-term review


The WFP voucher project is part of the emergency operation (EMOP 10817.0) to assist the recovery of the population affected by the conflict in Gaza Strip. WFP emergency operation has the following objectives: Meet urgent needs and improve the food consumption for conflict-affected people targeted...


Financial Considerations in Cash Transfer Programming


OBJECTIVES OF THE PRESENTATION • Finance considerations and challenges in CTP • Delivery Mechanisms used in the Flood Response. • Oxfam’s Experience with Order Cheques – Challenges and Innovation. • Delivery Mechanism’s – the selection dilemma.


Evaluation of OGB and HR Cash Consortium in Southern Somalia


In response to the humanitarian emergency of 2006 in southern Somalia, a consortium of five agencies – Oxfam GB, Horn Relief, AFREC, WASDA and Development Concern – implemented the Emergency Drought Response Action (EDRA) programme. This was a cash-based intervention using an innovative approach with...


Evaluation of Cash Relief Programme implemented by Horn Relief


This evaluation of the Emergency Cash Relief Programme (ECRP) was conducted between the 10th -22nd of June 2004. The evaluation looked at the various issues of programme operation and management, including financial management, and used an overall performance-scoring matrix for this purpose. The overall...


Cash Preparedness in Vietnam


A presentation from the the CALP Network Global Learning Event, addressing Save the Children’s Preparedness in Vietnam Bangkok, February 16-17, 2011. Topics include: Emergency preparedness Cash intervention design Lessons learned


Q&A – Cash Transfers in South Central Somalia.


Context: In recent months, it has become clear that many populations in Southern Somalia are under increasing and severe food access stress. The situation has been further exacerbated by the absence of large-scale food aid, as well as rising global food prices, the worsening drought and its impact on...