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To ensure cash and voucher assistance (CVA) is routinely considered by humanitarian actors when designing an intervention, we must address the perceptions and myths that it is a riskier form of response than others.

The CALP Network’s State of the World’s Cash report found that the perception that CVA is riskier than other forms of aid was one of the main barriers to CVA being routinely used. This concern is linked to the growing emphasis from donors on anti-terrorism and money laundering, and shrinking budgets for humanitarian assistance. The CALP Network’s work under this theme aims to debunk myths, facilitate collaboration, and share learning to ensure that CVA is systematically and equally considered, based on evidence of actual risks across modalities.

Current priorities

A variety of organisations are currently working on CVA and risk. The CALP Network is working to identify synergies among actors, avoid duplication, and define joint priorities that can be better addressed collectively. Together with WFP, the CALP Network is co-leading the risk priority within the Grand Bargain workstream on cash.


Risk Analysis of Water Access via Voucher

Guidelines and Tools

The “Water access by voucher” approach was endorsed by the meeting, as it targets people in need, and uses local mechanisms. Meeting participants identified risks, as well as mitigating factors to reduce or remove the risks, as per the table in document.


Ready or not? Emergency cash transfers at scale


Whilst there is significant experience of implementing cash transfer programmes (CTP) in emergencies this has seldom been at a scale comparable to in-kind responses. A number of critical gaps and blockages standing in the way of scaled up programming in the wake of a disaster have been identified...


Richer but Resented: What do cash transfers do to social relations and does it matter?


This paper looks at how social protection cash transfers are evaluated primarily in terms of poverty reduction or human capital, with their impact on social relations being under-examined. The authors examine case studies from Kenya, Malawi and Zimbabwe, and argue that the impact of cash transfers on...


Delivering Cash Through Cards – A Quick Delivery Guide (booklet)

Guidelines and Tools

A Quick Delivery Guide to delivering money through cards (magnetic stripe or smart cards).  Prepared as a practical tool, this guide provides a brief synthesis of the necessary preconditions and advantages and disadvantages of using cheques.  It also provides practical implementation tips. This version...


Cash Transfers in Emergencies Good Practice Review: Presentation


Powerpoint presentation on the then-forthcoming Good Practice Review on cash transfer programming in emergencies.


Seeking Acceptance: The Promise of Cash in High-Risk Areas


Somalia is one of the world’s most insecure states with a protracted conflict that continues to profoundly affect its civilians. Thirty-two percent of the Somali population – or 2.4 million of its 7.5 million people – is currently in need of humanitarian assistance (FSNAU, 2011a). The needs are...