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To ensure cash and voucher assistance (CVA) is routinely considered by humanitarian actors when designing an intervention, we must address the perceptions and myths that it is a riskier form of response than others.

The CALP Network’s State of the World’s Cash report found that the perception that CVA is riskier than other forms of aid was one of the main barriers to CVA being routinely used. This concern is linked to the growing emphasis from donors on anti-terrorism and money laundering, and shrinking budgets for humanitarian assistance. The CALP Network’s work under this theme aims to debunk myths, facilitate collaboration, and share learning to ensure that CVA is systematically and equally considered, based on evidence of actual risks across modalities.

Current priorities

A variety of organisations are currently working on CVA and risk. The CALP Network is working to identify synergies among actors, avoid duplication, and define joint priorities that can be better addressed collectively. Together with WFP, the CALP Network is co-leading the risk priority within the Grand Bargain workstream on cash.


Cash Transfers and HIV Prevention


This paper proposes some initial principles on how to optimize HIV impacts of cash transfers, by encouraging targeting that: focuses on communities with high rates of new HIV infections, particularly acquired via sexual transmission; reduces local or community levels of economic inequalities between men...


Economic Strengthening for Child Protection & Education in Emergencies

Guidelines and Tools

The aim of this compendium is to provide education and child protection coordinators and partners working in the field who are involved in or confronted with economic strengthening programmes with key existing evidence and guidance documents in order to inform their work, at all stages of a programme...


A Double-edged Sword: Livelihoods in emergencies guidance and tools for improved programming

Guidelines and Tools

This document aims to help economic development practitioners who design economic strengthening projects with the particular aim of improving child wellbeing and for others whose aim is poverty alleviation more broadly. The guidance presented is based on the understanding that: 1. Household economic...


Cash and Vouchers Manual – Second edition

Guidelines and Tools

This second edition of the Cash and Vouchers Manual captures the latest corporately endorsed business processes and procedures, providing the most up-to-date tools (i.e. analytical, assessment, monitoring) that have been developed through close intra-departmental collaboration between Headquarters...


Cash Transfers and Temptation Goods: A review of global evidence


Cash transfers have been demonstrated to improve education and health outcomes and alleviate poverty in various contexts. However, policy makers and others often express concern that poor households will use transfers to buy alcohol, tobacco, or other “temptation goods”. This paper reviews 19...


Cross-Sector Cash Assistance for Syrian Refugees and Host Communities in Lebanon: An IRC Programme


Since January 2013, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) has been implementing a project providing humanitarian assistance to the Syrian refugees in Lebanon. This project provided unconditional financial assistance to targeted Syrian refugees and Lebanese host households to help them be better...


Factors Affecting the Cost-efficiency of Electronic Transfers in Humanitarian Programmes


Led by Oxford Policy Management (OPM) with support from Concern Worldwide, this research aims to answer the key question: Are electronic transfers more cost-efficient than traditional manual based cash delivery methods, and under what conditions? Cash is increasingly offered to households in...


Unconditional Cash Assistance via E-Transfer: Implementation lessons learned – Winterization support via CSC bank ATM card


This document looks at the lessons learned from the Danish Refugee Council’s e-transfer programme designed to provide cash assistance to Syrian refugees in Lebanon using the CALP Network’s guidelines on e-transfers in emergencies as a point of reference for assessing adherence to best practices.


Review of FAO Cash for Work Programme in Somalia


The objective of this costing study is to understand the absolute and relative magnitudes of various drivers of programme costs and to assess the cost-efficiency of the CFW Programme’s operations, using the total cost-to-transfer ratio (TCTR) for the programme which represents the total cost incurred by...


Preventing Corruption in Humanitarian operations

Guidelines and Tools

Transparency International (TI) has long held that the most damaging impact of corruption is the diversion of basic resources from poor people. Corruption in humanitarian aid is the most egregious form of this, as it deprives the most vulnerable poor people, the victims of natural disasters and civil...


Examining Protection and Gender in Cash and Voucher Transfers – Summary


In any humanitarian intervention – including those using cash and vouchers – assistance agencies need to identify the most appropriate, effective, and efficient way of helping crisis-affected households meet their needs. In doing so, they need to consider the protection and gender issues surrounding...


Cash Transfer Programming Engaging National Society Leadership: Guidance and materials to support internal advocacy

Guidelines and Tools

This guidance provides the materials required to run an awareness session for senior representatives of a National Society on the nature of cash transfer programming, its challenges and benefits. National Societies work in different contexts and as such the materials will need to be adapted to suit the...


Evaluation Study Support to Life’s Response to Syrian Refugee Crisis, 2012 & 2013


This report is part of enhancing Support to Life’s organisational learning on its Syrian Refugee Programme in Turkey. The specific objective of the evaluation is to present the findings on the achievements, quality and overall impact of Support to Life’s humanitarian response of the Syrian refugee...


Food Analysis Integrity Study: Review of the 2011 drought response in Kenya


Using four case studies from the 2011 drought response in Kenya, the Food Assistance Integrity Study by Transparency International Kenya analyses the impact of diversion and corruption on different types of food assistance. The study aims to enhance the accountability, efficiency and cost effectiveness of...