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The most useful tools, reports, guidance and research related to cash and voucher assistance in humanitarian response. As well as the CALP's own publications, we link to other useful resources. You can submit your own resource for publication on the CALP Network library here.

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1481 – 1500 of 2426 results

White Paper on Cash Coordination


As more agencies are using cash transfer programming in humanitarian contexts, the need for coordination has grown. Aid organizations have set up cash working groups in many emergency settings that often differ in terms of leadership and institutional setup. This ad hoc approach has helped provide...

January 2017

Lessons Learned from large scale cash programming in Lebanon 2014 – 2017


Given the fact that cash is becoming an increasingly used modality in humanitarian
interventions, coupled with the evolution of the funding model for cash assistance in Lebanon, the former LCC agencies find it important to give to cash consortia and cash actors the benefit of the unique experience that...


Rapid Market Assessment Sofala Province, Mozambique


The joint TDY between USAID/FFP and FEWS NET Mozambique to Sofala Province, Mozambique had two distinct objectives: 1) Assess current food security and market conditions including: a) Scale of humanitarian assistance relative to needs
b) Understand maize market structure, conduct and performance


Collecting Prices for Food Security Programming

Guidelines and Tools

As a contribution towards standardizing price data collection, this paper aims to explore the core issues related to setting up a price monitoring system, also in countries where no such system currently exists. It describes the factors a country office needs to consider when designing such a system,...


A buffer against the drought


The Government of Kenya in partnership with DFID undertake a long term social protection program(Hunger Safety Net Program) in Northern Kenya reaching out to poor households with bi monthly cash transfers. So much investment has been put in this program including pre-registration and carding of...


The Grand Bargain Explained: An ICVA Briefing Paper

Guidelines and Tools

ICVA, a global network of humanitarian NGOs dedicated to principled and effective humanitarian action, has created this Grand Bargain briefing paper to support NGOs (and all humanitarian actors) better understand and engage in the Grand Bargain. This briefing paper forms part of ICVA’s humanitarian...


Cash Grants for Schools and Pupils can Increase Enrolment & Attendance Despite Ongoing Conflict: Findings from South Sudan


This paper makes use of a unique, real-time national dataset on school enrolment and attendance in South Sudan to provide estimates of the effect of school capitation grants and cash transfers for girls.


Enacting urban cash for work programmes in Lebanon in response to the Syrian refugee crisis

Guidelines and Tools

Humanitarian crises in cities require responses that reflect the urban context,address urban challenges, and provide urbanised solutions. This paper focuses on providing guidance on good practice in cash for work (CfW) programmes. Focusing on Lebanon and the Syrian refugee crisis, the paper provides nine...


How to Make ‘Cash Plus’ Work: Linking Cash Transfers to Services and Sectors


The broad-ranging benefits of cash transfers are now widely recognized. However, the evidence base highlights that they often fall short in achieving longer-term and second-order impacts related to nutrition, learning outcomes and morbidity.In recognition of these limitations, several ‘cash...


The effect of financial aid from UK Aid Girls’ Education South Sudan programme and EU IMPACT programme to education in South Sudan in 2017


This paper is an update to the previous Girls’ Education South Sudan working paper that looked at the effect of financial interventions (capitation grants and girl’s cash transfers) by Girls’ Education South Sudan, a collaboration of UK Aid and the Ministry of General Education and Instruction,...


Feasibility of Multi-purpose Cash Transfers in N’Guigmi


This assessment was conducted by World Vision’s Emergency Program in the Lake Chad Basin. The objective was to: 1) Do a comprehensive needs assessment of the affected populations in the area, 2) Specify the amount of the minimum expenditure basket 3) Evaluate the market capacity and feasibility of...


Cash for Education: A global review of UNHCR programmes in refugee settings


This review provides an overview of the use of cash assistance in 45 cash-related education programmes in 21 UNHCR operations. It highlights the key opportunities and challenges with the use of cash for education and provides key direction for future programming and related protection considerations....


The Impact of Cash Transfers on Women and Girls


This briefing summarises the findings on the impacts of cash transfers on women and girls. These are drawn from a rigorous review of the evidence looking at the impacts of cash transfers across six outcome areas (Bastagli et al., 2016). The review covered literature spanning 15 years (2000–2015). It...


Libya Humanitarian Cash Working Group (CWG) Key Messages


The purpose of this document is to provide key messages of the Cash Working Group (CWG) that can be used in discussions with humanitarian stakeholders. This document is not designed to be passed to interlocutors, but rather inform CWG members on key points to raise in discussions.

January 2017

Can Conditional Cash Transfers improve the uptake of nutrition interventions and household food security? Evidence from Odisha’s Mamata scheme


There is considerable global evidence on the effectiveness of cash transfers in improving health and nutrition outcomes; however, the evidence from South Asia, particularly India, is limited. In the context of India where more than a third of children are undernourished, and where there is considerable...


Humanitarian Cash Transfers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Evidence from UNICEF’s ARCC II Programme


From March 2013 to September 2015, UNICEF and three partner organizations (Concern Worldwide, Mercy Corps, and Solidarités International), collaborated to deliver what was at the time the single-largest unconditional cash transfer programme for humanitarian response in the Democratic Republic of the...


Targeting vulnerable households for humanitarian cash transfers: using a community based, participatory approach to target the most vulnerable in Zimbabwe’s cash-first response


Over 73,000 drought affected households across 15 districts in Zimbabwe received monthly multi-purpose, unconditional cash transfers. With such a large caseload over a wide area, 100% verification of the households would not have been the most resource efficient approach. Moreover, there would have been a...


Cash-based transfers. Analytical Paper on WHS Self-Reporting on the Agenda for Humanity


Forty-three stakeholders reported on World Humanitarian Summit (WHS) commitments related to cash-based transfers (CBT). Self-reports indicate that cash is increasingly a preferred option, when appropriate, taking into account context and feasibility considerations. Cash programming is being streamlined...