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The most useful tools, reports, guidance and research related to cash and voucher assistance in humanitarian response. As well as the CALP's own publications, we link to other useful resources. You can submit your own resource for publication on the CALP Network library here.

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1501 – 1520 of 2424 results

Profiling of caseload in need of cash-based interventions Results


At the request of the Inter Sector Working Group in Gaziantep, the Case Management Task Force and the Protection Working Group, the Cash-Based Interventions Technical Working Group (CBI TWG) produced this “Cash Gap Analysis”. The analysis aimed to profile the refugee population in Turkey who require...


Shock-Responsive Social Protection Systems Research Case study—Post-Haiyan Cash Transfers in the Philippines


This case study report  focuses specifically on the experiences of using emergency cash transfers following Typhoon Haiyan and considers the wider social protection system, developments since Haiyan and future possibilities for shock-responsive social protection. A summary briefing note is published...


Effects of Unconditional Cash Transfers on the Outcome of Treatment for Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM): A Cluster-Randomised Trial in the Democratic Republic of the Congo


Cash transfer programs (CTPs) aim to strengthen financial security for vulnerable households. This potentially enables improvements in diet, hygiene, health service access and investment in food production or income generation.The effect of CTPs on the outcome of children already severely malnourished...


Cash Transfer Programming: Lessons from northern Iraq


In situations of conflict, disaster and protracted crisis, displaced persons not only face physical threats but are also  confronted with the challenge of economic survival. High levels of general unemployment or legal barriers to labour market entry often restrict access to jobs and income, and...


Building on social protection systems for effective disaster response: the Pakistan experience


How can social protection systems be used in disasters, as a complement to, or substitute for, humanitarian assistance? Oxford Policy Management (OPM) led a two-year research project investigating this question, looking at the role of social protection in both mitigating the impact of large-scale shocks...


Landscape Report: Mobile Money, Humanitarian Cash Transfers and Displaced Populations


Over the past decade, natural disasters and complex emergencies have led to a sharp increase in the need for humanitarian assistance. By the end of 2015, an estimated 65.3 million people were forcibly displaced globally, due to conflict and persecution. That same year, natural disasters caused the...


Fitting aid to context: community experiences of aid delivery in northern Syria


The ongoing conflict in Syria has left 13.5 million Syrians in need of humanitarian assistance. Several local and international organisations provide aid to northern Syria, but their chosen modalities fail to effectively meet community members’ needs.  While aiming to respond to immediate short-term...


Aid in context: the importance of market-based approaches to aid delivery in northern Syria


With the Syrian conflict now in its seventh year, 13.5 million Syrians need humanitarian aid. But aid in northern Syria focuses inflexibly on food kits that are expensive to administer, designed to satisfy short-term needs. Many people sell their food aid to pay for other urgent needs. This


Adaptable and effective: Cash in the face of multi-dimensional crisis


A summary of the learnings and recommendations from an internal and external evaluation of the Emergency Cash-First Response to Drought-Affected Communities in the Southern Provinces of Zimbabwe project which was carried out from August 2015 to May 2017. The external evaluation was carried out by Oxford...


Improving the Uptake of Humanitarian Market Analysis

Guidelines and Tools

Market assessments and market-based programming are now widely considered best practice in humanitarian programming, especially among food security and livelihoods actors. They are embedded in various standard-bearing initiatives, and there are a number of tools for emergency market analysis and...


The Transformative Impacts of Unconditional Cash Transfers: Evidence from two government programmes in Zambia


Unconditional cash transfers are on the rise in Sub-Saharan Africa, with recent estimates indicating a doubling of programmes between 2010 and 2014.This brief provides an overview of the comprehensive
impacts across eight domains of two unconditional cash transfer programmes implemented by the...


Cash for Health: Key learnings from a cash for health intervention in Jordan


In Jordan, UNHCR and partners use cash as a part of a wider programme of referral services for refugees to access health care. Vulnerable pregnant refugee women are provided cash to pay for delivery. The value and targeting criteria for the transfer depend on the type of delivery medically indicated....


ELAN Humanitarian KYC Case Studies


Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations, also known as customer due diligence, are designed to combat money laundering, terrorist financing, and other related threats to the financial system. They refer to the ID checks that financial institutions perform to comply with national financial regulations....


Looking Back to Move Forward: Building on Learning from 2011 to Strengthen the 2017 Drought Response in Somalia Learning Report


This report provides a summary of the discussions that took place during a half-day reflection workshop in May 2017. More than 40 people from national and international NGOs, the UN, donors and research organisations came together to consider lessons from the 2011 drought response, reflect on the use of...


The impact of cash transfers on resilience A multi-country study


Provision of humanitarian aid in the form of cash transfers has gained significant momentum over the past few years. Research and evidence on certain aspects of cash transfer programmes (CTP) has been well documented, particularly regarding the efficiency and effectiveness of cash. It is also well...


Kenya Red Cross Society’s – Cash and Voucher Programming Process

Guidelines and Tools

The document has been developed to highlight the general process that Kenya Red Cross Society uses when implementing Cash and Voucher programs/operations. Its a summarized version of Kenya Red Cross Society’s Standard Operating Procedure.


2016/7 Winter Inter-Agency PDM Report


Between August 2016 and March 2017, fourteen organizations provided more than 140,000 Syrian refugee households in Turkey with assistance to stay warm through the harsh winter season. Organizations delivered winter support to refugees in 52 of Turkey’s 81 provinces, primarily through restricted and...