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The most useful tools, reports, guidance and research related to cash and voucher assistance in humanitarian response. As well as the CALP's own publications, we link to other useful resources. You can submit your own resource for publication on the CALP Network library here.

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1181 – 1200 of 2426 results

Multipurpose Cash Outcome Indicators – Final Draft for Testing

Guidelines and Tools

Note that the MPC indicators have now been revised. Please click here  to access the updated Multipurpose Outcome Indicators and Guidance, which is available in Arabic, English, French and Spanish.        Multipurpose Cash Outcome Indicators – Final Draft for Testing Multipurpose cash (MPC) is a...


Healing and Enabling- Stories from Typhoon Mangkhut Response


The response to Typhoon Mangkhut is one of Christian Aid’s purely cash-based response that incorporate a community-led approach in its design and execution. Undertaken with our NGO and community partners, it has been in keeping with Christian Aid’s development principle of working with, and through...


Feasibility Study on Cash Transfer Programming for the Returnees and the Host Communities in Gedeo and West Guji in Ethiopia


This document reveals the outcome of a feasibility study on cash transfer programming targeted for the returnees and the host communities in Gedeo and West Guji Zones. The major objectives of the study were as follows:
1. Understand general cash transfer environment in Ethiopia
2. Validate the needs of...


Monitoring Child Protection within Humanitarian Cash Programmes

Guidelines and Tools

This paper summarises findings from an initial scoping study, which seeks to review how child protection outcomes are captured when monitoring multi-purpose humanitarian cash programmes. The study intends to inform the development and piloting of new approaches to integrating child protection concerns...


Can cash transfers in humanitarian contexts help prevent, mitigate, and respond to gender-based violence? A review of the evidence


Today, approximately 10 percent of humanitarian assistance globally is delivered via cash transfer programming (CTP) and cash is increasingly being scaled across the humanitarian system. Yet the use of cash within the protection sector trails behind the use of cash in all other sectors. Refugee and...


Impact Assessment for Cash for Education Project funded by DGECHO in Egypt


The overall objectives of the Impact assessment were: To measure the impact of cash on the girls and boys by DGECHO funded project. To measure the impact of cash on Education and protection through a gender lens to investigate considerations of power dynamics in the households Understand the good...


Aligning humanitarian cash assistance with national social safety nets in refugee settings


UNHCR’s research on Aligning Humanitarian Cash Assistance with National Social Safety Nets in Refugee Settings – Key Considerations and Learning provides guidance on how operations have or could progressively align humanitarian cash assistance for refugees to national social safety nets and the...


Collaborative Cash Delivery (CCD) Network Global Collaboration Agreement

Guidelines and Tools

The annual meeting of the Grand Bargain (GB) – a facilitation group made up of global humanitarian leaders from Sweden, the US, OCHA, UNICEF, IFRC and InterAction – held on 27th June saw the presentation of a letter of intent endorsed by the CEOs of the Collaborative Cash Delivery (CCD) Network...


Understanding Cash-Based Programming & Protection in the Northern Region of Iraq-KRI


Cash and Protection Study on impact of CVA (food security focus) on protection outcomes, particularly for women and children.
The study used a survey and interviews about perceptions of safety and protection from violence in different settings: the home, the local neighbourhood, and the community more...


Building Evidence to inform the Effective Use of CASH and Voucher Assistance in Emergency Sanitation and Hygiene Programming


An analysis of 5 case studies of utilization of CASH/Voucher Assistance are presented and analysed in the attempt of building evidence on their utilization in emergency WASH Sanitation and HP programming. Findings and recommendations are provided on Coordination, Situation and Response Analysis, Program...


Addressing Food Crisis In Yemen: Executive Summary


This report is a summary of findings from the full evaluation.
The evaluation looks at:
■ Performance against Development Assistance
Committee (DAC) Evaluation Criteria: relevance,
efficiency, effectiveness, impact, and sustainability
■ Insight on the internal and external factors influencing


Cash for Work (CFW) Guidance Note

Guidelines and Tools

Cash for Work interventions provide employment to unskilled and semi-skilled workers on labour intensive projects such as rehabilitation of irrigation systems, soil conservation, and road construction and maintenance.


Syria Quarterly Humanitarian Response (Q1 January to March 2019)


Summary of the humanitarian aid delivered to beneficiaries in Syria during Q1 2019


Cash & Voucher Assistance and Gender-Based Violence Compendium

Guidelines and Tools

The Compendium is intended as a companion to the 2015 Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Guidelines for Integrating Gender-Based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action and its companion resource, the GBV Pocket Guide. The guidance was developed through the efforts of 15 organizations who...


Grand Bargain Workshop: Linking Humanitarian Cash and Social Protection


Over the past decade, the use of cash transfers in humanitarian crises has increased. Moreover, humanitarian interventions now increasingly move beyond immediate crisis response and link to recovery and development initiatives – such as social protection – as part of the humanitarian-development...


The potential of Cash and Voucher Assistance to empower women and reduce violence evidence


On April 29 and 30th in Washington DC, CARE and UNWOMEN, on behalf of the gender and cash sub-workstream of the Grand Bargain, convened a workshop with the objectives of:
• Sharing and exchanging existing knowledge, experiences, and good practices;
• Exploring and prioritizing research gaps on cash...


Are there gendered impacts to multi-purpose cash transfers intended to build resilience?


Brief from full report “The Gendered Dimension of Multi-Purpose Cash Supporting Disaster Resilience” extracting the specific gendered findings from a study on the impact of an EU funded project that used a “Cash Plus” approach, combining ten monthly multi-purpose cash (MPC) transfers with the...


The Gendered Dimension of Multi-Purpose Cash Supporting Disaster Resilience


In 2017, in response to the mounting humanitarian crisis in Yemen, CARE Yemen and Action Contra la Faim (ACF) implemented a cash transfer program and community asset rehabilitation and skill building programing in the governorates of Abyan and Amran. This European Union (EU)-funded program integrated...


Minimum Expenditure Basket Harmonization Guidance

Guidelines and Tools

The present Minimum Expenditure (MEB) Guidance is an operational tool for the Refugee Response to inform humanitarian multi sector and/or multipurpose cash assistance to meet food needs and a broader set of essential needs of refugees in Uganda.