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L’accès à des marchés fonctionnels est essentiel pour les personnes affectées par une crise. Des transferts monétaires efficaces font appel aux marchés locaux et leur offrent un soutien. L’analyse de marché doit par conséquent être considérée comme une partie essentielle du cycle d’intervention, pour la programmation en transferts monétaires et d’autres formes d’aide humanitaire.

Lors de la conception d’une intervention humanitaire et de la prise de décisions quant à l’utilisation des transferts monétaires, l’analyse générale des options de réponse doit inclure une analyse de marché. Il est prouvé qu’offrir un soutien ciblant le fonctionnement des marchés accélère la reprise et accroît la résilience dans les zones affectées par une catastrophe.

De nombreuses organisations ont investi dans la mise au point d’outils visant à faciliter l’analyse de marché et réfléchissent à la mise en place de programmes basés sur les marchés plus holistiques. Elles envisagent des interventions tirant profit du marché (basées notamment sur des transferts monétaires aux populations affectées), ainsi que des interventions soutenant directement les marchés (comme l’octroi de subventions conditionnelles aux vendeurs/euses pour la remise en condition du marché).


Mitigating Risks of Abuse of Power in Cash Assistance – 4 pages


UNHCR and WFP are implementing a joint project to identify and mitigate risks of abuse by private sector service providers in their delivery of cash assistance to vulnerable populations. The project involves work with financial service providers, traders and other private sector stakeholders, as well as...

November 2019

Compte-rendu du CWG régional du 06 novembre 2019


November 2019

Compte-rendu du CWG régional du 11 novembre 2019


November 2019

Cash Transfer Programmes in High Inflation Contexts


The use of Cash Transfers (CTs) in developing regions arose as the understanding grew that some other types of aid programmes were not effectively attaining their goals. For instance, emergency food aid was responding to famines, but it was unable to add to food stability. Over time, the persistently poor...

31 octobre 2019

Cash Assistance in Lebanon: Accountability to Affected Populations


The international humanitarian response to the devastating Syrian refugee crisis in Lebanon has grown steadily since 2011 and, today, cash and voucher assistance (CVA) comprises over a third of this assistance. The World Food Programme (WFP) started implementation of its multi-purpose cash (MPC) programme...

29 octobre 2019

Oxfam in

MEAL in Emerging Operational Models


29 octobre 2019 / English

Multi-Purpose Cash Transfer ‘Plus’: Maximizing impact on children through integrated cash-based programming


In 2018, with the support of OFDA and FFP, Save the Children implemented a multi-purpose cash transfer ‘Plus’ program in response to the influx of Venezuelan into Colombia. The program aimed at covering vulnerable household’s basic needs and prevent them from resorting to negative coping strategies,...

19 octobre 2019

Webinar: Data sharing in CVA: ethics, ownership and privacy


16 octobre 2019 / English

Gender, Cash Assistance, and Conflict: Gendered Protection Implications of Cash and Voucher Assistance in Somalia/Somaliland


The goal of this report is to further understand protection issues in Somalia/land and the implications of CVA on gendered protection issues in the region. This report is structured in reflection of that goal. Following the executive summary, a brief introduction was offered. The section that follows the...

14 octobre 2019

Towards Organizational Readiness for Data Responsibility: A simple framework for responsible data champions

Blog Post

This blog is the third in a series on cash and voucher assistance (CVA) and risk. While the first blog busted some myths around misappropriation and fraud in CVA, the second blog looked into a specific risk for recipients of CVA: the risk of misuse of personal data. This third, guest blog from Linda...

11 octobre 2019

Cash Transfer Programming and Child Protection in Humanitarian Action: Review and opportunities to strengthen the evidence


As prevalence of cash transfer programming in humanitarian response has grown, so too has the recognition that the child protection sector must learn how to use case transfer programs to achieve better results for children. This report summarizes the evidence for cash transfer programming and child...

10 octobre 2019

Compte-rendu du Cash Working Group de Yaoundé du 02 octobre 2019


October 2019

UnBlocked Cash: Piloting Accelerated Cash Transfer Delivery In Vanuatu


Distributed ledger technologies (DLTs) are among the most
promising innovations to have emerged during the last decade,
with the potential to fundamentally transform existing economic,
institutional and social systems. Often referred to as ‘Blockchains’
in honour of the first example developed by...

October 2019

The humanitarian currency enabling children’s future – Inter-agency cash roundtable


This summary report highlights key presentation insights, and recommendations from the CALP Network & World Vision co-hosted inter-agency Cash Roundtable, focusing on how CVA can be an enabler to promote child protection and child wellbeing, based on most recent research, case studies from across the...

30 septembre 2019

Compte-rendu du 27 septembre 2019-Burkina CWG


Compte-rendu du 27 septembre 2019

27 septembre 2019

Entretiens avec Kassim Malle, UNHCR et Lionel Ouedraogo, co-lead du CWG Burkina

Blog Post

Dans cette interview, nous faisons un point sur les transferts monétaires au Burkina. La situation humanitaire préoccupante a entrainé un grand nombre de déplacés internes, mettant ainsi en évidence les gaps en matière de coordination. Nous entretenons avec Kassim Malle, du CBT officer pour le HCR...

18 septembre 2019