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L’accès à des marchés fonctionnels est essentiel pour les personnes affectées par une crise. Des transferts monétaires efficaces font appel aux marchés locaux et leur offrent un soutien. L’analyse de marché doit par conséquent être considérée comme une partie essentielle du cycle d’intervention, pour la programmation en transferts monétaires et d’autres formes d’aide humanitaire.

Lors de la conception d’une intervention humanitaire et de la prise de décisions quant à l’utilisation des transferts monétaires, l’analyse générale des options de réponse doit inclure une analyse de marché. Il est prouvé qu’offrir un soutien ciblant le fonctionnement des marchés accélère la reprise et accroît la résilience dans les zones affectées par une catastrophe.

De nombreuses organisations ont investi dans la mise au point d’outils visant à faciliter l’analyse de marché et réfléchissent à la mise en place de programmes basés sur les marchés plus holistiques. Elles envisagent des interventions tirant profit du marché (basées notamment sur des transferts monétaires aux populations affectées), ainsi que des interventions soutenant directement les marchés (comme l’octroi de subventions conditionnelles aux vendeurs/euses pour la remise en condition du marché).


Cash-based Interventions for Health programmes in Refugee Settings


UNHCR aims to enable refugees to maximise their health status by supporting them to have equal access to quality primary, emergency and referral health services as nationals.The different settings of UNHCR’s operation, however, pose challenges due to the wide variety of , healthcare financing models and...


Exploring Food Assistance Programmes: Evidence for Lebanon


The purpose of this study is to analyse how markets in Lebanon have responded to the increased demand from the Syrian refugees. More specifically, the study focuses on the micro-level impacts of market-based food assistance on the market supply chains and market performance. It explores the pros and cons...


Multiplier Effects in Humanitarian Markets


Cash, voucher and market-based humanitarian assistance stimulates local economies affected by an emergency. This video explains how, when emergency cash transfers are injected into markets, multiplier effects can yield long-term development and enable crisis-affected communities to rebuild their...


Unconditional Cash Transfers for Assistance in Humanitarian Disasters: Effect on use of health services and health outcomes in low- and middle-income countries


Unconditional cash transfers (UCTs) for humanitarian assistance during disasters may improve health in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) by giving recipients additional income. This study sought to assess the effect of UCTs on health services use, health outcomes, social determinants of health,...


Cash Toolbox

Guidelines and Tools


E-Vouchers in Northeast Nigeria


The urgency of rapidly responding to the urgent food security needs of
vulnerable households in Northeast Nigeria displaced by conflict while
supporting the rapid recovery of small businesses in the food market
The importance of fostering...


Operationalizing Emergency MPCA: Learning from the Ramadi displacement, May to July 2015


Iraq is an upper middle-income country with high literacy rates, sound infrastructure, functioning markets, and a comprehensive hawala network that covers all 18 governorates, making it a potentially appropriate context for cash transfer programs. Despite this apparent enabling environment, cash transfers...


Policy on the Protection of Personal Data of Persons of Concern to UNHCR

Policy paper

This Policy lays down the rules and principles relating to the processing of personal data of persons of concern to UNHCR. Its purpose is to ensure that UNHCR processes personal data in a way that is consistent with the 1990 United Nations General Assembly’s Guidelines for the Regulation of Computerized...


Quel type de transfert monétaire pour une assistance multisectorielle? Etude de cas: le programme ARCC II en RDC


Cette étude de cas présente le projet ARCC II (Alternative Responses for Communities in Crisis) réalisé entre octobre 2013 et mars 2015 sur les territoires de Djugu, en Province Orientale, et de Béni, dans le Nord Kivu. Ce rapport se concentre sur la capitalisation opérationnelle de la mise en...


A case for cash: crisis and disaster-affected populations’ perspective


As the number, scale and duration of humanitarian crises increase, the provision of cash to affected people and communities presents a number of opportunities for more effective and efficient programming. The means by which such opportunities can be maximised is a source of ongoing debate involving a wide...


Breaking the Hourglass: Partnerships in Remote Management Settings – The Cases of Syria and Iraqi Kurdistan


This study set out to examine partnerships between international and local organizations engaging in humanitarian action in remote management and insecure settings. The study was motivated by the lack of systematic research in areas where international organizations have limited access due to insecurity...


Introduction to Market Assessments – Video


Markets play a central role in the lives and livelihoods of people. Sudden shocks such as natural disasters and conflict can have a strong negative impact on people’s capacity to access basic commodities. Market assessment and analysis should be an integral part of any emergency needs assessment to best...


Privacy Impact Assessment of UNHCR Cash Based Interventions


In 2014, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) commissioned Trilateral Research & Consulting to conduct Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs) of two of its Cash-Based Interventions (CBIs) in middle-income countries. The purpose of the PIAs was to help UNHCR assess the...


Operational Guidance And Toolkit For Multipurpose Cash Grants: Operational Feasibility

Guidelines and Tools

Operational Feasibility as defined in the Multi-sector Initial Rapid Assessment (MIRA) considers national and local capacities and response,
and international capacity, access, security, etc. In this toolkit, we add to this a more detailed market analysis, a risks and benefits analysis from an...


Markets Toolbox

Guidelines and Tools


Annex 15: Service contract template


Service Contract with Money Transfer Company