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Transferts monétaires et mobilité humaine

Les transferts monétaires sont souvent utilisés lors de crises afin de répondre aux besoins des personnes migrantes. Dans cette page, vous trouverez des ressources sur les transferts monétaires et la migration.

La Croix-Rouge se prépare à fournir une aide humanitaire aux migrant·es de la caravane sur le point de quitter le Honduras pour le Guatemala.
©Johannes Chinchilla / FICR. 

Conflits, crises économiques et catastrophes sont autant de raisons ayant contraint des personnes à fuir et à traverser des frontières dans des conditions éprouvantes et risquées, en quête de sécurité et de moyens de subsistance. En 2020, le nombre de personnes déplacées de force s’est envolé au niveau sans précédent de plus de 80 millions de personnes, soit près du double du nombre enregistré il y a une dizaine d’année. Cette tendance s’aggrave et les effets du changement climatique menacent de déplacer jusqu’à 200 millions de personnes d’ici 2050.

L’assistance monétaire est de plus en plus utilisée afin de répondre aux besoins des personnes en situation de déplacement. On y a eu recours à grande échelle dans différents contextes de migration, en Europe en 2015 jusqu’au Venezuela pour « los caminantes ». Elle a également été utilisée dans d’autres crises migratoires, notamment en Amérique centrale, au Sahel, en Méditerranée et dans la Corne de l’Afrique. L’assistance monétaire est à l’heure actuelle l’une des principales formes d’aide apportée aux populations déplacées en Ukraine et dans les pays voisins.

Il existe une myriade de perspectives et de définitions concernant le mot « migrant·e » et la façon dont les humanitaires doivent agir. C’est pourquoi nous ne choisissons pas une définition unique pour le moment, étant donné que les discussions sur l’assistance monétaire et la migration en sont encore à leurs prémices et que le langage évolue encore.

Documenter et partager les données probantes donnera lieu à des interventions plus efficaces. Cette page contient une sélection de ressources utiles concernant la migration et le recours à l’assistance monétaire. Elle sera mise à jour au fil des discussions ayant lieu dans les espaces humanitaires des transferts monétaires.

Priorités actuelles

Afin de contribuer aux progrès relatifs à cet enjeu, nous nous engageons à :

  • soutenir la création de données probantes aux niveaux régional et mondial ;
  • contribuer aux solutions pratiques visant à mettre en œuvre les transferts monétaires auprès des personnes migrantes ;
  • organiser des discussions sur les enjeux majeurs basées sur des données probantes.

Contenu récent

Supporting markets in emergencies. Scoping study


A review of recent humanitarian interventions that support local markets in emergency contexts revealed a limited scope and breadth of this type of activity. While many agencies show good creativity and understanding of market systems in emergencies, most activities are in the form of small grants to...

May 2017

Early Lessons Learnt from Cash Transfer Interventions in Post Matthew Haiti


This technical report has twofold purposes, firstly to describe the main international evidence on cash transfer programing pertinent for the Haitian post Matthew emergency context; and secondly, to document the main lessons that can be learnt from the UNDP post Matthew cash transfer intervention. The...

May 2017

Cash Consortium of Iraq (CCI)


The Cash Consortium Iraq (CCI) was selected as a case study to illustrate a consortium model of inter-agency collaboration for multi-purpose cash assistance (MPCA), with a formal relationship between partners and a shared funding stream, both bilaterally to member agencies and through the lead agency. It...

April 2017

Cash and Markets Monthly Dashboard DRAFT April 2017

Guidelines and Tools

• The cash and markets, monthly dashboard presents current data on market prices of key commodities and the cost of the minimum expenditure basked (MEB) across Somalia. In addition, it also provides key highlights relevant to cash and market interventions.
• Page one presents the cost of the food MEB...

April 2017

Responding to Drought in Kenya Using Cash and Vouchers: Six Key Questions from Previous Experience

Guidelines and Tools

the CALP Network reviewed previous reports on the use of cash/vouchers in drought responses in Kenya and identified 100 lessons, recommendations and observations which deserve consideration by those involved in cash programming today. We have brought these down to six key questions which all donors and...

April 2017

MEB and Transfer Value Guide

Guidelines and Tools

This document is the harmonized Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB) and transfer value of the Libya Cash & Markets WG (CMWG) for April – June 2017 (Q2). Currently the data available is only enough to inform calculations for Libyans (IDPs and host).

29 mars 2017

Libya Humanitarian Cash Working Group (CWG) Key Messages on Government Payments


The purpose of this document is to address one of the primary concerns of stakeholders prioritising the delivery of cash based interventions in Libya:
The majority of beneficiaries receiving cash assistance are already have other sources of income (government payments in particular) Therefore they do not...

March 2017

NFI Market Assessment Report – Somalia


The Shelter Cluster, through its regional coordinators rolled out NFI market assessments in six towns including Mogadishu, Kismayo, Bossaso, Baidoa and Dobley through a rapid mobile technology based market survey tool. The purpose of the survey was to establish where NFI markets exist and what items are...

March 2017

Geneva based Cash Working Group – Minutes – February 2017


Geneva based Cash Working Group – Minutes – February 2017

February 2017

Press Release: Providing cash directly to those most in need is revolutionising the way we provide overseas aid to the world’s poorest people

Blog Post

London, United Kingdom – As the global partnership for cash transfer programming in humanitarian aid, the the CALP Network takes issue with recent criticisms of cash transfers made by Nigel Evans MP and in the media. Cash transfer programming is one of the most highly scrutinized forms of aid. The CALP...

3 janvier 2017

The use of CTP in Kenya: Reflecting on the 2016/17 Drought Response


This workshop report is packed with useful ideas and information, reflecting the lively discussions which took place at a workshop in June 2017 about the use of CTP in the Kenya drought response. Discussions touched on multiple issues including coordination; cash transfer values; lack of awareness...


Cash Transfer Programming: Lessons from northern Iraq


In situations of conflict, disaster and protracted crisis, displaced persons not only face physical threats but are also  confronted with the challenge of economic survival. High levels of general unemployment or legal barriers to labour market entry often restrict access to jobs and income, and...


Review of the Common Cash Facility approach in Jordan


The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Jordan has pioneered a collaborative, multi-stakeholder approach to the delivery of cash, known as the Common Cash Facility (CCF). The aim of the CCF is to provide humanitarian actors with direct and equal access to a common financial service...


Checking Back – Using Cash and Vouchers in Somalia: Recommendations from the 2011-12 Somalia Drought Response


This paper brings together recommendations from some of the key reports and evaluations from the 2011 Somalia drought response. The process of preparing this paper involved reviewing 17 reports and identifying five that had recommendations which could be useful for all agencies involved the current...


Humanitarian Cash Transfers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Evidence from UNICEF’s ARCC II Programme


From March 2013 to September 2015, UNICEF and three partner organizations (Concern Worldwide, Mercy Corps, and Solidarités International), collaborated to deliver what was at the time the single-largest unconditional cash transfer programme for humanitarian response in the Democratic Republic of the...


Community Based Targeting Report


The current study aimed to gain a comprehensive understanding of SEV from the community’s perspective and to assess the targeting practices implemented by cash actors in Lebanon. It demonstrated that, according to the community, HH size had an impact on vulnerability, but that that depended on its...


Fitting aid to context: community experiences of aid delivery in northern Syria


The ongoing conflict in Syria has left 13.5 million Syrians in need of humanitarian assistance. Several local and international organisations provide aid to northern Syria, but their chosen modalities fail to effectively meet community members’ needs.  While aiming to respond to immediate short-term...


Cash-Based Response- OECD Commitments into Action Series


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Guidance to Partners Funded by ECHO to Deliver Medium to Large-Scale Cash Transfers in the Framework of 2017 HIPs and ESOP

Guidelines and Tools

The use of multi-purpose cash transfers as a central component of humanitarian assistance is becoming increasingly important, in particular in the context of protracted crises in middle-income countries. Whilst an instrument such as the ESSN (Emergency Social Safety Net) in Turkey certainly represents an...