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141 – 160 sur 266 résultats

Adapting to COVID-19 The Use of Cash & Markets in the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement

Members event

TIME: 08:00 am Washington DC/14:00 Geneva/20:00 Kuala Lumpur This online event organized by the Cash Hub will include an update on the Lebanon: Beirut-Port Explosion Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) plans and also how CVA has been used in the Myanmar Rakhine Response to COVID-19. Speakers Include: Maysa...

16 septembre 2020 / English

Stepping up CVA with COVID-19: Paving the way we respond to future crisis


COVID-19 has thrown the world into lockdown and taken a tremendous toll on the health, social, and economic status of vulnerable communities, households, and individuals. Limitations on daily activities and an over-arching health crisis, restrictions on movement, closures of schools and businesses have...

15 septembre 2020

Estudio de caso “Entrega Cupones” en Barrios Urbano Marginales en Tegucigalpa, Honduras


Documento que resume la implementación de Cupones dirigido a pequeños negocios en el marco de la respuesta ante la emergencia por COVID-19 en barrios y colonias urbano-marginales en Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

7 septembre 2020

Dossier: Entrega de Cupones en Barrios y Colonias Marginales en Tegucigalpa, Honduras


Documento que resume la implementación de Cupones dirigido a pequeños negocios en el marco de la respuesta ante la emergencia por COVID-19 en barrios y colonias urbano-marginales en Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

7 septembre 2020

Guía para el manejo de Proyectos de Transferencias Monetarias (PTM) por Covid-19

Guía y herramientas

Esta Guía ha sido construida a partir de la experiencia de organizaciones que forman parte del Grupo Multisectorial de Transferencias Monetarias en Guatemala, que realizan acciones de ayuda humanitaria a nivel nacional y que realizan transferencias monetarias a poblaciones particularmente vulnerables por...

31 août 2020

Acta de Reunión Regional de Líderes de Grupos de PTM en respecto a COVID-19

Guía y herramientas

17 août 2020

Understanding the Impacts of COVID-19 in Chad Using the Household Economy Analysis Framework


Analysis of COVID-19 impacts on household income and food security.

1 août 2020

Responding to the COVID-19 Crisis: Linking humanitarian Cash and Social Protection in practise


This paper seeks to demonstrate practical ways in which NGOs are linking their humanitarian work to social protection and the added importance of this in the context of COVID-19, following from the earlier work of CCD outlining the role of NGOs to
improve the access to and delivery of social protection in...

27 juillet 2020

State of the World’s Cash 2020 Chapter 9 summary: Covid-19 and CVA: Impacts and implications of the crisis and response


CVA is being scaled up significantly in response to COVID-19, but the overall gap between needs and funding is growing rapidly. The pandemic has incurred an extraordinary human cost, but also presents an opportunity to redefine the humanitarian system to better serve the needs of crisis-affected people....

23 juillet 2020

Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) and Partnership Toolkit – Good Practices & Guiding Questions

Guidelines and Tools

This document outlines in detail steps and considerations in Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) programs that are supporting of Local Humanitarian Leadership, align with principled and effective partnerships and follow minimum quality standards for partnerships across each phase of the CVA project cycle.

22 juillet 2020

Introduction à la Programmation Basée sur les Marchés dans les Interventions Humanitaires en Wash

Guides et outils

En mai-juin 2020, PRO-WASH, le Global WASH Cluster et le CALP Network ont co-organisé une série de webinaires sur l’introduction à la programmation basée sur les marchés (MBP) dans les interventions humanitaires en WASH. Les enregistrements et présentations PowerPoint de cette série...

22 juillet 2020

Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) and Partnership Toolkit

Guidelines and Tools

This year(2020) has called for a strong reflection on what we mean by partnership and how we work responsibly within CVA programs in support of localizaiton. For example, what do equitable and equal partnerships look like and why they are critical for accountable and quality humanitarian programs? In what...

22 juillet 2020

Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) and Partnership Toolkit – 10 principles

Guidelines and Tools

This year(2020) has called for a strong reflection on what we mean by partnership and how we work responsibly within CVA programs in support of localizaiton. For example, what do equitable and equal partnerships look like and why they are critical for accountable and quality humanitarian programs? In what...

22 juillet 2020

Introducción a la Programación Basada en Mercados para el Sector de Agua, Saneamiento e Higiene

Guía y herramientas

En mayo-junio de 2020, PRO-WASH, el clúster WASH (agua, saneamiento e higiene) y la CALP Network organizaron una serie de seminarios virtuales sobre la Introducción a la Programación Basada en Mercados (MBP, por sus siglas en inglés) para el sector de agua, saneamiento e higiene. Las grabaciones y...

20 juillet 2020

Identifying practical options for linking humanitarian assistance and social protection in the COVID-19 response

Guidelines and Tools

This short note examines the relationship between humanitarian assistance and social protection in response to COVID-19. Whilst a variety of guidance is being developed to support humanitarian practitioners around the response to the pandemic, less material exists that guides humanitarian practitioners on...

16 juillet 2020

Presentation for the CALP Network’s webinar on remote registration and verification in the COVID-19 response


Watch the webinar recording here Speaker presentations from the CALP Network’s 14 July 2020 webinar on: Peril or pitfalls?: Emerging practices on remote registration and verification in the COVID-19 response Remote CVA programming has been highlighted as a key challenge for the community of practice in...

16 juillet 2020

المساعدات النقديّة والقسائم في سياق فيروس كورونا المستجدّ : إرشادات من شبكة شراكة التعلّم النقدي

إرشادات وأدوات

هذا ملخص للنقاط الرئيسية من العديد من الموارد التي شاركتها على المساعدة النقدية والقسائم و كوفيد-19 من خلال هذا المستند. هذه وثيقة حية وسنواصل تحديث هذا الملخص عند إضافة...

13 juillet 2020

Cash and Voucher Assistance – COVID-19 Toolkit – One pager

Guidelines and Tools

Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) Toolkit (with hyperlinks) provides an overview on Plan International’s key technical resources developed around the COVID-19 response.

11 juillet 2020