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281 – 300 sur 600 résultats

El vínculo entre la protección social y los programas de transferencias monetarias en la acción humanitaria

Blog Post

La importancia de la protección social para ayudar a las personas a hacer frente a las crisis nunca había sido tan evidente como en la crisis actual de COVID-19. Estas cuestiones se están materializando en tiempo real mientras los Gobiernos, donantes y organizaciones de ayuda se afanan por encontrar el...

15 mai 2020

الحماية الاجتماعيّة والمساعدات الإنسانيّة النقديّة

Blog Post

لم يسبق أن كانت قضيّة الحماية الاجتماعيّة لمساعدة الناس على مواجهة الصدمات أوضح ممّا هي عليه خلال أزمة فيروس كورونا المستجدّ الحاليّة. وتجري هذه القضايا حاليًّا في...

15 mai 2020

Le lien entre la protection sociale et les transferts monétaires humanitaires

Blog Post

L’utilité de la protection sociale pour les personnes ayant fait face à des chocs n’a jamais été aussi claire et évidente que lors de la crise actuelle de la COVID-19. Ces problématiques se développent sous nos yeux, alors que les gouvernements, les bailleurs et les organisations humanitaires...

15 mai 2020

Linking Social Protection and Humanitarian Cash

Blog Post

The case for social protection to help people cope with shocks has always been clear and never more obvious than during the current Covid-19 crisis. These issues are currently playing out in real time as governments, donors and aid agencies scramble to find ways to get more help to more people to cope...

15 mai 2020

SPACE Strategy Decision Matrix

Guidelines and Tools

This strategy decision matrix was developed alongside others – most importantly the delivery system decision matrix – as a technical tool used to structure an independent and unbiased analysis of COVID-19 response options. It does not necessarily represent DFID or GIZ own views or policies. The...

1 mai 2020

SPACE Evaluation Delivery System Matrix

Guidelines and Tools

This Strategy Decision Matrix was developed alongside others, as a technical tool used to structure an independent and unbiased analysis of COVID-19 response options. It does not necessarily represent DFID or GIZ own views or policies. The purpose of the Evaluating Delivery Systems Matrix is to help you...

1 mai 2020

Gender and Inclusion in social protection responses during COVID-19

Guidelines and Tools

The Social Protection Approaches to COVID-19: Expert Advice Helpline (SPACE) provides donors, governments and implementing partners with direct support in thinking through how to maintain or adapt existing systems and programmes to meet rapidly growing needs. Through a multi-disciplinary...

1 mai 2020

SPACE Guidance Note on Rapid Expansion of Social Protection Caseloads

Guidelines and Tools

Countries across the globe are using or adapting social protection and humanitarian cash assistance to respond to a range of immediate and medium-term impacts of COVID-19. Getting assistance to those who need it quickly is helping to safeguard the well-being of individuals and families – enabling them...

1 mai 2020

COVID-19: A chance to empower citizens through social protection


Billions of US$ are now being distributed to citizens by governments to stave off deteriorating economic impact and rising poverty from COVID-19. The unprecedented pandemic demands an unprecedented government response. More than 126 countries have already introduced or adapted social protection or labour...

1 mai 2020

SPACE Informal Workers and Social Protection

Guidelines and Tools

The Informal Workers and Social Protection background note outlines the options for providing social protection to informal workers, with a particular focus on the implications for COVID-19 response and urban settings. In order to do so, it provides information on the impacts of COVID-19 on earnings and...

1 mai 2020

SPACE Understanding the Economic Impacts of COVID-19 in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Who, Where, How, and When?

Guidelines and Tools

Social protection is recognised as an essential mechanism to reach those who are in urgent need because of the COVID-19 crisis, and efforts are under way to scale up systems, so they can be ‘shock responsive’. What is needed next, however, is a much more disaggregated view, based on an understanding...

1 mai 2020

Lessons learned and Opportunities: Linking SP systems to humanitarian cash in a pandemic


16 avril 2020 14:00 / English

Connecting Humanitarian CVA with Government Social Safety Nets

Guidelines and Tools

The objectives of this document elaborated by the regional platform for Social Protection is to : Help actors at national level locate and analyse their countries in terms of context and systems; Identify key aspects to consider and guide national actors towards resources and tools; Support national...

15 avril 2020

External Evaluation of SDC/HA Emergency Cash Pilot For Earthquake Affected Households in Bubq, Albania


In November 2019, Albania was hit by a large earthquake with a magnitude of 6.4, causing 51 people to lose their lives and injuring 913 people. Around 47,000 additional people were directly affected by the earthquake. The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) immediately deployed a rapid...

15 avril 2020

CCD Social Protection Working Group: Advocacy in response to COVID-19

Policy paper

The need for social protection in response to COVID-19: COVID-19 has an unprecedented impact globally in terms of access to and the capacity of healthcare systems to respond. The health crisis is yet to peak in many countries and in low income contexts, the concern is that its impact will be severe where...

April 2020

Connecter l’Assistance Humanitaire sous forme de Transferts Monétaires (TM) aux Filets de Sécurité Sociale des Gouvernements

Guides et outils

Ce document élaboré par la Plateforme Régionale pour la Protection Sociale vise à : Aider les acteurs nationaux à situer leur pays et faire une analyse en termes de contexte et de systèmes ; Identifier les aspects clés à prendre en compte et guider les acteurs nationaux vers les ressources et les...

April 2020

Tipsheet: CVA and social protection systems (COVID-19)

Guidelines and Tools

Building on the Covid-19 and CVA, the Payments and Digital Data Management, Door-to-Door Distributions and Group Distributions tipsheets, this fourth guidance note offers a brief summary on how to approach anticipated or planned scale up in government-led efforts to combat the economic impacts of Covid-19...

31 mars 2020