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1 – 20 sur 34 résultats

Can Cash Change the Humanitarian System?


In this episode we reflect on how far cash has changed the humanitarian system. We question whether it has lived up to early expectations or whether the system is using cash without fundamentally changing. What's needed to make the humanitarian system better at responding to needs and preferences of...

Cash – How Can We Unlock its Real Potential?


In receny years, cash has been changing the humanitarian system, but how have these shifts truly impacted the people affected by crisis? And what changes need to happen if cash is going to reach its full potential? In this episode, we embark on an eye-opening journey with our dynamic duo of guests, Meg...

Is Cash the Key to More People Centred Aid?


In this episode we ask what people-centered aid looks like in practice, particularly when we think about cash and voucher assistance? With our three guests, we explore if people centred aid is different or is just a new buzz-phrase. Most importantly we explore the role cash could play in achieving more...

Can Cash Make the Humanitarian System More Accountable?


In this episode we explore accountability issues within the humanitarian system, their root causes and potential solutions. We ask if cash and voucher assistance has a part to play in improving accountability, and what that could look like.

Is Large-scale Cash Compatible with Locally Led Response?


In this episode, we challenge the idea that locally led response and large-scale CVA are incompatible. We explore the myths around local actors and the barriers to further progress.

Will New Technologies Help Deliver More and Better Cash?


Technology brings new opportunities, risks, and dilemmas for the humanitarian system. In this episode, we explore these issues, and question whether the combination of technology and cash could bring transformative change and finally make aid more people-centered.

What is stopping cash from transforming humanitarian aid?


Over six episodes, Series 2 of CashCast explores what’s holding humanitarian cash assistance back from reaching its full potential: Where has change flourished or faltered? And what can we do about it? Together, with our seven fascinating guests, we delve into issues around CVA transformative change,...

Un nouveau rapport tire la sonnette d’alarme sur le devenir des transferts monétaires


Un nouveau rapport tire la sonnette d’alarme sur le devenir des transferts monétaires humanitaires Libérer le potentiel des transferts monétaires pour répondre aux besoins humanitaires des populations nécessitera davantage d’efforts et de changements. En 2022, 7,9 milliards de dollars ont été...

Que signifie le Grand Bargain 3.0 pour les transferts monétaires ?


Un résumé des derniers développements sur le Grand Bargain, et ce qu'ils signifient pour les transferts monétaires humanitaires.

The need for a humanitarian policy refresh

Une réunion de haut niveau à laquelle ont participé plus de 130 hauts responsables souligne la nécessité d’une réactualisation de la politique humanitaire


Résumé de la réunion de haut niveau qui a lancé un processus collectif de réactualisation des engagements politiques liés aux transferts monétaires.

Déclaration de Sarah Charles, assistante de l'administrateur du Bureau pour l'assistance humanitaire de l'USAID (BHA)

Déclaration du Bureau pour l’assistance humanitaire de l’USAID : La nécessité d’actualiser la politique humanitaire


Déclaration de Sarah Charles, assistante de l'administrateur du Bureau pour l'assistance humanitaire de l'USAID (BHA), sur le processus de renouvellement et d'actualisation de nos engagements en matière de politique de transferts monétaires.

You asked, we acted: Lots going on in the Americas on CVA and Social Protection


Sometimes it’s good to pause and take stock and realise just how much progress is being made! Responding to clear demand, in recent months, we’ve been working with many of you to refresh and develop resources on linkages between CVA and social protection. Lots has been achieved drawing on the...

Episode 8: CVA- catching up with people on the move in the Americas


In this episode we explore with experts the topic of humanitarian responses in contexts of human mobility. We discuss the challenges as well as the opportunities and innovations that exist when it comes toto effectively delivering recipient centered CVA in the Americas. 

Message de la présidente


Anissa Toscano

CALP’s flagship course materials have just been updated


‘CVA – The Fundamentals’ and ‘Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff’ are CALP’s flagship courses which aim to build on the CVA related knowledge and skills of humanitarian practitioners.  They have recently been updated.

Episode 7: How can we use cash and voucher assistance to support universal health goals?


In episode 7, we discuss how health needs, and the provision of health services, in humanitarian response works and where using Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) may help.  What we know already is that CVA may be used for health outcomes but giving cash via Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance (MPCA) via the...

Episode 6 of the CashCast

Episode 6: Are we ready to use cash and voucher assistance to prepare for crises in Latin America and the Caribbean?


In this 6th episode we explore this question with experts on the subject about the potential benefits of linking social protection and humanitarian CVA for preparedness; and how, from examples in the region, we can unpack the challenges, enablers, barriers, and opportunities to use the modalities in this...

Moldova Red Cross welcoming refugees from Ukraine.

Cash coordination in response to the Ukraine emergency


Amidst the Ukraine emergency, don’t forget to coordinate with national Cash Working Groups

Anissa Toscano

Anissa Toscano announced as CALP’s new Chair of Board


Anissa Toscano, Vice President of Humanitarian Leadership and Response at Mercy Corps, is the Chair of CALP’s Board

Nous sommes « le CALP Network »


Nous changeons de nom ; nous sommes désormais le « CALP Network ».