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Les outils, rapports, manuels et recherches les plus utiles sur le thème des transferts monétaires dans le cadre des interventions humanitaires. En plus des publications du CALP Network, nous vous conseillons d’autres ressources utiles.

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1221 – 1240 sur 2625 résultats

CBI TWG Meeting Minutes 29-01-19


CBI TWG Meeting Minutes 29-01-19

19 janvier 2019

Celebrating Three Years of Membership and 10 New Members

Blog Post

It has been three years since the CALP Network first expanded its membership beyond its 'founding five' members. We welcome in the new year with the addition of 10 new members, bringing our total number to more than 80. 

1 janvier 2019

Cash & Voucher Assistance in the 4Ws for Syria Guidance on reporting: A Companion Guide to the 2019 4Ws Glossary & Template

Guidelines and Tools

• Provide a clear guidance on how to report cash and voucher assistance (CVA) into the 4Ws.
Intended outcomes
• Partners have a common understanding of how/where to report different types of cash transfer projects.
• Humanitarian stakeholders have more accurate aggregate data for meta...


Cash Assistance and the Prevention, Mitigation and Response to Sexual and Gender-Based Violence


The study Cash Assistance and the Prevention, Mitigation and Response to Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) is based on comprehensive research in Lebanon, Ecuador and Morocco. It provides learning and recommendations when using cash assistance in the prevention, mitigation and response to SGBV. The...


Guide sur la sauvegarde des enfants dans les programmes de transferts monétaires

Guides et outils

L’objectif de ce guide est d’identifier les risques potentiels liés à la sauvegarde des enfants des les programmes de transferts monétaires et de fournir des suggestions sur la manière de les gérer (y compris le suivi et l’atténuation), afin que les enfants connaissent la plus grande...

1 janvier 2019

Cash Impact on Food Security and Non-Food Outcomes: Ministudy II


To better understand how different amounts and frequencies of cash transfer impact household food security outcomes and non-food outcomes (food well-being, financial well-being, ability to cope with shocks and stresses and household well-being), this study compared the project outcomes for 3 groups: a...


Quantitative assessment of the social assistance system of the Kingdom of Eswatini


Analysis of social assistance needs, coverage of needs by existing programs and identification of social assistance gaps in Eswatini


Joint Donor Statement on Humanitarian Cash Transfers

Guidelines and Tools

As part of continuing efforts to strengthen donor coordination on cash, a group of senior officials from major donor agencies (EU/DG ECHO, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States of America) met in Brussels on 1 March 2019 to discuss shared approaches. Building on...


Harmonising registrations and identification in emergencies in Somalia


The study reveals that the collection of registration and identification data in Somalia is governed mainly by policies, guidelines and standard operating procedures developed by humanitarian agencies. Before collecting registration data, most humanitarian agencies select recipients through a two-step...


Cash for Latrines

Guidelines and Tools

This document provides guidance on how to use cash for latrines in camp settings. It highlights key lessons from different contexts and captures both cash specific recommendations and general guidance on latrine construction in one document.


Rapport Annuel du CALP Network 2018/19


Le rapport annuel du CALP Network, portant sur l’exercice 2018-2019, présente l’évolution du CALP Network en tant que réseau mondial d’acteurs humanitaires, depuis sa création en 2005. Il met en lumière l’utilisation, l’impact, la qualité et l’amélioration des transferts monétaires au...


Identification et atténuation des risques d’abus de pouvoir liés à l’assistance monétaire au Burundi


Ce document présente les enseignements tirés de la mission conjointe HCR-PAM au Burundi visant à identifier et à atténuer les risques d’abus de pouvoir liés à l’assistance monétaire. L’analyse s’est focalisée sur l’assistance monétaire par téléphone mobile pour le retour volontaire...


Harmonising registrations and identification in emergencies in Somalia – Briefing


This briefing highlights the benefits, risks and challenges associated with establishing an integrated data system for cash transfer programming (CTP), based on the findings of a study that examined how different humanitarian agencies in Somalia are managing the collection, analysis and sharing of...


Effects of Cash on Social Cohesion in Kalobeyei Settlement, Kenya – A Do No Harm Assessment – Executive Summary


The document outlines key findings on the effects of cash on social cohesion between refugee and host communities, and some considerations when planning cash assistance. The research was carried out by CDA Collaborative Learning Projects, founder of the Do No Harm Framework. UNHCR’s cash for shelter...


Tripartite Agreement Template Between Government, Partner And Financial Service Provider For Provision Of Financial Assistance To Beneficiary Accounts

Guidelines and Tools


MEB Interim guidance document (Kenya)

Guidelines and Tools

The recent years of humanitarian responses in Kenya has seen the use of Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) increasingly being adopted in various interventions and across sectors by both the state and Nonstate actors. This is because besides being cost effective, CVA enables recipients of humanitarian...