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Les outils, rapports, manuels et recherches les plus utiles sur le thème des transferts monétaires dans le cadre des interventions humanitaires. En plus des publications du CALP Network, nous vous conseillons d’autres ressources utiles.

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1121 – 1140 sur 2624 résultats

Humanitarian Cash Voucher Programming To Social Protection – Leveraging Effective Community Empowerment Through Social Accountability


This document is intended for staff working on cash voucher programming (linked into government schemes), social accountability and advocacy. The aim is to support staff who are:
1) involved in working with cash voucher programming working in tandem with government social protection systems in order to...


Iraq Cash Working Group (CWG) Partner Projects Registry

Guidelines and Tools

Spreadsheet template to track all the partner projects of a Cash Working Group


Termes De Reference Du Co-Facilitateur Cash Working Group National

Guides et outils

La coordination stratégique de l’assistance monétaire au niveau national et la réflexion sur la part de l’assistance monétaire à usages multiples se sont amplifiées au courant des dernières années en RDC, en ligne avec leur part croissante dans le cadre plus large de l’assistance...


South Sudan Cash Working Group (CWG) 5Ws reporting template

Guidelines and Tools

Template Spreadsheet for reporting activities on WHO does WHAT, WHERE, WHEN for WHOM that fall under the Cash Working Group framework.


Somalia Cash Working Group (CWG) 3W

Guidelines and Tools

Spreadsheet for tracking activities undertaken by the Somali Cash Working Group partners


Multi-purpose cash assistance and health: Evaluating the effect of the Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) programme on access to health care for refugees in Turkey

Policy paper

This policy brief provides a summarizations of a 2019 analysis of data collected by WFP between 2017 and 2019 on refugees in Turkey including the Comprehensive Vulnerability Monitoring Exercise (CVME) in addition to longitudinal data from Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) programme applicant households...

18 décembre 2019

Cash Working Group Meeting

Guidelines and Tools

5 décembre 2019

Podcast: Will risk aversion hold us back from realizing the potential of CVA?


Episode 1 of the CashCast, exploring how attitudes to risk have impacted the use of CVA in the Middle East and North Africa region.

Cash and Voucher Assistance and Risk in Financial Management and Compliance


The CALP Network commissioned a scoping study on CVA and risk in financial management and compliance, which considered three specific challenges facing humanitarian organisations related to AML/ CTF regulations:
1. Transferring funds to the country of operations – challenges in identifying competent and...

2 décembre 2019

Risks learning event recommendations – Dakar


December 2019

Atelier d’apprentissage sur les risques liés aux TM: recommendations de Douala


December 2019

Piecing Together the Poverty Puzzle


Five years ago, the World Bank Group set two overarching goals: to end extreme poverty by 2030, and to promote shared prosperity by boosting the incomes of the bottom 40 percent of the population in each country.
As this year’s Poverty and Shared Prosperity report documents, the world continues to make...

December 2019

Compte-rendu du Cash Working Group du Niger du 04 décembre 2019


December 2019

Ressources relatives à l’Assistance en espèces et en bons et à la violence liée au genre

Guides et outils

Ressources relatives à l’Assistance en espèces et en bons et à la violence liée au genre
Ces ressources complémentaires soutiennent l’intégration de la prévention, de l’atténuation des effets...

29 novembre 2019

Transferts monétaires et risques : ce qui se passe sur le terrain, reste sur le terrain (et pourquoi c’est un problème)

Blog Post

En octobre 2019, le CALP Network a facilité à Douala, au Cameroun, une réunion de partage d’expériences sur les risques liés à la protection des bénéficiaires dans les interventions monétaires. Cette réunion restreinte, organisée dans le cadre d’une série de rencontres dans différentes...

25 novembre 2019

Le cas du Burundi : Comment atténuer les risques VBG dans les transferts monétaires?

Guides et outils

Les transferts monétaires (TM) sont devenus des outils incontournables dans la réponse humanitaire au Burundi. Opportunité unique pour la résilience des populations vulnérables, il est indispensable que ces outils intègrent des mesures pour atténuer et minimiser au maximum les risques inhérents au...

25 novembre 2019

The Future of Financial Assistance: Why we wrote it, and where next

Blog Post

The world is changing rapidly. The way we deliver assistance is not. The CALP Network and IARAN’s new report on the Future of Financial Assistance makes clear that (i) significant change is urgently needed – new partners, new tools, new modes of collaboration, (ii) change must be drive by what’s...

21 novembre 2019

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning: how to ensure efficiency, effectiveness and accountability

Blog Post

What are the key issues these and other emerging models are facing as they design to deliver better for people in crisis? What are the opportunities and challenges presented by working together differently? 

21 novembre 2019