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Les outils, rapports, manuels et recherches les plus utiles sur le thème des transferts monétaires dans le cadre des interventions humanitaires. En plus des publications du CALP Network, nous vous conseillons d’autres ressources utiles.

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1381 – 1400 sur 2625 résultats

Social Protection and Humanitarian Response: What is the Scope for Integration?

Guidelines and Tools

Given the rise in humanitarian emergencies triggered by climate-related risks and conflict, often in contexts of chronic poverty and vulnerability, the international community is calling for the better integration of short-term humanitarian assistance and longer-term development interventions. In this...


Cash Impact on Food Security and Non-Food Outcomes: Ministudy I


To better understand how different amounts and frequencies of cash transfer impact household food security outcomes and non-food outcomes (food well-being, financial well-being, ability to cope with shocks and stresses and household well-being), this study adopted a randomised control design with two...


Cadre d’identification des données relatives au marché

Guides et outils

The Market Information Framework aims to clearly spell out the most common questions related to humanitarian programming for which market information is needed and to indicate what types of market-related data are needed to answer each of these questions. It explains why various types of market...


E-Voucher – Electronic Voucher – Cash Based Programming

Guidelines and Tools

Last Mile Mobile Solutions, LMMS E-Voucher Electronic Solution The Electronic Voucher provides the ability to:
– Deliver cash programmes to beneficiaries through transfer of electronic vouchers
– Enables full end-to-end digitalized tracking of transactions
– Increases security of the transfers


Somalia Household Expenditure Study


To gain a better understanding of how recipients utilise cash transfers and prioritise spending needs, REACH, through the Somali Cash Consortium, conducted a study on the expenditure patterns of cash transfer beneficiaries.


Analyse de marché : de la théorie à la pratique

Guides et outils

Although strong examples of emergency programming that considers and responds to local market dynamics are out there, they are relatively few in number, and there is no consolidated review of these programs to inform good practice. Under the Improving the Uptake of Market Analysis project, a...


Response options analysis and planning for Fafan zone (Somali region, Ethiopia)

Guidelines and Tools

Between October 2017 and March 2018, the Consortium began the pilot in Ethiopia with the aim of providing technical and strategic support to country-based humanitarian organisations, enabling them to engage in collaborative assessments and decision making. Whilst the Consortium has not been conceived to...


Measuring Cash Transfer Programming – Scoping study


This scoping study explores technical and policy issues that are constraining progress towards better measurement and reporting of Cash Transfer Programming (CTP) and addresses these to identify ways forward. The study was developed with the following objectives: • Map and document how different...


E-Transfer implementation guide

Guidelines and Tools

This updated E-transfer Implementation Guide replaces the original guide published in 2014. In cash transfer programming (CTP), electronic transfers (e-transfers) are a digital replacement for paper vouchers or physical cash. E-transfers are a disbursement mechanism – a way of transferring money, goods...


Résumé de l’Evaluation : Expérience et enseignements tirés des mises à l’essai des bonnes pratiques d’analyse du marché humanitaire

Guides et outils

As part of the “Improving the Uptake of Humanitarian Market Analysis” project, the IRC, CRS and Mercy Corps teamed up to pilot practices that were thought to be able to help humanitarian teams better understand and use market information in programming. In Niger and Nigeria, IRC and CRS teams explored...


Measuring Cash Transfer Programming – Scoping study – Executive Summary


This is the Executive Summary of the study. The full report can be also be accessed through the library.


Transferts Monétaires en Contextes Difficiles: Étude de cas sur les risques liés aux transferts monétaires au nord Mali


Cette étude de cas a été commanditée par le CALP Network comme première activité de son orientation stratégique 2018-2019 autour des risques liés aux Transferts Monétaires (TM). L’objectif de cette étude est de contribuer à la documentation sur le sujet; et de tirer des enseignements sur...


Mozambique Rapid Market Assessment


Mozambique is a country prone to natural disasters, most markedly floods, cyclones, pest and disease outbreaks and frequent droughts. These regularly exacerbate the underlying poverty and food security situation and cause major damage and set back economic growth in disaster-affected areas. Meteorological...


Vers la prise en charge des besoins alimentaires au Sahel par les transferts monétaires gouvernementaux : l’expérience du Sénégal


Les pays du Sahel se sont tous lancés dans le développement de politiques de filets sociaux en transferts d’espèces pour protéger les ménages les plus vulnérables des chocs saisonniers. Ils font face à des défis similaires de coordination et de ressources pour prendre la main progressivement...


Evidencing the Value for Money of the CCI’s Cash and Legal Programmes


Value for Money (VfM) considerations are an increasingly common requisite in humanitarian programmes. The UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) supports the adoption and scale-up of cash programming in humanitarian settings where appropriate, as both a more effective means for people to...


Toolkit for Optimizing Cash-based Interventions for Protection from Gender-based Violence

Guidelines and Tools

Efforts to prevent and respond to GBV should be a priority for all actors in all humanitarian response operations from the very start. By mainstreaming GBV considerations in CBIs throughout the program cycle and by utilizing cash within GBV case management services, cash can be optimized as a tool to...


Rapport Annuel du CALP Network 2017/2018


Dans ce rapport annuel, le le CALP Network présente le bilan des réussites et des difficultés rencontrées au cours de l’exercice 2017/2018 écoulé dans le but d’améliorer l’échelle et la qualité des transferts monétaires.  


Somalia Databases and Beneficiary Registries for Cash Transfer Programming


A report by WFP on Somalia Databases and Beneficiary Registries for Cash Transfer Programming. An ECHO-funded technical assistance facility, managed by the WFP, aims to explore how social protection systems can be strengthened in fragile and forced displacement contexts, with a view to contributing to the...


Impacts of Cash on Nutrition outcomes


Following the presentation of the Grand Bargain agreement at the 2016 World Humanitarian Summit, the use of cash transfers has become a key component of humanitarian assistance and humanitarian actors and policy-makers increasingly recognize the need for more evidence-based interventions to support their...