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Les outils, rapports, manuels et recherches les plus utiles sur le thème des transferts monétaires dans le cadre des interventions humanitaires. En plus des publications du CALP Network, nous vous conseillons d’autres ressources utiles.

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2301 – 2320 sur 2626 résultats

What Cash Transfer Programming can do to Protect Children – Discussion Paper


This discussion paper examines the links between cash transfers and the positive and negative outcomes for children, in particular the role cash transfers have played in protecting children from harm, exploitation, abuse and violence. The objective of this paper is to identify ways in which cash transfer...


Partenariat pour la résilience face aux crises alimentaires au Sahel


Des représentants de haut niveau des pays du Sahel, des organisations régionales, des agences multilatérales d’aide humanitaire et de développement, des organisations non gouvernementales, des pays donateurs et du Parlement Européen se sont rencontrés à Bruxelles le 18 juin 2012 à...


Integrating Protection/GBV Mitigation into Livelihoods Programmes

Guidelines and Tools

The Women’s Refugee Commission has been researching and promoting how to make economic programs for displaced and returning populations both effective and safe. Our findings have shown that new economic opportunities can increase women’s and girls’ risk of gender-based violence (GBV) but that...


The Impact of Economic Resource Transfers to Women versus Men: A Systematic Review


This systematic review examined the question: “what is the evidence of the impact on family well-being of giving economic resources to women relative to the impact of giving them to men?” This review is of interest to policy-makers and funders in developed and developing countries, given the recent...


What Cash Transfer Programming can do to Protect Children from Violence, Abuse and Exploitation – Review and recommendations


This discussion paper examines the links between cash transfers and the positive and negative outcomes for children, in particular the role cash transfers have played in protecting children from harm, exploitation, abuse and violence. The objective of this paper is to identify ways in which cash transfer...


Haiti – Unconditional Cash Transfers: Lessons Learnt


The challenges of responding to the catastrophic earthquake in Haiti were huge and varied, prompting agencies to think and act creatively. Christian Aid’s partners were at the forefront of the humanitarian response, distributing cash to people affected by the disaster two weeks after the earthquake...


FAO Policy on Cash-Based Transfers


This document articulates FAO’s roles with respect to supporting and implementing CTs linked to agriculture and food security in line with the Organization’s mandate and comparative advantages. It is based on FAO’s experience and expertise in supporting CT programming and details various CT...


Household-Based Cash Transfer Targeting Strategies in Zimbabwe: Are we reaching the most vulnerable children?


Census data, collected in July 2009, from 27,672 children were used to compare the effectiveness, coverage and efficacy of three household-based methods for targeting cash transfers to vulnerable children in eastern Zimbabwe: targeting the poorest households using a wealth index; targeting HIV affected...


Standards and Practices Report for Electronic and Mobile Payments


The benefits of new electronic and mobile payment methods in support of USAID objectives to better serve the unbanked have been well-documented in other literature, 2 and that case will not be reiterated in this report. A practical strategy for evaluating an individual program or Mission environment for...


Cash For Work Guidelines


A number of tools exist to assist to review accountability to affected populations (AAP) in a programme. Based on the Inter-Agency Standing Committee draft Operational Framework and the Commitments on Accountability to Affected Populations analysis and assessment tools, below are some very preliminary...


Cash Transfers in Nairobi’s Slums


In Kenya, a combination of factors led to the food crisis of 2008–9, which put around 9.5 million people at risk of starvation. About 4.1 million of those affected were living in informal settlements (slums) in the capital, Nairobi. Oxfam and Concern Worldwide developed a joint programme to address...


Monitoring d’un projet cash : étapes, enjeux


Avec le soutien d’ECHO, ACF a publié au second semestre 2012 une série de fiches techniques pour aider les acteurs humanitaires de l’Ouest de la Côte d’Ivoire dans leurs différentes interventions. Ces fiches ont pour ambition d’être concises, accessibles et tournées vers...


Cash and Shelter: A Workshop on Using Cash Transfer Programming for Emergency and Early Recovery Shelter


A power point presentation to provide guidance to programme managers, programme implementers and programme support staff when selecting cash as a potential response tool in emergency shelter programmes.


Etude Analyse Cout-Benefice Intervention « Cash For Work» Dans La Reponse Precoce A La Crise Alimentaire Dans Le Sahel


Comme tous les pays du Sahel, la République du Tchad n’est pas à l’abri des catastrophes naturelles (sécheresse, inondations, attaques des cultures par les criquets pèlerins et les oiseaux granivores, etc.) créant le sinistre pour les populations paysannes. Ce genre de situations affecte...