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Les outils, rapports, manuels et recherches les plus utiles sur le thème des transferts monétaires dans le cadre des interventions humanitaires. En plus des publications du CALP Network, nous vous conseillons d’autres ressources utiles.

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1041 – 1060 sur 2628 résultats

Guidance for CVA Response Plan for The COVID-19 Pandemic

Guidelines and Tools

This document from the Damascus CWG provides guidance intended for CVA practitioners preparing a response plan for COVID-19. It includes a sections on humanitarian needs analysis, response approach, coordination mechanisms.

28 avril 2020

Cash Transfers and Cash Plus Interventions in Yemen since 2015: An Annotated Bibliography


This report presents an annotated bibliography of cash transfers and cash plus interventions that have been instituted in Yemen’s humanitarian and development sectors since 2015. Before the outbreak of conflict in Yemen in 2015, the Social Welfare Fund (SWF) was the country’s flagship social...

24 avril 2020

CCD Ethiopia one-year in: Collaboration in reality


Based on insights compiled from surveys and interviews conducted with members of the Ethiopian cash community and CCD (Collaborative Cash Delivery Network) members in January 2020, this report provides an overview of how CCD Ethiopia is working towards global and national objectives, takeaways for startup...

24 avril 2020

Why is tracking CVA considered a challenge, and will applying minimum requirements help to make progress?

Blog Post

How much humanitarian aid is delivered as cash and voucher assistance (CVA)? An innocent enough enquiry, which may not have quite opened Pandora’s box, but has released a few cans of worms. This is a very technical topic and has a lot to do with the complexities and limitations of organizational and...

23 avril 2020

Applying Behavioral Science to Humanitarian Cash camp; Voucher Assistance for Better Outcomes for Women


Cash and voucher assistance (CVA) is widely recognized as an effective and powerful tool in humanitarian settings. Recent innovation in humanitarian CVA has sought to increase efficiency by harmonizing procedures and improving delivery through new technology; these
innovations have cut costs while...

23 avril 2020

Behavioral Design Checklist for Humanitarian Cash and Voucher Assistance Improving Outcomes for Women

Guidelines and Tools

This checklist highlights designs for humanitarian cash and voucher assistance (CVA) that can increase the impact
of CVA for women recipients in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. The goal of the design principles presented is to optimize CVA to help recipients effectively spend the transfer...

23 avril 2020

Le suivi des transferts monétaires : accords, recommandations et minimums requis du groupe de travail sur les transferts monétaires du « Grand Bargain »

Guides et outils

Ce document comprend les principaux résultats des travaux entrepris par le groupe de travail sur le suivi des transferts monétaires (TM) de 2017 à 2019. Le groupe de travail sur le suivi des transferts monétaires a été créé pour servir de plateforme d’engagement et de prise de décision pour le...

22 avril 2020

Global Education Cluster Note on the use of CVA for EiE in COVID-19 context

Policy paper

Guidance document on the use of CVA for Education in Emergencies in COVID-19 contexts. This note is intended to provide additional insights for education clustercoordinators on the potential uses of CVA for EiE in the current COVID-19 pandemic response under the GHRP COVID-19

22 avril 2020

Cash as a core component of the COVID-19 Response in Iraq

Policy paper

The COVID-19 pandemic and the containment measures imposed to limit transmission have both severe immediate and long-term economic consequences. The globe is experiencing ‘one of the sharpest economic contractions in modern times.’ As always in a time of crisis, it is the
most vulnerable that will...

16 avril 2020

Le CALP Network lance un forum de discussion en espagnol


Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer que le CALP Network a lancé un forum de discussion en espagnol sur la plateforme D-groups dans le but de mettre à disposition un espace collaboratif pour la communauté de pratique du secteur des transferts monétaires (TM). The CALP Network a connu un réel...

LOUISE Learning Review


This report presents the outcomes of the learning review on the Lebanon One Unified Inter-Organizational System for E-cards (LOUISE) platform commissioned by UNICEF on behalf of the LOUISE agencies (WFP, UNHCR, UNICEF) in 2019 to build on the LOUISE experience and conduct a stock-taking exercise. The...

15 avril 2020

External Evaluation of SDC/HA Emergency Cash Pilot For Earthquake Affected Households in Bubq, Albania


In November 2019, Albania was hit by a large earthquake with a magnitude of 6.4, causing 51 people to lose their lives and injuring 913 people. Around 47,000 additional people were directly affected by the earthquake. The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) immediately deployed a rapid...

15 avril 2020

Mercy Corps’ Tipsheet No 5: Evidence-based Selection and Targeting

Guidelines and Tools

Mercy Corps’ Tipsheet No 5: Evidence-based Selection and Targeting

11 avril 2020

MERS Guidance in Response to COVID-19

Guidelines and Tools

In this rapidly evolving context, we know it is important to continue providing updates of the latest thinking from MERS collaborators. Below are updates to the March 25 guidance on how the MERS Standards can help you adapt your current programs in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Some suggestions on...

10 avril 2020

Impossible Choices – questioning assumptions behind lock-down in low income and fragile contexts

Blog Post

“The COVID-19 pandemic will have devastating consequences on people’s livelihoods and employment, especially in post-fragile, crisis and post-crisis environments.” Global Humanitarian Response Plan: COVID-19 Over the last few weeks we’ve seen significant discussion on the CALP Network d-groups and...

8 avril 2020

Cost-Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness Study of UNICEF “Cash Plus” Interventions in Lebanon and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Policy paper

The combination of basic services delivery and cash transfers is known among humanitarian practitioner as “cash plus”. This approach represents a solid comparative advantage for UNICEF considering its footprint in basic services delivery as well as its commitment to scale up humanitarian cash...

7 avril 2020

Cash Feasibility Assessment for NorthWest Syria


The objective of this cash feasibility assessment for northwest Syria is to provide evidence-based, structured analysis of the various dimensions that make cash and vouchers interventions feasible. The primary audience for this document are all the organizations either currently involved in cash-based...

7 avril 2020

Savings Groups and COVID-19

Guidelines and Tools

COVID-19 poses crucial health and economic risks for Savings Groups as
markets falter, mobility is restricted, and community gathering is restrained. As many members are women, they are likely
to be primary caregivers during the health crisis, which puts them at special risk of additional burdens, as well...

April 2020