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Les outils, rapports, manuels et recherches les plus utiles sur le thème des transferts monétaires dans le cadre des interventions humanitaires. En plus des publications du CALP Network, nous vous conseillons d’autres ressources utiles.

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1001 – 1020 sur 2628 résultats

Q&A from the CALP Network Webinar: Lessons on the use of cash and voucher assistance (CVA) for the Caribbean Atlantic hurricane season

Guidelines and Tools

Q&A from the CALP Network Webinar: Lessons on the use of cash and voucher assistance (CVA) for the Caribbean Atlantic hurricane season Key messages: Given the enabling infrastructure, markets, local capacities and interest of key stakeholders, the
Caribbean region offers significant opportunities to...

26 mai 2020

Transferts monétaires pour des résultats de protection dans la réponse du COVID-19

Guides et outils

Ce guide sur les transferts monétaires (TM) pour des résultats protection pendant la pandémie de COVID-19 a été préparé par des membres du groupe de travail «TMpour la Protection» du Cluster Global Protection (GPC). Il est conçu comme un outil de référence rapide pour soutenirles collègues TM...

22 mai 2020

Les transferts monétaires pour un impact sur la santé

Enregistrement webinaire

Le webinaire sur « Les transferts monétaires pour un impact sur la santé », s’est tenu le mercredi 20 mai à 9 EST/3 CET. Il était organisé par le Cluster Global Santé et le CALP Network, en collaboration avec CARE, IRC et CashCap. Malgré les efforts pour assurer la gratuité des soins pour les...

20 mai 2020

Donor Cash Forum: Humanitarian Cash Transfers in the Response to COVID-19


Humanitarian cash transfers have a critical, complementary role to play in the response to COVID-19, supporting continuity and safety in the delivery of humanitarian assistance. The most vulnerable will likely be hardest hit by the economic consequences of the pandemic and cash can help meet basic needs...

19 mai 2020

Cash-for-Health Standard Operating Procedures Medair Jordan

Guidelines and Tools

In November 2015, Medair initiated a cash-for-health (C4H) programme in Jordan as a way for vulnerable Syrian refugees to overcome the financial barriers to accessing healthcare in Jordan. A set of standards to deliver C4H has been developed based on past programme experience and this document...

19 mai 2020

Readiness Checklist for Cash Working Groups in light of COVID-19 Response – Version 2

Guidelines and Tools

This checklist is designed to assist CWGs adjust their plans and prepare to play an enhanced role in coordination of CVA in the context of increasing (and in some cases unprecedented) needs and limitations of COVID-19. Responses should, as ever, be context specific. We suggest that CWGs consider the...

19 mai 2020

COVID-19, sanctions, counterterrorist financing and CVA

Blog Post

Are anti-money laundering, counter-terrorist financing or know your customer requirements hampering your ability to reach vulnerable communities during the COVID-19 pandemic? This is what we know so far. Do you have examples which can be used to influence policy? The COVID-19 pandemic has brought with it...

18 mai 2020

Un vent de renouveau : Enseignements et recommandations en matière d’utilisation des transferts monétaires (TM) lors de la saison des ouragans de l’Atlantique dans les Caraïbes.


Cette note d’information a été commanditée par le CALP Network pour rassembler des données probantes de bonnes pratiques et les enseignements tirés afin de formuler des recommandations à destination des praticien-ne-s humanitaires et autres acteurs et actrices dans le cadre de la conception des...

18 mai 2020

Unity Card


In response to NCOVID, we have launched UNITY CARD,
which gives immediate technical support to the deployment of cash aid via this special card payments

18 mai 2020

Le lien entre la protection sociale et les transferts monétaires humanitaires

Blog Post

L’utilité de la protection sociale pour les personnes ayant fait face à des chocs n’a jamais été aussi claire et évidente que lors de la crise actuelle de la COVID-19. Ces problématiques se développent sous nos yeux, alors que les gouvernements, les bailleurs et les organisations humanitaires...

15 mai 2020

Transferencias Monetarias e Igualdad de Género: Cómo Mejorar su Efectividad Para Enfrentar la Crisis del COVID-19

Guides et outils

Los Programas de Transferencias Monetarias (PTM), ampliamente extendidos en América Latina y el Caribe como mecanismo de protección social para paliar las dificultades económicas y sociales de la población viviendo en situación de pobreza, han sido identificados como uno de los mecanismos más...

15 mai 2020

CWG SS Tipsheet: Protection from COVID-19 during cash distribution (PPE)

Guidelines and Tools

This document is created by Cash Working Group (CWG) South Sudan to provide guidance/key messages to partners, sectors, inter-sector working group, FSP, communities and beneficiaries on key safety measures in the context of COVID-19. The document compiles recommendations from different sources including,...

14 mai 2020

Humanitarian Impacts of COVID-19 in West and Central Africa

Policy paper

Produced by the Regional Inter Sector Coordination Group for Humanitarian Affairs in West and Central Africa (R-ISCG), this document summarizes the main impacts of COVID-19 on the population of the region and on ongoing humanitarian operations. The R-ISCG also wishes to put forward some key...

12 mai 2020

Multi-purpose Cash Assistance in Lebanon – Impact evaluation on the well-being of Syrian refugees


The two year study assessed the impact of MPC on the well-being of over 11,000 Syrian refugee households living in the Bekaa, North and Mount Lebanon. The study finds that most of the impact of MPC materializes in the long term (over 12 months), while limited impact materializes in the short term. The...

7 mai 2020

Guidance Note Menstrual Hygiene Management Kit and Cash and Voucher Assistance Programming

Guidelines and Tools

Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) kits are the package of items that meets the specific needs of women and girls of reproductive age. MHM kits primarily consist of hygiene and sanitary items. While the generic hygiene kits (soap, sanitary materials, toothbrushes and toothpaste) help people improve their...

6 mai 2020

The $90Bn Question: Can we reach 700 million people in response to COVID-19?

Blog Post

As COVID-19 impacts on the health, livelihoods and wellbeing of people around the world, governments and societies are faced with impossible choices. The impacts on the world’s most vulnerable are starting to bite, with an estimated 130 million additional people facing acute food insecurity by the end...

5 mai 2020

We Turn Mobile Sim Cards Into Bank Accounts for the Emerging World


Fonbnk LLC (“Fonbnk” or the “Company”) is new distributed finance company, providing borderless banking infrastructure directly to unbanked people around the world using the mobile internet. Anyone with a prepaid mobile SIM card and a verified online identity can now have a global stored value...

5 mai 2020

3 Choses à savoir sur…L’intégration des Transferts Monétaires (TM) et de Protection de l’Enfance (PE) pendant la pandémie de COVID-19

Guides et outils

Ce tipsheet interactif de 4 pages vise à résumer pourquoi, quels types et comment intégrer les transferts monétaires (TM) et la protection de l’enfance (PE) pendant le COVID-19. Il se concentre sur les aspects clefs liés à la conception et la mise en œuvre de programmes intégrés et propose des...

4 mai 2020