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Les outils, rapports, manuels et recherches les plus utiles sur le thème des transferts monétaires dans le cadre des interventions humanitaires. En plus des publications du CALP Network, nous vous conseillons d’autres ressources utiles.

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581 – 600 sur 2627 résultats

Slides for the Global CWG meeting – Oct 2021


The enclosed slides for the 28 October meeting feature presentations from WFP, the Uganda and CAR CWGs and GSMA , as well as key links to key resources discussed.

29 octobre 2021

Responding to Shocks Using Social Protection: Principles and a Framework for NGOs

Guidelines and Tools

This overview provides an initial operational framework to guide decision-making as NGOs engage with SP systems and programmes. It outlines key guiding principles and specifies the value-add of NGOs engaging with systems of SP. It aims to complement and balance the considerable existing work aimed at,...

26 octobre 2021

Cash Coordination – Selected Resources


Effective coordination can prevent gaps and overlaps in humanitarian responses, ensure the impact of cash and voucher assistance (CVA) is optimised for the benefit of crisis affected populations, whilst also making the most of limited humanitarian funding. However disagreements remain around how (CVA)...

Turning the page on traditional learning: Why the CALP Network’s new online course is so exciting

Blog Post

The CALP Network is entering a new era of inclusive online learning, and there are lots of reasons to get excited about it.

7 octobre 2021

Cash Assistance in Contexts of High Inflation and Depreciation


The challenge of inflation and currency depreciation in the context of humanitarian cash and voucher assistance is growing. The need to document existing practice has been underscored by COVID-19, which has exacerbated economic volatility in many humanitarian contexts, and increased humanitarian needs.

Digital identity, biometrics and inclusion in humanitarian responses to refugee crises


Digital identity and biometrics have long been divisive topics in the humanitarian sector. On the one hand, they have the potential to be more inclusive and reach people in need at scale due to perceived efficiency gains. A legal identity for everyone as part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)...

6 octobre 2021

Outil d’Évaluation Rapide pour les premières 48 heures – Objectifs et notes d’orientation

Guides et outils

Le but de cet outil est d’obtenir une compréhension rapide de la situation de la sécurité alimentaire et des moyens d’existences dans les premiers jours qui suivent un sinistre à installation rapide. Cet outil est indépendant des autres évaluations multisectorielles inter-agence, par exemple le...

October 2021

Oxfam’s humanitarian social protection approaches in the context of COVID-19


A learning brief illustrating how responses can strengthen social protection systems

October 2021

A camp in Taiz governorate, Yemen

Mapping Financial Service Providers for CVA: Read this before you start!

Blog Post

Sharing the secrets to a successful FSP mapping exercise in Yemen.

29 septembre 2021

Armenia Cash Transfer Standard Operating Procedures to support Government-led cash based programmes


The sub-working group on humanitarian cash transfer programming, within the UN Coordination Steering Group, gathers more than 20 organizations – comprising UN agencies, humanitarian NGOs and development partners. The group is working together to develop common and aligned approaches to cash-based...

25 septembre 2021

Moving the dial on participation via CVA

Blog Post

In search of ideas to improve participation? Here are four positive approaches drawn from a variety of Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) programmes.

23 septembre 2021

Quand on est du côté de ceux qui reçoivent : pourquoi les coupons manquent de dignité et ne sont pas qualitatifs

Blog Post

Innocent Tshilombo, qui a passé 10 ans dans le camp de réfugiés de Kakuma, au Kenya, décrit comment subordonner des conditions aux transferts monétaires peut sérieusement affecter leur efficacité.

22 septembre 2021

SPACE Adaptive social protection and decentralisation: a conceptual framework

Guidelines and Tools

The purpose of this paper is to provide an entry point for discussion of -and practical engagement with- the potential for linking the Adaptive Social Protection and Decentralisation agendas, in the first instance by technicians and practitioners within the German Development Cooperation. The need to...

22 septembre 2021

WFP Cash Based Transfers programme in Haiti

Getting CVA right in the Humanitarian Response Plan: Blind Spots and Considerations

Blog Post

How can you ensure that Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) is adequately and coherently integrated into humanitarian response plans (HRP)? Recent changes to the Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC) certainly provide more opportunities to do this. Read on for some great ideas and practical steps for covering...

16 septembre 2021