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Les outils, rapports, manuels et recherches les plus utiles sur le thème des transferts monétaires dans le cadre des interventions humanitaires. En plus des publications du CALP Network, nous vous conseillons d’autres ressources utiles.

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2261 – 2280 sur 2627 résultats

Supply‐Chain Research Opportunities with the Poor as Suppliers or Distributors in Developing Countries


Many social enterprises and some companies have developed supply chains with the poor as suppliers or distributors to alleviate poverty and to create revenues for themselves. Such supply chains have created new research opportunities because they raise issues fundamentally different from those examined...


Markit Kit de suivi, analyse et intervention

Guides et outils

Une alliance relative à l’apprentissage sur l’approvisionnement local et régional “Local and Regional Procurement Learning Alliance (LRP LA)” formée en 2008 afin de soutenir la recherche sur le respect des délais, le cout/efficacité et l’impact sur le marché des projets “local and...


Building Women’s Economic and Social Empowerment Through Enterprise: An experimental assessment of the Women’s Income Generating Support (WINGS) program in Uganda


Investing in women is said to be a key to development. Educate her, buy her a cow or goat, or help her start a business and great things will follow: sustained increases in income, greater empowerment and social inclusion, health and education for the children, and (especially in war-affected regions)...


Atténuer les conséquences négatives de la crise postélectorale ivoirienne sur la sécurité alimentaire et soutenir la relance des moyens d’existence des ménages vulnérables du département de Soubré


Actif dans les communes d’Abobo et de Yopougon depuis avril 2011, ACTED intervient en République de Côte d’Ivoire dans le district d’Abidjan et dans la région des 18 Montagnes à l’Ouest du pays. Fort de sa capacité de réponse à l’urgence, au niveau régional et global, ACTED a étendu en...

December 2012

sQuid Card As An Electronic Voucher Aid Management


Electronic payments technologies have advanced significantly and some have the capability to meet the demands of transferring money to large numbers of recipients with a high level of accountability that must accompany such cash transfer programmes. sQuid is one of these.

October 2012

Humanitarian Coalition East Africa Drought Appeal: Final evaluation report – Cash programs


In 2011,  suffered from one of the worst droughts in 60 years which left more than 13 million people in need of food, water and emergency healthcare.  Canadian donors contributed $14 million to the Humanitarian Coalition’s joint appeal for East Africa’s drought of 2011. These funds helped to set up...

October 2012

Humanitarian Coalition East Africa Drought Appeal: Final evaluation report


In 2011,  suffered from one of the worst droughts in 60 years which left more than 13 million people in need of food, water and emergency healthcare.  Canadian donors contributed $14 million to the Humanitarian Coalition’s joint appeal for East Africa’s drought of 2011. These funds helped to set up...

October 2012

Transfert de Cash en Milieu Urbain dans un Contexte d’Urgence


Ce rapport décrit la réponse à la crise, à travers la distribution de cash en milieu urbain, en soulignant les principaux succès et complications rencontrés au cours de ce projet ; Il fait l’économie de la réunion de capitalisation tenue le 31 Octobre 2012 avec tous les partenaires...

September 2012

Cash Consortium for South/Central Somalia: Combined Risk Analysis


Since mid-2011, the Cash Consortium has been providing access to food and other non-food items through unconditional cash grants for the most vulnerable populations in South Central Somalia. The context is highly challenging, due to continuing conflict, lack of governance, high criminality and low levels...

September 2012

The Crisis in the Sahel – Special Feature


The special feature of this issue of Humanitarian Exchange focuses on the humanitarian crisis in the Sahel region of Africa, where aid agencies estimate that more than 18 million people are affected by food insecurity. In response to this crisis, cash and vouchers programming has been largely used. In...

September 2012

How Effective are Cash Transfer Programmes at Improving Nutritional Status?


Cash transfer programmes are a widely applied social protection scheme that has achieved successes in fighting poverty worldwide. A large literature has sprung up around these programmes, yet the relationship between cash transfer programmes and the nutritional status of recipient children is unclear. Can...

July 2012