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Les outils, rapports, manuels et recherches les plus utiles sur le thème des transferts monétaires dans le cadre des interventions humanitaires. En plus des publications du CALP Network, nous vous conseillons d’autres ressources utiles.

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2281 – 2300 sur 2627 résultats

Oxfam GB Emergency Food Security and Livelihoods Urban Programme Evaluation


The global urban population is now larger than the rural population. While rural areas in general remain worse off than urban areas, the number of people in urban poverty is growing fast, and urban dwellers are vulnerable to significant disasters. Development and humanitarian agencies are therefore...

17 mai 2012

Impacts of Food Vouchers on Local Markets: Reflections from CRS’ experience in Niger


In mid 2010, CRS-Niger designed and carried out a food voucher program to assist the most needy one-third of households in the departments of Ouallam and Tillabéri due to the poor harvest in 2009 (CRS, 2010). The ADVANCE project was implemented in collaboration with a local NGO partner Association pour...

May 2012

Review of emergency cash coordination mechanisms in the Horn of Africa: Kenya and Somalia


In response to the drought and famine in the Horn of Africa in 2011, cash transfer programming (CTP) has been used extensively as a modality to meet humanitarian needs. Partly because the conditions permitted it (functioning markets, cash economies and delivery mechanisms), and partly because delivering...

May 2012

Multi-Cluster/Sector Initial Rapid Assessment (MIRA)


The immediate aftermath of a sudden-onset disaster is a critical period of time when the humanitarian and donor communities need to make key decisions on how to best support the affected country or region and its populations. However, during that brief period, limited comprehensive information on the...

March 2012

Unconditional Cash Grants for Relief and Recovery in Rizal and Laguna, The Philippines (Post-Typhoon Ketsana)


In response to rapid onset flooding in Laguna and Rizal provinces in the Philippines, Oxfam International implemented a Cash Transfer Programme (CTP) in three phases: 1) Unconditional cash transfers for individuals to provide for basic needs; 2) Conditional cash transfers for individuals resuming income...

31 janvier 2012

ICT/mobile Phone Technology: A shift in the right direction

Blog Post

Thirteen African nations came together for the AgriKnowledge Share Fair in Addis Ababa at the end of October 2012 to learn about approaches for quicker and more efficient humanitarian response. Government representatives, researchers, UN agencies and NGOs gathered for a three day symposium on best...

11 janvier 2012

Mobile Money Transfer: A study on effectiveness and efficacy!


For this study both structured and semi-structured questioning method were used. Few KII (in depth interview) along with a pre-designed questionnaire were used for understanding the benefits and challenges of this new method on different stakeholders.


Étude analyse coûts-bénéfice. Intervention "Cash for Work" dans la réponse précoce à la crise alimentaire dans le Sahel.


En Mauritanie, comme dans plusieurs pays du Sahel, les populations ont été menacées sévèrement par le choc de la sécheresse en 2012, suite aux mauvaises récoltes de la saison agricole 11-12, conduisant à une crise alimentaire de très grande envergure. Pour faire face à cette crise, Intermón...


Child Safeguarding in Cash Transfer Programming Tool

Guidelines and Tools

It is important to recognise that Cash Transfers present increased and specific risks for beneficiaries versus other forms of emergency assistance. Given children’s greater vulnerability, the impact of CTP on their wellbeing must be considered at all stages of the project cycle. This tool provides...


Étude comparative des mécanismes de coordination des programmes monétaires en situation d’urgence


Principalement basée sur trois études de cas (Pakistan, Haïti, et la Corne de l’Afrique), cette étude comparative a pour objectif de tirer les leçons pour une meilleure coordination des programmes de transfert d’argent (CTP) lors des urgences à venir et d’aider à construire une stratégie de...