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Les outils, rapports, manuels et recherches les plus utiles sur le thème des transferts monétaires dans le cadre des interventions humanitaires. En plus des publications du CALP Network, nous vous conseillons d’autres ressources utiles.

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1901 – 1920 sur 2624 résultats

Philippines Haiyan Response – A multi-sectoral review of the use of market analysis and the design and implementation of CTPs


Following Typhoon Haiyan, which hit the Philippines on November 8 2014, at least 45 aid agencies chose to implement Cash Transfer Programming (CTP) to assist the more than 16 million people affected. Cash transfers were a logical approach in a country with developed market systems, strong financial...


Final Report for Assessment of the Impact of Cash For Work Beneficiaries training for Phases IIB and IV


Phases IIB and IV of the Cash For Work (CFW) project were implemented by FAO Somalia over the period 2013-2015 and aimed at enhancing access to food by the food insecure households in the short-term, while supporting restoration of food production through the rehabilitation/construction of productive...


Markets Toolbox

Guidelines and Tools


Mobile Money Bulk Payment Products: Capturing the market opportunity of global development organizations


International relief and development organizations (DOs) receive significant aid funding from donors, which they regularly disburse in high volume, low value payments to millions of recipients for program and operational expenses. DOs and donors are increasingly using and promoting the use of new digital...


Report from the Inaugural Markets and WaSH Learning Event


This report summarizes the presentations and discussions that took place during a learning event on market-based programming targeting key humanitarian stakeholders in the WaSH sector. Held on October 13, 2015 at the IFRC office in Nairobi, the event was organized under the umbrella of the Markets in...


Exemple d’accord de confidentialite

Guides et outils



Part 1.4 Protection Risk and Benefits Analysis


All humanitarian interventions carry risks, even in-kind delivery of goods and services. Cash programming is no exception. Specific areas of risk include:
Safety and dignity.
Humanitarian access to crisis-affected populations.
Crisis-affected populations’ access to aid.
Data protection and beneficiary...


Cash Competency Development Framework

Guidelines and Tools

There is no recognized or recorded competency base for cash transfers. Based on research, good practice and experience, Avenir Analytics has ascertained that there are five competency areas as an organisation needs to address to effectively and efficiently use cash transfers as a tool.


Les programmes de transfert monétaire sont-ils prêts pour l’avenir ? Ensemble d’annexes du rapport final


Cet ensemble d’annexes contient l’intégralité des résultats obtenus au cours d’un travail de recherche de 2013 intitulé Les programmes de transfert monétaire sont-ils prêts pour l’avenir ? Cette recherche a été commandée par le CALP Network et menée par le Humanitarian Futures...


Rapid Humanitarian Assessment in Urban Settings

Guidelines and Tools

This Technical Brief is intended to be a starting point for improving coordinated needs assessments in urban areas, without which the humanitarian community will not be able to ensure the quality and accountability of urban response itself. It provides guidance on carrying out joint rapid assessments of...


Maximising the Nutritional Impact of Humanitarian Food Assistance


Over the past years, DG ECHO has placed a strong focus on nutrition, renewing its commitment to improve nutrition-specific programing through the release of the Nutrition Staff Working Document (2013) and the IYCF-E guidance document in 2015. However, the improvement of the nutrition status of...


Operational Guidance And Toolkit For Multipurpose Cash Grants: Operational Feasibility

Guidelines and Tools

Operational Feasibility as defined in the Multi-sector Initial Rapid Assessment (MIRA) considers national and local capacities and response,
and international capacity, access, security, etc. In this toolkit, we add to this a more detailed market analysis, a risks and benefits analysis from an...


Cash Transfer Programming Organizational Capacity Assessment Tool (CTP OCAT) To Support The Institutionalization Of Cash Transfer Programming


Since the inception of CTP in emergencies, organizations have looked individually and collaboratively to put systems in place and share good practices for quality CTP. While the CALP Network has been supportive on the uptake of CTP broadly and the development of tools, organizational capacity building has...


Kit for Autonomous Cash transfer in Humanitarian Emergencies (KACHE)

Guidelines and Tools

The present document reports the development of the Kit for Autonomous Cash transfer in Humanitarian Emergencies (KACHE), built upon Red Rose ONE system© supported by the WFP’s Cooperating Partners’ Innovation Fund (CPIF). Firstly, it gives a brief description of the main features of the kit....


Annex 4: Examples of questions for household, community and focus group discussions


It is recommended to include the following six questions in the community questionnaire. Questions 1 & 2 are useful for guiding the trader survey team to the relevant local markets. The third question allows drawing up a village profile, and may alter the recommendations of the assessment team if markets...


Humanitarian Cash Transfers: Cost, value for money and economic impact

Policy paper

The question of how much it costs to assist a person with humanitarian aid is a simple question that is surprisingly difficult to answer, even when looking at a single organisation’s humanitarian response. It is challenging to get the ‘full cost’ of humanitarian assistance – meaning all of the...


Tableau comparatif des outils d’analyse de marché pour l’action humanitaire

Guides et outils

La prise de conscience croissante du besoin d’une analyse de marché a mené à une pléthore de guides et outils pour la réaliser. Le choix de l’outil qui correspond à votre organisation peut engendrer des confusions et des tensions additionnelles. Ce tableau comparatif des guides d’analyse de...