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Les outils, rapports, manuels et recherches les plus utiles sur le thème des transferts monétaires dans le cadre des interventions humanitaires. En plus des publications du CALP Network, nous vous conseillons d’autres ressources utiles.

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1761 – 1780 sur 2625 résultats

The Other Side of the Coin. The comparative evidence of Cash and in kind transfers in humanitarian situations


This paper reviews the existing evidence on the performance of alternative transfer modalities across humanitarian sectors, including cash transfers, vouchers,and in-kind assistance (food and non-food). These were assessed in relation to food security, nutrition, livelihoods, health, education, and...


Principles on Public-Private Cooperation in Humanitarian Payments

Guidelines and Tools

E-payments can make the delivery of cash disbursements more secure, cost- effective, faster and more convenient. In the context of humanitarian crises, digital payments offer recipients choice and can help stimulate the local economy. To fully realize the benefits of new technologies and achieve scale,...


Conseils pour assurer la protection dans le cadre des interventions monétaires

Guides et outils

Conseils pour assurer la protection dans le cadre des interventions monétaires


How can lump-sum cash transfers be designed to improve their productive potential?


Cash transfer programmes are one of the most popular welfare policies in the developing world and are also backed by a large and rigorous evidence base. Besides the effects on consumption and human capital, the productive impact of cash transfers has been increasingly scrutinised. Despite the fact that...


Afghanistan Emergency Response Mechanism (ERM)


The Afghanistan Emergency Response Mechanism (ERM) was selected as a case study to illustrate the ‘alliance’ form of inter-agency collaboration for sector-focused cash assistance, with semi-formal relationships and separate funding flows between members. It is distinctive from other cases in that cash...


Transferts monétaires par téléphonie mobile: La solution Orange Money


Une nouvelle forme de monnaie dont l’utilisation se fait exclusivement
avec le téléphone portable
Une effervescence avec plusieurs offres ( mpayments, mwallets,…) et
plusieurs solutions technologiques (USSD, Web,…)
Un fort potentiel en Afrique à cause du faible taux de bancarisation et un


Document de travail 3: Protection sociale réactive aux crises dans le Sahel : Perspectives communautaires


Il est le troisième rapport d’une série de documents de travail sur la recherche en cours. Ces différents rapports étudient les possibilités d’interaction entre la protection sociale, l’assistance humanitaire et la gestion des risques de catastrophe (GRC) afin de compléter les connaissances...


Recherche sur les systèmes de protection sociale réactive aux crises


Le présent document vise à fournir un état des lieux des connaissances et des questionnements sur ces questions dans le contexte spécifique du Mali. Il a été écrit sur la base d’une revue documentaire couplée à des échanges menés avec différentes parties prenantes par email et Skype et/ou en...


Terms of Reference Geneva-based Cash Working Group – January 2016


Terms of Reference Geneva-based Cash Working Group – January 2016

January 2016

DFID Shock-Responsive Social Protection Systems research: Literature review


DFID has commissioned research into Shock-Responsive Social Protection systems, to further understand the nature of the interaction between social protection, humanitarian and disaster risk management systems and ways in which long-term social protection systems can be scaled up to
provide support in...

January 2016

Can E-transfers Promote Financial Inclusion in Emergencies: A Case Study from Bangladesh


The Electronic Cash Transfer Learning Action Network (ELAN) launched research to build an evidence base around connecting emergency electronic transfer (e-transfer) recipients with additional financial services. They wanted to learn if, when, and how e-transfers can promote sustained uptake and use...


Data management and protection starter kit: Tip sheet 3: Know your customer (KYC) Regulations

Guidelines and Tools

Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations, also known as customer due diligence, are designed to combat money laundering, terrorist financing, and other related threats to the financial system. They refer to the ID checks that financial institutions perform to comply with national financial regulations....


Cash/Food. A Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of food assistance modalities in refugee settlements


A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of food and cash assistance modalities for household food security in refugee settlements


Market Analysis and Outcome/Impact Measurement in Cash Transfer Programming in the WaSH and Shelter Sectors in Sudden Onset Disasters


Over the past five years, cash transfer programming has become an increasingly popular modality of humanitarian intervention. Recently, unconditional and unrestricted MPGs have been increasingly championed as a default modality, based on evidence collected by organisations such as the...


Cash or Food A Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of food assistance modalities in refugee settlements


A comparative analysis on the effective of food and cash transfer modalities for household food security in refugee settlements in Uganda.


Genre et Marchés en Afrique de l’Ouest: Revue des Données Secondaires


L’examen secondaire de l’information et des données présentées dans cette revue s’applique aux évaluations genre et marchés menées par le PAM en Afrique de l’Ouest et ainsi qu’aux évaluations de marché menées par les partenaires clés de la région au cours des 5 dernières années. La...


Using Cash for Shelter: An Overview of CRS Programs


Cash continues to gain prevalence as a modality for humanitarian agencies to help people meet multiple and diverse needs in the wake of a crisis. It provides people with the dignity of choice, and is often significantly more cost-efficient than the delivery of in-kind aid. In programs with a shelter...


Mettre en oeuvre des filets sociaux (monétaires) en contexte humanitaire


Note de cadrage pour les travailleurs humanitaires