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Les outils, rapports, manuels et recherches les plus utiles sur le thème des transferts monétaires dans le cadre des interventions humanitaires. En plus des publications du CALP Network, nous vous conseillons d’autres ressources utiles.

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2161 – 2180 sur 2622 résultats

Women’s Empowerment and Nutrition


Research on the relationship between women’s empowerment and nutrition, particularly child nutrition, is continually expanding. As part of the quest to achieve gender equality, women’s empowerment has
increasingly been the focus of many development interventions. In addition to being an end goal in...

October 2013

Compte Rendu de la Réunion ordinaire -12 septembre 2013

Guides et outils

12 septembre 2013

Etude de la vulnérabilité à l’insécurité alimentaire des ménages pauvres – République Islamique de Mauritanie


La Croix Rouge Française a lié un partenariat avec Montpellier SupAgro / Institut des Régions Chaudes (IRC) dans le but de mettre en oeuvre un projet de recherche / action. Le projet de Transfert Economique et Social (TES) vise l’expérimentation de transferts monétaires dans une commune de la...

September 2013

Is Cash Transfer Programming “Fit for the Future”? – Report from the Trends Analysis Meeting


This discussion document has been produced following the Trends Analysis Meeting, held by the Humanitarian Futures Programme (HFP), King’s College London, under the auspices of The Cash learning Partnership’s The Future of Cash Transfer Programming initiative. Please see Annex 1 for a summary of the...

3 juin 2013

Impact Evaluation of Cash and Food Transfers at Early Childhood Development Centers in Karamoja, Uganda


This report is a revised draft of the Final Impact Report of an impact evaluation study of the World Food Programme (WFP) project to provide food and cash transfers to households with children participating in Early Childhood Development (ECD) centers in the Karamoja sub region of Uganda. The analysis...


Cash Transfer Programme Participatory Consultation, Feasibility and Market Readiness Study: Burmese refugee camps, Thailand border


This report is a participatory consultation, cash feasibility and market readiness study of the Burmese refugee camps on the Thailand border. It is a rapid, snap shot guide as to whether the conditions in two contrasting camps out of the full nine camps are conducive to a switch from the current ration...


Market Analysis and Transportation Procurement for Food Aid in Ethiopia


This publication analyzes the contracts between the World Food Programme and private carriers and identifies the determinants of transportation tariffs in Ethiopia and quantify their relative importance.


Guidance for DFID country offices on measuring and maximising value for money in cash transfer programmes

Guidelines and Tools

This document is a revised edition of Guidance for DFID country offices on measuring and maximising value for money in cash transfer programmes which DFID published in October 2011. The guidance is in two linked parts:
1. Part 1 provides a toolkit which sets out key concepts and metrics for analysing...


Impact Evaluation: Evaluation of the impact of food for assets on livelihood resilience in Nepal


This evaluation, conducted by an independent team between January and July 2013, assessed the outcomes and impacts of the food-for-assets (FFA) components of two WFP programmes in Nepal: country programme (CP) 100930 (2002–2007) and protracted relief and recovery operation (PRRO) 106760 (2007–2010)....


Analyse coût-bénéfice des actions d’atténuation de Cash For Work menées en phase précoce


OXFAM a mis en œuvre une étude sur l’analyse coût-bénéfice des actions d’atténuation menées en phase précoce, (avant l’entrée dans le pic de la crise). Cette étude, lancée en décembre 2011 a couvert 4 de ses pays d’intervention dans le Sahel Ouest-africain (Niger, Tchad, Burkina et...