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Todas las formas de asistencia humanitaria deben ser coordinadas para hacer el mejor uso de los recursos y evitar la duplicación de esfuerzos. Sin embargo, debido a que las transferencias monetarias multipropósito (TMM) perturban las divisiones tradicionales de la responsabilidad en el sector humanitario, sigue habiendo desacuerdos en torno a cómo los programas de transferencias monetarias (PTM) deben ser coordinados.

Una coordinación sólida puede evitar vacíos y duplicaciones en las respuestas humanitarias, así como garantizar que los PTM complementen otros tipos de asistencia. Sin embargo, el informe del «Estado Global de los Programas de Transferencias Monetarias» de la CALP Network muestra que la coordinación de la asistencia en efectivo es vista como débil y ad hoc, y que esto está teniendo graves repercusiones operativas. 

Los donantes, las ONG y los líderes de los grupos de trabajo de transferencias monetarias (GTM) han pedido claridad sobre tres temas principales relacionados con la coordinación de la asistencia en efectivo: 

  • Quién debe ser responsable de asegurar una coordinación eficaz de la asistencia en efectivo;
  • Cuál es la función y el mandato de los grupos de trabajo de transferencias monetarias, incluso en relación con las transferencias monetarias multipropósito; 
  • Cómo se debe dotar de recursos a la coordinación de asistencia en efectivo.

Tenemos que basarnos urgentemente en lo que funciona y proporcionar claridad a nivel mundial sobre las preguntas arriba mencionadas, adaptándonos a los diferentes contextos. Hace mucho tiempo que se deberían haber tomado decisiones claras basadas en necesidades operativas y no en la política de las agencias. 

Prioridades actuales

El objetivo de la CALP Network es contribuir a seguir progresando en este tema en tres niveles: apoyar a los grupos de trabajo de transferencias monetarias a nivel regional; contribuir a soluciones prácticas para la coordinación de la asistencia en efectivo a nivel mundial; y convocar una discusión basada en la evidencia sobre temas clave, destacando puntos de decisión críticos y oportunidades de progreso. 

Últimos recursos

Linking Social Protection and Humanitarian Cash and Voucher Assistance


There is a growing momentum and body of work around the idea of developing stronger links between humanitarian cash and voucher assistance (CVA) and social protection (SP). This Briefing Paper for the CALP Network, based on a literature review, a survey, and interviews, is intended to inform the CALP...

26 junio 2020

COVID-19 & Urgent Need for Child-Sensitive Social Protection

Policy paper

The COVID-19 pandemic is negatively affecting children’s lives in a myriad of ways. Well-intentioned government containment and response efforts such as movement restrictions and school closures have disrupted education for more than 1.5 billion students, leaving some of the most vulnerable children...

25 junio 2020

COVID-19: Invest now in cash/voucher-social protection scale-up or children pay the price later


Read the article here. Only socially accountable Social Protection Assistance beyond humanitarian cash/voucher programmes – if properly and quickly implemented – will protect generations of children from the aftershocks of COVID-19. Despite cash and voucher transfers becoming the tool of choice of...

25 junio 2020

Collaborative Cash Delivery Network – Grand Bargain – Collaboration Agreement Accomplishments 2020


The Collaborative Cash Delivery (CCD) Network is pleased to present its achievements against the commitments made by our global members’ CEOs at the 2019 Grand Bargain Summit as part of our global collaboration agreement. We know we are better together, and in this time of increasing pressure on the...

24 junio 2020

CVA & COVID-19: Remote Market Assessment and Monitoring

Blog Post

As field practitioners adapt their programmes to COVID-19, colleagues across our membership and Cash Working Groups are identifying multiple challenges. The CALP Network is working with others to develop a series of short, field-focused recommendations for such practitioners. The purpose of this series is...

22 junio 2020

El Caribe está preparado para los programas de transferencias monetarias, pero ¿lo están los actores humanitarios?

Blog Post

Hoy comienza la temporada de huracanes en el Caribe, en un contexto marcado por la respuesta sin precedentes a la pandemia de COVID-19. Durante el lanzamiento de la nota informativa de CALP Network Vientos de Cambio (sobre el uso de programas de transferencias monetarias en el Caribe), Andria Grosvenor,...

18 junio 2020

Global Remittances to Suffer a Blow From COVID-19

Blog Post

The CALP Network’s Future of Financial Assistance report highlighted the importance for CVA actors of working with and alongside other financial flows, which often dwarf volumes of humanitarian aid in crisis contexts. Of these flows, remittances are a critical lifeline for many crisis-affected...

17 junio 2020

Why use cash transfers to respond to COVID-19?

Guidelines and Tools

It is a one pager document showing advantages of using cash transfers in COVID-19 response together with some examples of integrating cash with different sectors.

16 junio 2020

COVID-19 Adaptation to Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) Intervention

Guidelines and Tools

The aim of this technical guidance is to support the team in designing and implementing CVA programmes in both development and humanitarian settings to adapt interventions in response to the Covid19 outbreak, in order to:
1. Support adequate prevention and response to Covid19, and
2. Ensure that the CVA...

16 junio 2020

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Social Protection, Gender Equality and Humanitarian Cash under COVID-19 Context

Guidelines and Tools

This document is prepared for Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) Program technical staff who are particularly working at Country Offices, and who still have limited experience on integrating a gender aware humanitarian cash approach within the Social Protection Programming. The document aims to provide...

16 junio 2020

Gender Aware Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) Programming Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Guidelines and Tools

This FAQ is prepared for the CVA Professional to build their basic concept on gender as well as to provide simple techniques on mainstreaming gender into CVA interventions. Please contact Aftab Alam ( for further information and assistance.

16 junio 2020

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) COVID-19 and Gender Aware Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) Programming

Policy paper

This FAQ is prepared for the CVA professional to build their technical capacity in relation to use of cash and voucher transfers across the sectors particularly under COVID-19 response.

16 junio 2020

Migrating with dignity: MPCA to Venezuelan families in Peru

Blog Post

Watch the video here In 2018, with the support of OFDA and FFP, Save the Children implemented a multi-purpose cash transfer ‘Plus’ program in response to the influx of Venezuelan into Peru. The program aimed at covering vulnerable household’s basic needs and prevent them from resorting to negative...

15 junio 2020

Migrating with dignity: MPCA to Venezuelan families in Peru


Watch the video here In 2018, with the support of OFDA and FFP, Save the Children implemented a multi-purpose cash transfer ‘Plus’ program in response to the influx of Venezuelan into Peru. The program aimed at covering vulnerable household’s basic needs and prevent them from resorting to negative...

15 junio 2020

MPCA ‘Plus’ assistance to people on the move: the case of Venezuelans in Peru

Blog Post

Watch the video here This video documents the MPCA ‘Plus’ program implemented by Save the Children Peru in response to the Venezuelan crisis, and more specifically highlights the provision of assistance to families on the move, or ‘transiting’ through Peru. Beneficiaries were identified throughout...

15 junio 2020

MPCA ‘Plus’ assistance to people on the move: the case of Venezuelans in Peru


Watch the video here This video documents the MPCA ‘Plus’ program implemented by Save the Children Peru in response to the Venezuelan crisis, and more specifically highlights the provision of assistance to families on the move, or ‘transiting’ through Peru. Beneficiaries were identified throughout...

15 junio 2020

10 Things you Wish you’d Always Known About Shock-responsive Social Protection

Guidelines and Tools

Download the publication file and the one-page summary here Improving the ‘shock-responsiveness’ of social protection—in other words, its relevance to large-scale natural, economic and political shocks—is an appealing prospect both for governments and for their partners working in social...

15 junio 2020

Acta de Reunión Regional de Líderes de Grupos de PTM en respecto a COVID-19


12 junio 2020

CVA for COVID-19: Listen to people and act on what they say

Blog Post

Not everyone will be personally affected by the COVID-19 health crisis, but nearly every household will feel its effects economically. For many people in humanitarian crises, particularly those at the margins of society, the economic impact of COVID-19 will be greater and longer-lasting than the health...

11 junio 2020