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Todas las formas de asistencia humanitaria deben ser coordinadas para hacer el mejor uso de los recursos y evitar la duplicación de esfuerzos. Sin embargo, debido a que las transferencias monetarias multipropósito (TMM) perturban las divisiones tradicionales de la responsabilidad en el sector humanitario, sigue habiendo desacuerdos en torno a cómo los programas de transferencias monetarias (PTM) deben ser coordinados.

Una coordinación sólida puede evitar vacíos y duplicaciones en las respuestas humanitarias, así como garantizar que los PTM complementen otros tipos de asistencia. Sin embargo, el informe del «Estado Global de los Programas de Transferencias Monetarias» de la CALP Network muestra que la coordinación de la asistencia en efectivo es vista como débil y ad hoc, y que esto está teniendo graves repercusiones operativas. 

Los donantes, las ONG y los líderes de los grupos de trabajo de transferencias monetarias (GTM) han pedido claridad sobre tres temas principales relacionados con la coordinación de la asistencia en efectivo: 

  • Quién debe ser responsable de asegurar una coordinación eficaz de la asistencia en efectivo;
  • Cuál es la función y el mandato de los grupos de trabajo de transferencias monetarias, incluso en relación con las transferencias monetarias multipropósito; 
  • Cómo se debe dotar de recursos a la coordinación de asistencia en efectivo.

Tenemos que basarnos urgentemente en lo que funciona y proporcionar claridad a nivel mundial sobre las preguntas arriba mencionadas, adaptándonos a los diferentes contextos. Hace mucho tiempo que se deberían haber tomado decisiones claras basadas en necesidades operativas y no en la política de las agencias. 

Prioridades actuales

El objetivo de la CALP Network es contribuir a seguir progresando en este tema en tres niveles: apoyar a los grupos de trabajo de transferencias monetarias a nivel regional; contribuir a soluciones prácticas para la coordinación de la asistencia en efectivo a nivel mundial; y convocar una discusión basada en la evidencia sobre temas clave, destacando puntos de decisión críticos y oportunidades de progreso. 

Últimos recursos

Towards shock-responsive social protection: lessons from the COVID-19 response in Sierra Leone: Estimate from the microsimulation


This report presents the methodology and results of a microsimulation based on a partial equilibrium modelling framework using nationally representative household-level data for Sierra Leone. The findings include an estimate of the potential impact of COVID-19 on poverty in the country based on a model...

15 marzo 2021

CVA, plus information: what happens when cash recipients are kept in the loop?

Blog Post

Max Seilern and Hannah Miles from Ground Truth Solutions reveal the positive impacts of simply being more open about cash programming with cash recipients.

15 marzo 2021

Brief: Towards shock-responsive social protection: lessons from the COVID-19 response in Kenya

Policy paper

This policy brief summaries the key findings and recommendations from the Kenya country case study on the social protection responses to COVID-19. The brief provides an analysis of the key enablers and constraints to the effective delivery of the social protection response in Kenya. The brief also...

15 marzo 2021

Data simplified. Protection amplified. An essential conversation for CVA practitioners. 


Background   As humanitarian aid becomes increasingly remote and digitized in the pandemic, and data is both a commodity and a weapon, how do we protect those we aim to help? More than ever, data must be treated as an extension of the individual and as an essential part of humanitarian protection. As...

11 marzo 2021 14:00-15:00 / English

COVID-19 and the Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) and Conditional Cash Transfers for Education (CCTE) programmes

Guidelines and Tools

FCDO Turkey commissioned SPACE to assess the impact of COVID-19 on the principal cash vehicles active in Turkey: Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) and Conditional Cash Transfers for Education (CCTE) programmes, both funded by the EU through the EUR 6 billion Facility for Refugees in Turkey (FRiT)...

11 marzo 2021

Inclusive Information Systems for Social Protection: Intentionally Integrating Gender and Disability

Policy paper

Digital information systems serving the social protection sector, and especially social assistance, are increasingly prominent and will continue to be, as is the case within all other sectors. “Why? Because the ability of a country to care for its people and respond to their lifecycle needs depends on...

11 marzo 2021

How Targeting Mechanisms Can Identify People With Disabilities for Inclusion in Social Protection Programmes

Guidelines and Tools

Persons with disabilities have worse education, health and employment outcomes and are more vulnerable to shocks than persons without disabilities. At the same time, they are less likely to be enrolled in social protection programmes, including those for which they are eligible. They can face significant...

11 marzo 2021

Data simplified. Protection amplified. An essential conversation for CVA practitioners.

Webinar recording

As humanitarian aid becomes increasingly remote and digitized in the pandemic, and data is both a commodity and a weapon, how do we protect those we aim to help? More than ever, data must be treated as an extension of the individual and as an essential part of humanitarian protection.  the CALP...

11 marzo 2021

Provisional Impact of Repeat MPCA on Meeting Basic Needs and Supporting Food Security in North-West Syria

Policy paper

In the North-West Syria response, cash assistance is mostly once-off or else for a maximum of 3 months. GOAL Syria is delivering a large-scale value voucher or food kit response to support food security needs. However, needs assessment repeatedly show that households have high non-food needs along with...

10 marzo 2021

Presentación: Módulo sobre Programas de Transferencias Monetarias (PTM) y Género


Esta presentación de diapositivas es parte del primer vídeo de micro aprendizaje de CALP Network en español, realizado en colaboración con CARE. Este módulo de micro aprendizaje ofrece un panorama general de la relación entre el género y los Programas de Transferencias Monetarias (PTM) organizado...

8 marzo 2021

La CALP Network & CARE: Módulo sobre los Programas de Transferencias Monetarias (PTM) y Género

Blog Post

  Este video ofrece una visión general de la relación entre el género y los programas de transferencias monetarias (PTM) estructurada en torno al ciclo del proyecto humanitario, que incluye: Evaluación y análisis de la respuesta: cómo ajustar los procesos de evaluación para lograr un reflejo más...

8 marzo 2021

Brief: Towards shock-responsive social protection: lessons from the COVID-19 response in Ethiopia

Policy paper

COVID-19 and national and international measures to curb its spread, may have pushed 15 million more people below the poverty line in Ethiopia. This policy brief draws on key learnings from the Ethiopia country case study, focused on the social protection response to COVID-19 and identifies...

8 marzo 2021

Towards shock-responsive social protection: lessons from the COVID-19 response in Kenya


The stringent lockdown measures and global economic slowdown, due to COVID-19, are likely to push more than 2 million people into poverty in Kenya. This study documents the Government of Kenya’s social protection response to mitigate the negative impact of the pandemic on vulnerable households and...

8 marzo 2021

Towards shock-responsive social protection: lessons from the COVID-19 response in Pakistan


The stringent lockdown measures and global economic slowdown, due to COVID-19, are likely to increase the poverty rate in Pakistan by 35 percentage points in urban areas and 32 percentage points in rural areas. The report documents the Government of Pakistan’s social protection response to mitigate the...

8 marzo 2021

Brief: Towards shock-responsive social protection: lessons from the COVID-19 response in Pakistan

Policy paper

This policy brief draws on key learnings from the Pakistan research report and microsimulation report on the social protection responses to COVID-19. The brief provides analysis of the factors that enabled and constrained the effectiveness of the delivery of social protection in Pakistan and also provides...

8 marzo 2021

Digital economy in KRI: A market study


The objective of the research was to assess the opportunities and challenges for digital technologies to promote economic growth and employment creation for host communities and refugees in Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The findings of this report will then be used to design curricula for digital skills which...

2 marzo 2021

The CALP Network Technical Advisory Group (TAG) Quarterly Meeting

Members event

This is the first TAG meeting of 2021. The TAG helps shape and steer the CALP Network’s technical and policy priorities within the overall strategic vision for the network, and is comprised of 20-30 individuals from member organisations.

24 febrero 2021 / Online / English

Cash Hub Webinar 18: Cash and Data Protection – The Use of Cash & Markets in the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement

Members event

The webinar will focus on Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) & Data Protection. As we scale up our use of CVA, collecting and processing of personal data must also increase. Considering data protection is essential for protecting the vulnerable, building trust and implementing CVA safely and at scale....

24 febrero 2021 / Cisco Webex - 1hr webinar / English

Why Data Rights Matter


This course was developed by Oxfam and will give you an overview of why Data Rights is so important to humanitarian and development work.

19 febrero 2021 / English / 2. Especializado

Sudan – Gedaref Joint Cash Risk assessment


Since the crisis in the Tigray region of Ethiopia in November 2020 over 60,000 people have sought refuge in neighbouring Sudan and were mostly accommodated in camps re-established in Gedaref State. Cash is has been utilised as a response modality and is being considered further by several agencies. This...

17 febrero 2021