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Todas las formas de asistencia humanitaria deben ser coordinadas para hacer el mejor uso de los recursos y evitar la duplicación de esfuerzos. Sin embargo, debido a que las transferencias monetarias multipropósito (TMM) perturban las divisiones tradicionales de la responsabilidad en el sector humanitario, sigue habiendo desacuerdos en torno a cómo los programas de transferencias monetarias (PTM) deben ser coordinados.

Una coordinación sólida puede evitar vacíos y duplicaciones en las respuestas humanitarias, así como garantizar que los PTM complementen otros tipos de asistencia. Sin embargo, el informe del «Estado Global de los Programas de Transferencias Monetarias» de la CALP Network muestra que la coordinación de la asistencia en efectivo es vista como débil y ad hoc, y que esto está teniendo graves repercusiones operativas. 

Los donantes, las ONG y los líderes de los grupos de trabajo de transferencias monetarias (GTM) han pedido claridad sobre tres temas principales relacionados con la coordinación de la asistencia en efectivo: 

  • Quién debe ser responsable de asegurar una coordinación eficaz de la asistencia en efectivo;
  • Cuál es la función y el mandato de los grupos de trabajo de transferencias monetarias, incluso en relación con las transferencias monetarias multipropósito; 
  • Cómo se debe dotar de recursos a la coordinación de asistencia en efectivo.

Tenemos que basarnos urgentemente en lo que funciona y proporcionar claridad a nivel mundial sobre las preguntas arriba mencionadas, adaptándonos a los diferentes contextos. Hace mucho tiempo que se deberían haber tomado decisiones claras basadas en necesidades operativas y no en la política de las agencias. 

Prioridades actuales

El objetivo de la CALP Network es contribuir a seguir progresando en este tema en tres niveles: apoyar a los grupos de trabajo de transferencias monetarias a nivel regional; contribuir a soluciones prácticas para la coordinación de la asistencia en efectivo a nivel mundial; y convocar una discusión basada en la evidencia sobre temas clave, destacando puntos de decisión críticos y oportunidades de progreso. 

Últimos recursos

Cash and Voucher Assistance for Education in Emergencies: Response Options Analysis and Targeting Methodologies

Members event

When: Wednesday 9 June 2021, 14:30 – 16:00 CET (90 minutes) What: Response options analysis and targeting methodologies in cash and voucher assistance (CVA) for education in emergencies (EiE) By whom: The Global Education Cluster Cash Task Team
The webinar will be moderated by Marco Grazia (Global...

9 junio 2021 / Zoom webinar / English

British Re

Cash Hub Webinar 22: Fast Track Cash Preparedness – The use of Cash and Markets in the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement

Members event

The COVID-19 response has been a catalyst for many Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies (NSs) to use Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA). This Webinar will explain what Fast Track Cash Preparedness entails and how this differs from the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement standard Cash Preparedness. In this...

9 junio 2021 / Online. / English

Facilitadores y brechas: Igualdad de Género, Respuesta y Mitigación de Violencia de Género en los Programas de Transferencias Monetarias a nivel de respuesta: análisis sobre tres estudios de caso


Lograr integrar género y el Programa de Transferencias Monetarias (PTM) fue establecido como una acción prioritaria para el Grupo de Trabajo de PTM- Gran Pacto en 2018. Aunque los proyectos con PTM son típicamente implementados por actores o consorcios humanitarios, hay oportunidades para crear...

8 junio 2021

Environmental checklist Review of environmental impact of Cash Based Interventions and in-kind assistance

Guidelines and Tools

This checklist has been developed based on the findings of the UNHCR study on
the Environmental Impacts of Cash Based Interventions (CBIs), to support multifunctional teams in charge of implementing cash assistance

8 junio 2021

Review of environmental impact of Cash Based Interventions and in-kind assistance


This document presents the main findings and recommendations from an Arup review commissioned by UNHCR on the environmental impact of Cash-Based Interventions (CBIs) and in-kind assistance. It aims to fill a gap in humanitarian assistance knowledge, and to strengthen the ability of humanitarians to take...

8 junio 2021

Eastern Africa Regional CWG Meeting on CVA for Health Outcomes: towards a regional action plan

Members event

Workshop to facilitate exchange of learning on CVA for health outcomes, support improved coordination between cash and health actors and inform an action plan for CVA and health in the region. Participants will include both CVA and health practitioners in the region. Date and Time: 8 and 9 June, from...

8 junio 2021 / Virtual / English

Annex the CALP Network MENA study CVA for Health examples 2021

Guidelines and Tools

This protected spreadsheet is the accompanying Annex to the CALP Network study A ‘Stocktake’ of CVA for Health Outcomes in the MENA Region: Moving from Evidence to Practice’ and provides further details of the projects studied in the stocktaking exercise.

2 junio 2021

Looking Through an Environmental Lens – Implications and opportunities for Cash Transfer Programming in humanitarian response


This study reviews the tensions between the use of cash-like assistance and negative environmental impacts in the humanitarian assistance process and defines a diagnostic framework for assessing these impacts to define how to make assistance transfers in a way which minimizes the potential for negative...

2 junio 2021

CVA for Health Outcomes: From evidence to practice in MENA


Wednesday, 2 June 2021, 15:00 AMM | 13:00 UK

2 junio 2021 13:00-2:30 / Zoom / English

Global Cash Working Group

Members event

The Global Cash Working Group meeting will meet for 90 minutes Tuesday, 01 June at 8 am ET/2 pm CET/3 pm EAT. You can confirm your timezone here: The thematic focus of the meeting will be on “Response Planning.” A detailed agenda with speakers will...

1 junio 2021 / Remote / English

Somalia CVA Case Study: Cash and Voucher Assistance and Gender-Based Violence Risk Mitigation


In order to better understand the potential risks for women and girls that may be created by the provision of humanitarian cash assistance, Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) experts from Somalia worked closely together to evaluate existing CVA interventions in Somalia and...

1 junio 2021

June 2021 Global Cash Working Group Presentation Slides


This slide deck is a combination of the slides presented by the Global Cash Working Group, as well as the slides from the presenters.

1 junio 2021

What are future financing options for shock responsive social protection? A technical primer

Guidelines and Tools

This paper aims to advance these discussions in a number of ways. As ‘financing for SRSP’ is understood differently by different people, it starts by providing greater clarity on what this term constitutes, and its relation to disaster risk finance. It acknowledges the broad potential remit of...

31 mayo 2021

SPACE Gender and Social Protection in the COVID-19 Economic Recovery: Opportunities and Challenges

Policy paper

This paper analyses the potential contribution of social protection to a gender-transformative economic recovery over the medium term, defined as running from the present to the end of 2022. It builds on the existing Social Protection Approaches to COVID-19 Expert (SPACE) advice publication; SPACE Social...

31 mayo 2021

SPACE What are future financing options for shock responsive social protection? (Summary Brief)

Policy paper

This paper, and the longer Technical Primer that accompanies it, are designed to inform discussions around financing shock-responsive social protection (SRSP). It starts by clarifying terms and providing a framing to guide approaches to SRSP financing. It then provides a high-level overview of current and...

31 mayo 2021

SPACE Summary Brief: What are future financing options for shock responsive social protection?

Guidelines and Tools

This paper, and the longer Technical Primer that accompanies it, are designed to inform discussions around financing shock-responsive social protection (SRSP). It starts by clarifying terms and providing a framing to guide approaches to SRSP financing. It then provides a high-level overview of current and...

31 mayo 2021

GBV Risk Mitigation: An Analysis of the CARE Somalia Integrated Relief &Recovery Program (ISRP) Multipurpose Cash.


This is a learning brief that highlights the GBV risk mitigation analysis of CARE’s ISRP Project (Economic Recovery Sector ) funded by USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA), The CARE Project was applied as one of the case studies for the inter-agency Somalia GBV Risk mapping in CVA projects.

31 mayo 2021