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1861 – 1880 of 4866 resultados

L’égalité de genre, l’atténuation et la réponse à la violence basée sur le genre dans les transferts monétaires : leviers et lacunes Analyse de trois études de cas


L’intégration du genre dans les Transferts Monétaires (TM) a été définie comme une action prioritaire dans le cadre du Grand Bargain Cash Workstream en 2018. Bien que les projets avec TM soient généralement mis en œuvre par des acteurs humanitaires pris individuellement ou en consortiums, il...

27 mayo 2021

Forecast based financing – lessons learned on early actions with cash transfers


The objective of the document is to present the lessons learned related to the implementation of early actions with cash transfers as part of the forecast-based financing mechanism implemented by the World Food Programme in the Yaque del Norte watershed in the Dominican Republic.

27 mayo 2021

Pauline Pérez


Pauline joined le CALP Network in April 2018. She holds a Master’s degree in Cross-Border and International Cooperation from the University of Bayonne (France) where she is originally from. Prior to joining le CALP Network, Pauline worked in administration in France and more recently as a project...

بولين بيريز


Pauline joined CALP Network in April 2018. She holds a Master’s degree in Cross-Border and International Cooperation from the University of Bayonne (France) where she is originally from. Prior to joining CALP Network, Pauline worked in administration in France and more recently as a project...

Pauline Pérez


Pauline joined la CALP Network in April 2018. She holds a Master’s degree in Cross-Border and International Cooperation from the University of Bayonne (France) where she is originally from. Prior to joining la CALP Network, Pauline worked in administration in France and more recently as a project...

Cash and Voucher Assistance for Clearance, Land Release and Survivor Assistance

Members event

This event will take place as part of the 24th International Meeting of Mine Action National Directors and United Nations Advisers. The event will look at findings from research on the extent to which CVA has been leveraged to improve protection outcomes in Mine Action. It will flag institutional...

26 mayo 2021 / English

Pauline Pérez


Location: United Kingdom

CALP Board Meeting

Members event

CALP Board Meeting – quarterly

25 mayo 2021 / Virtual / English

FbF – Aprendizajes sobre las acciones anticipadas con transferencias monetarias en República Dominicana


El objetivo del documento es presentar los aprendizajes relacionados con la implementación de las acciones tempranas con transferencias monetarias, como parte del mecanismo de financiación basada en pronósticos implementado por el Programa Mundial de Alimentos en la Cuenca Yaque del Norte en la...

24 mayo 2021

Evento de aprendizaje regional en Latinoamérica y el Caribe: Vinculando las transferencias monetarias con los sistemas de protección social

Evento miembro

RED LAC en colaboración con el Grupo de Trabajo de Transferencias Monetarias – R4V lo invitan a participar del evento de aprendizaje regional “Vinculando las transferencias monetarias con los sistemas de protección social” que se llevará a cabo el 20 de mayo, 2021 a las 9:00 -11:30 (hora...

20 mayo 2021 / Español

Cash Hub Webinar 21: Contracting and Working with Financial Service Providers – The Use of Cash & Markets in the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement

Members event

Financial Service Providers (FSPs) are often critical to allow cash and voucher assistance (CVA) at scale. In this Webinar we will introduce some of the experiences, challenges and learning from contracting and working with FSPs. ICRC will share its experience on this topic from Nigeria and Ethiopia. The...

19 mayo 2021 / Online / English

World Humanitarian Forum 2021

Members event

World Humanitarian Forum (WHF) is the largest and most inclusive nonpartisan forum in humanitarian aid and international development. WHF brings together decision-makers and opinion-formers in the public, private and non-profit sectors, as well as the next generation of partnership-builders.

19 mayo 2021 / London / online event / English

Minding the (financial and digital) gap! – How informal social safety nets leverage digital & cash enablers in COVID-19 pandemic


Minding the (financial and digital) gap! – How informal social safety nets leverage digital & cash enablers in COVID-19 pandemic: In every context, strengthening the links between cash transfers, savings groups and digitisation contributes to resilient recovery from COVID-19. Representatives of...

17 mayo 2021

Somalia: transferencias monetarias a través de dinero móvil para servicios de salud materno-infantil


Este estudio es parte de un estudio multipaís más amplio realizado por CARE titulado “Programas de Transferencias
Monetarias para Salud Sexual y Reproductiva: Aprendizajes de Ecuador, Colombia, Líbano y Somalia”. CARE Somalia ha utilizado los PTM en sus programas durante más de diez años. Esto...

12 mayo 2021

Somalie : Argent Mobile pour la Santé Maternelle et Infantile


Des Résultats En Matière De Santé Et Des Droits Sexuels Et Reproductifs : Enseignements Tirés De L’équateur, La
Colombie, Le Liban Et la Somalie”. Dans ses programmes, CARE Somalie a eu recours aux transferts monétaires depuis plus de dix ans. Cela comprend
les transferts monétaires pour la...

12 mayo 2021

Cash and Voucher Programming in COVID-19, Lessons Learnt from Asia Pacific


COVID-19 has left an indelible adverse impact on all aspects of life not just health but also on livelihood, food security, protection, and many others. After the WHO declared a global pandemic in March 2020, World Vision mindfully scaled up its response to support most vulnerable households through...

12 mayo 2021

الصومال: تحويالت نقدية عبر Money Mobile لخدمات صحة األم والطفل


اســتخدمت منظمــة كيــر الصومــال مســاعدات النقــد والقســائم )CVA )فــي
برامجهــا ألكثــر مــن عشــر ســنوات. يشــمل ذلــك مســاعدات النقــد والقســائم
)CVA )لألمـن...

12 mayo 2021