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901 – 920 of 4861 resultados

Los cambios en las sanciones económicas de EE.UU. y la ONU pueden simplificar la implementación de los PTM

Blog Post

Los recientes cambios en los regímenes de sanciones económicas de la ONU y EE.UU. prometen mejorar el proceso de transferencia de efectivo a través de las fronteras internacionales, pero los cambios podrían no ser tan rápidos o exhaustivos como se pudiera esperar. Planteamos ocho preguntas a Rory...

17 enero 2023

Changes to US and UN economic sanctions may simplify CVA implementation

Blog Post

Recent changes to the UN and US economic sanctions regimes promise to improve cash transfer process across international borders, but changes might not be as quick or comprehensive as we would hope. We put eight questions to Rory Crew, who has looked into the matter for you.  

17 enero 2023

Les changements apportés aux sanctions économiques des États-Unis et de l’ONU pourraient simplifier la mise en œuvre des transferts monétaires

Blog Post

Les récents changements apportés aux régimes de sanctions économiques de l’ONU et des États-Unis promettent d’améliorer le processus de transferts monétaires à travers les frontières internationales, mais les changements pourraient ne pas être aussi rapides ou complets que nous...

17 enero 2023

FAQs Consultancy on Accessibility and Usability


Why was the deadline for applications extended? We have not received enough proposals, so we extended the deadline until 17 February 2023. Regarding user testing, how many users are there expected to be? What type of diversity (visual, cognitive, motor) should we address? Nielsen Norman suggests five...

16 enero 2023

Por qué se necesita un plan A, B y C: uso de los programas de transferencias monetarias en contextos de difícil acceso

Blog Post

Los programas de transferencias monetarias (PTM) pueden ser una valiosa opción de respuesta en zonas de difícil acceso, pero debe adaptarse adecuadamente al contexto e invertir lo suficiente en la preparación. Mirko Tommasi explica cómo preparar múltiples planes, ser flexible y estar dispuesto a...

16 enero 2023

Community based targeting: The ‘best-worst’ thing for limited humanitarian resources?

Blog Post

A recent blog by Development Pathways argued that Community Based Targeting (CBT) posed a risk to social stability. Whilst acknowledging the risks, the article below asserts that transitioning from CBT is not immediately possible, and in that light, provides a checklist and additional resources for...

16 enero 2023

Community based targeting: The ‘best-worst’ thing for limited humanitarian resources?

Blog Post

A recent blog by Development Pathways argued that Community Based Targeting (CBT) posed a risk to social stability. Whilst acknowledging the risks, the article below asserts that transitioning from CBT is not immediately possible, and in that light, provides a checklist and additional resources for...

16 enero 2023

Pourquoi vous faut-il un plan A, B et C : l’utilisation des transferts monétaires dans des zones difficiles d’accès

Blog Post

Les transferts monétaires peuvent être un choix de réponse valable dans les zones difficiles d’accès, mais ils doivent être correctement adaptés au contexte, avec un investissement suffisant dans la préparation. Mirko Tommasi explique comment la préparation de plusieurs plans, la flexibilité et...

16 enero 2023

Cash Response in Ukraine


Are you looking for key research, evidence and recommendations related to the CVA response in Ukraine? If so, then you’re in the right place.

Why you need a plan A, B and C: Using cash in hard-to-reach contexts

Blog Post

Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) can be a valuable response choice in hard-to-reach areas, but it must be properly adapted to context with sufficient investment given to preparedness. Mirko Tommasi explains how preparing multiple plans, being flexible and ready to change plans fast and frequently is...

16 enero 2023

Form test


[ninja_form id='35']

11 enero 2023

HelpAge International


CALP Online: Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff – Key Aid Consulting

Members training

9 enero 2023 / Online / English