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681 – 700 of 4859 resultados

Rachel Eichholz


Alan Grundy


Lucia Steinberg


Lucia Steinberg has worked in the humanitarian sector since 2009, with a specific focus on Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) since 2015. She has worked across a diversity of settings, primarily in mass displacement, refugee contexts and with people on the move, with assignments mostly in the Middle East,...

Jonathan Brass


Simon Wright-Lakin


Steve Taylor


Stephen Taylor is the Chief Delivery and Impact Officer at Simprints. Steve joined Simprints from World Vision where he was the Head of Office for Syria and Turkey. Steve has experience with other NGOs including as Country Director with Action Against Hunger in Pakistan and as Syria Response Director with...

De l’argent, voilà ce que je veux

Blog Post

Les personnes en situation de crise nous disent qu’elles ont besoin d’argent, mais les technocrates affirment que le transfert d’espèces est une « modalité » et non un « besoin ». Dans ce blog, Ground Truth Solutions affirme que cela n’a pas d’importance.

26 mayo 2023

Money, that’s what I want

Blog Post

People in crisis tell us they need cash, but technocrats say cash is a ‘modality’ not a ‘need’. In this guest blog, Ground Truth Solutions argue that it doesn’t matter.

23 mayo 2023

المال، هذا ما أريده

Blog Post

يخبرنا الأشخاص الذين يمرون بأزمة أنهم بحاجة إلى النقد، لكن التكنوقراطيين يقولون إن النقد “طريقة” وليست “حاجة”. في مدونة الضيف هذه تؤمن منظمة (Ground Truth Solutions) بأن ليس...

23 mayo 2023

Céline Sinitzky Billard


Dinero – eso es lo que quiero

Blog Post

Las personas en crisis nos dicen que necesitan efectivo, pero los tecnócratas dicen que el efectivo es una “modalidad” y no una “necesidad”. En este blog invitado, Ground Truth Solutions argumenta que no importa.

23 mayo 2023

Céline Sinitzky Billard


Location: France

سيلين سينيتسكي بيلارد


الموقع: فرنسا