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501 – 520 of 702 resultados

As the movement for cash transfer programming advances, how can we ensure that people with disabilities are not left behind in cash transfer programming for emergencies?


It is estimated that 15% of the world’s population has a disability and evidence has shown that those with a disability are likely to be disproportionately affected when a crisis hits. In a 2015 global consultation carried out by Handicap International, 75% of respondents living with a disability, the...

8 diciembre 2016

Fast Forward. A discussion paper on the future of cash


This discussion paper has been co-created by the CALP Network with input from its members during the month of September 2016 to inform ongoing discussions about cash transfer programming worldwide. This discussion paper briefly describes one of the most ambitious reform proposals to implement cash...

December 2016

Food or Cash or Vouchers? New report on U.S. food assistance monitoring and evaluation suggests “All of the above”

Blog Post

In this special blog Jenny Coneff, the CALP Network's North America Focal Point, reflects on the main findings of the GAO report.

7 octubre 2016

Cash is the answer to change the global aid system

Blog Post

A variety of studies show that recipients of cash not only use the assistance to meet immediate needs (food, shelter, health, schooling) but they also use it to invest in businesses. Cash is not only a dignified way of helping people in need get back on their feet, it incentivises and supports...

19 septiembre 2016

Gender Analysis for MVAC Emergency Cash Transfer Programme


Cash Transfers (CTs) provided an effective means of supporting men and women to meet their basic needs in an emergency. CTs assisted men and women to meet their practical needs, giving men a sense of purpose as a provider, and allowing women to fulfil their traditional roles as wife and mother. CTs led...

2 septiembre 2016

Cash Transfers in Remote Emergency Programming: Focus on risk mitigation

Blog Post

Humanitarian agencies increasingly deliver cash in locations with significant access constraints. Roger Dean, NRC’s Remote Cash Project lead, answers questions about how cash transfers can be used as an effective modality of response in such contexts.

1 agosto 2016

Cash Transfers: What Does the Evidence Say? A Rigorous Review of Programme Impact and of the Role of Design and Implementation Features


Cash transfers have been increasingly adopted by countries worldwide as central elements of their social protection and poverty reduction strategies. A growing number of studies provide rigorous evidence on the impact of cash transfers, and the role of specific cash transfer design and implementation...

29 julio 2016

Finding Economic Opportunity in the City: Lessons from IRC’s Cash and Livelihoods Programmes in Cities within Lebanon and Jordan


This report looks at IRC’s experiences in cash assistance and livelihoods programming in Lebanon and Jordan in the context of the Syrian regional response. It explores opportunities and challenges inherent to cash and livelihoods programming, identifying good practices and ways to integrate other...

9 julio 2016

Introducing the ELAN Data Starter Kit

Blog Post

Electronic cash transfers (e-transfers) often necessitate the transfer of personal data, some of which is sensitive, between humanitarian and private sector actors, such as financial service providers (FSPs). As use of e-transfers increases, having strong data management and protection practices in place...

14 junio 2016

Future of NGOs: Smaller, more specialised, and more efficient

Blog Post

The WHS was far from a revolution. Yet the unprecedented place occupied by cash at the WHS shows the ball is rolling. Nigel Timmins, Oxfam International’s Humanitarian Director, reflects on what underlies our attitudes and how NGOs will need to focus on a set of core activities that reflect their...

1 junio 2016

E-Vouchers for Syrian Refugees in Turkey: Challenges and lessons learned around vulnerability, targeting, and protection

Blog Post

There are more than 2.5 million Syrian refugees living in Turkey. The vast majority of these individuals have settled in cities, not camps, and therefore receive minimal or no humanitarian assistance to help meet their basic needs. In response to this gap, the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) in Turkey...

4 abril 2016

The Use of Cash Transfer for Livelihoods: Considerations and lessons learned

Blog Post

As the use of cash transfer programming increases, questions of how it can be used both to meet short-term relief needs and to contribute to recovery and longer-term development become more pertinent. In particular, the use of cash transfers to meet livelihoods objectives can be a highly effective means...

31 marzo 2016

Cash Working Groups: A preliminary mapping


Brief overview of the state of cash working groups in emergency settings.

February 2016

Les modèles de coordination des transferts monétaires en Afrique de l’Ouest : Mali et Mauritanie


The CALP Network, basé sur son expérience dans les pays et les réalisations des différents groupes – dont la vitalité peut évoluer rapidement au fil des mois – a choisi de documenter particulièrement l’expérience de coordination des TM du Mali, qui est actuellement l’un des CWG les plus...


Cash Transfers in Humanitarian Contexts


Upon request of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Principals at their meeting on December 11, 2015, the World Bank agreed to coordinate a process of reviewing key issues and options for significantly scaling up the use of multipurpose cash transfers (MPCTs; including digital cash and vouchers) in...


Cash-based programming to address hunger in conflict-affected South Sudan: A case study


For some time aid agencies and donors have recognised the benefits of utilising markets to deliver food assistance. And  for almost as long, cash-based programming has been effective in doing this by improving people’s ability to purchase sufficient nutritious food. Addressing hunger through cash...


UNHCR Cash Assistance: Improving refugees lives and supporting local economies


UNHCR’s Cash-Based Interventions (CBI) support the most vulnerable Syrian refugees living within the host community in Jordan. Thanks to generous donor support last year, over 30,000 households received monthly cash assistance, winterisation cash, and cash for health, totalling nearly US $ 85 million....


Rapid Assessment for Markets: Bidibidi Refugee Settlement


The Rapid Assessment of Markets (RAM) conducted within the Bidibidi Refugee Settlement and in the surrounding Ugandan towns and trading centres sheds some light upon the rapidly developing network of marketplaces within one of the world’s fastest growing refugee settlements. The RAM highligthed key...


Les transferts monétaires et la programmation à distance en situation d’urgence

Guides et outils

Dans des situations d’urgence où les acteurs humanitaires rencontrent de grandes difficultés d’accès, l’utilisation de programmes de transferts monétaires (PTM ou CPT en anglais pour Cash Transfer Programmes) présente un fort potentiel pour aider à fournir un soutien vital aux personnes les...