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4461 – 4480 of 4854 resultados

Livelihood Coping and Recovery from Disaster: The case of coastal Bangladesh


Bangladesh has a long history of coping with and recovery from disasters. Although climate extremes are increasingly taking huge tolls especially in the southwestern part of the country, households are resisting the negative outcomes of these events eventually. This research explores the livelihood...


Transfert monétaire inconditionnel: marché ouvert via coupons monétaires


Cette étude de cas, réalisée par Solidarités International, présente le projet ARCC (Alternative Responses for Communities in Crisis) ayant mis en oeuvre une distribution de jetons et coupons monétaires (vouchers) pouvant être utilisés dans un marché ouvert. Le projet visait à améliorer les...


Atelier de leçons apprises sur les Programmes de Transferts Monétaires


A l’initiative d’ECHO, du CALP Network régional, du groupe d’assistance alimentaire, de la troïka (Groupe PTF sur la protection sociale) un atelier de 2 jours, tenu les 30 et 31 janvier 2013 a réuni près de 43 intervenants, issus du Gouvernement, des agences du système des Nations Unies, des...

January 2013

Minimum Requirements For Market Analysis In Emergencies: Annex 1 – Checklists


In order to see whether or not the minimum requirements have been met, the following checklist should be referred to at each stage of the process. Space is provided to explain issues that have arisen which may have
prevented the MRs from being met. Organisations may wish to use this checklist on a regular...


Cash Voucher Programme: Review of voucher assistance as a safety-net transfer modality in the Gaza Strip


This review commissioned by Oxfam GB and WFP, looks at the effect of the Cash Voucher Project of WFP / Oxfam / Ma’an (CVP) on beneficiaries in Gaza. The review studies the impact on beneficiary diets and interviews beneficiaries to obtain their opinion on cash vouchers over in-kind food aid. The review...


Social Protection and Resilient Food Systems: The role of cash transfers

Policy paper

Cash transfers – a form of social protection – have been increasingly used as a tool for reducing poverty and vulnerability in middle and low-income countries over the past decade. More recently, cash transfers have also been used as an alternative to food aid in humanitarian contexts. The objective...


Evaluation de Différentes Stratégies de Distributions Préventives de la Malnutrition au Niger: Rapport Final


Parmi les enfants de 6 à 59 mois traditionnellement pris en charge dans les programmes nutritionnels au Niger, la tranche d’âge la plus à risque de malnutrition aiguë est celle des enfants de 6 à 23 mois. Plusieurs types de produits sont disponibles actuellement pour prévenir la malnutrition : les...


Enseignements Tirés du Programme Cash Voucher au Camp de Réfugiés de Mangaïze


L’atelier régional sur les enseignement tirés du projet cash voucher au camp de réfugiés de Mangaize s’est tenu du 11 au 12 septembre à Niamey et le 13 septembre à  Mangaize, au Niger. L’atelier a réuni 53 participants représentant 18 organisations collaborant avec le UNHCR et/ou le PAM au...


Atténuer les conséquences négatives de la crise postélectorale ivoirienne sur la sécurité alimentaire et soutenir la relance des moyens d’existence des ménages vulnérables du département de Soubré


Actif dans les communes d’Abobo et de Yopougon depuis avril 2011, ACTED intervient en République de Côte d’Ivoire dans le district d’Abidjan et dans la région des 18 Montagnes à l’Ouest du pays. Fort de sa capacité de réponse à l’urgence, au niveau régional et global, ACTED a étendu en...

December 2012

sQuid Card As An Electronic Voucher Aid Management


Electronic payments technologies have advanced significantly and some have the capability to meet the demands of transferring money to large numbers of recipients with a high level of accountability that must accompany such cash transfer programmes. sQuid is one of these.

October 2012

Humanitarian Coalition East Africa Drought Appeal: Final evaluation report – Cash programs


In 2011,  suffered from one of the worst droughts in 60 years which left more than 13 million people in need of food, water and emergency healthcare.  Canadian donors contributed $14 million to the Humanitarian Coalition’s joint appeal for East Africa’s drought of 2011. These funds helped to set up...

October 2012

Humanitarian Coalition East Africa Drought Appeal: Final evaluation report


In 2011,  suffered from one of the worst droughts in 60 years which left more than 13 million people in need of food, water and emergency healthcare.  Canadian donors contributed $14 million to the Humanitarian Coalition’s joint appeal for East Africa’s drought of 2011. These funds helped to set up...

October 2012

Transfert de Cash en Milieu Urbain dans un Contexte d’Urgence


Ce rapport décrit la réponse à la crise, à travers la distribution de cash en milieu urbain, en soulignant les principaux succès et complications rencontrés au cours de ce projet ; Il fait l’économie de la réunion de capitalisation tenue le 31 Octobre 2012 avec tous les partenaires...

September 2012

Cash Consortium for South/Central Somalia: Combined Risk Analysis


Since mid-2011, the Cash Consortium has been providing access to food and other non-food items through unconditional cash grants for the most vulnerable populations in South Central Somalia. The context is highly challenging, due to continuing conflict, lack of governance, high criminality and low levels...

September 2012

The Crisis in the Sahel – Special Feature


The special feature of this issue of Humanitarian Exchange focuses on the humanitarian crisis in the Sahel region of Africa, where aid agencies estimate that more than 18 million people are affected by food insecurity. In response to this crisis, cash and vouchers programming has been largely used. In...

September 2012