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4341 – 4360 of 4854 resultados

Cross-Sector Cash Assistance for Syrian Refugees and Host Communities in Lebanon: An IRC Programme


Since January 2013, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) has been implementing a project providing humanitarian assistance to the Syrian refugees in Lebanon. This project provided unconditional financial assistance to targeted Syrian refugees and Lebanese host households to help them be better...


Market Analysis for Preparedness and Development: Piloting Innovation in Guatemala


This case study charts the process, successes and learning from Oxfam’s pilot joint market analysis in Guatemala 2013. One of the key lessons is that, despite the initial reluctance to market based programming approaches, a critical impact of the assessment has been increased interest from other...


CTP factsheet – Philippine Red Cross – cash transfer preparedness pilot


The IFRC worked with four pilot countries between May 2012 and December 2013 to enable the National Societies to use cash transfer programming to address relief needs at scale, implementing it more rapidly and targeting a larger number of households. The Philippine Red Cross was one of the four...


Designing Social Protection Frameworks for Somalia: Findings and Ways Forward in SCS


This presentation was made on behalf of Development Pathways at the social protection framework validation meeting that took place at the Jacaranda Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya on 26 September 2014. It looks at designing social protection frameworks for Somalia and covers: 1.Activities and Methods 2.Macro...


Scoping study – Emergency cash transfer programming in the WaSH and shelter sectors


Over the past few years, the dialogue on cash transfer programming has progressed beyond initial debates about whether distributing cash and vouchers is a valid response modality at all to a general acceptance of their added value in appropriate contexts. Beyond the livelihoods and food...


Demystifying Payments – mStar


In its simplest form, a payment is any exchange of value between two parties, where usually Party A offers a form of currency in exchange for a good or service provided by Party B. The advent of nation-states issuing fiat currency, such as paper bills and bronze coins, which unlike gold or silver...


Les transferts sociaux pour la sécurité alimentaire nutritionnelle dans le Sahel – Rapport de synthèse


« Comment assurer la mise en place, l’efficacité, la couverture et la viabilité de programmes nationaux de transferts sociaux pour la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle dans le Sahel ? » Cette question était au coeur du séminaire régional organisé à l’initiative de la...


Croix-Rouge philippine Projet pilote de préparation à la réalisation de transferts monétaires


La Fédération internationale a travaillé avec les quatre pays pilotes entre mai 2012 et décembre 2013 pour que ces Sociétés nationales puissent répondre sur une grande échelle aux besoins en secours à l’aide de programmes de transferts monétaires, en les mettant en oeuvre plus...


Projet du Cadre Commun sur les Filets Sociaux Saisonniers au Nord du Mali, régions de Tombouctou et Gao – Document de capitalisation


Ce document de capitalisation s’adresse aux acteurs humanitaires et de développement, aussi bien gouvernementaux que non gouvernementaux oeuvrant au Mali à réduire la vulnérabilité et la pauvreté des populations, mais aussi pour ceux qui s’intéresse et cherche à se rapprocher des techniques de...


Planning for government adoption of a social protection programme in an insecure environment: the Child Grant Development Programme in northern Nigeria


Cash transfer programming (CTP) is increasingly used in West Africa in response to food and nutritional crisis. Beyond emergency situations, cash transfer mechanisms are key mechanisms for national social protection strategies and policies. Despite the rapid development of social...


CTP factsheet – Senegalese Red Cross – cash transfer preparedness pilots


The IFRC worked with four pilot countries between May 2012 and December 2013 to enable the National Societies to use cash transfer programming to address relief needs at scale, implementing it more rapidly and targeting a larger number of households. The Senegalese Red Cross was one of the four...


Humanitarianism in the Age of Cyber-warfare: Towards the Principled and Secure Use of Information in Humanitarian Emergencies


Humanitarian assistance is driven by information. From early warnings to needs assessments to final evaluations, information determines priorities and resource allocation. In addition, a crisis drives people to collect and share personal information that they otherwise wouldn’t: the names of missing...


Cash-for-shelter pilot findings in CRS’s Typhoon Haiyan Response


In order to explore possible strategies for shelter assistance that would also benefit local markets, a cash transfer pilot study was conducted in which beneficiaries received cash to purchase shelter materials and to hire labourers. CRS promoted disaster-resilient construction techniques and employed a...


The Impact of Oxfam’s Cash Distributions on Syrian Refugee Households in Host Communities and Informal Settlements in Jordan


Given the absence of viable alternatives to cash transfer programmes (CTPs) in Jordan, such programmes will certainly continue for the foreseeable future. It is crucial to review their impact to date in order to identify common issues and lessons learned and adjust programmes accordingly. The present...


Cash Transfer Programming Infographic – OCHA


OCHA (Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) in the Philippines has produced a helpful infographic explaining the role of cash transfer programming in the Philippines Typhoon Haiyan response. The infographic explores several aspects of cash transfer programming, and examines the several...


Economic Impact Study: Direct and indirect impact of the WFP food voucher programme in Jordan


The intent of this study is to estimate the economic benefits of the food voucher programme implemented by the World Food Programmeme (WFP) for Syrian refugees in Jordan. The study employs a two pronged approach whereby the first component provides an analysis of the supermarkets that participate in...


Insufficient Evidence? The Quality and Use of Evidence in Humanitarian Action


This paper (and the ALNAP meeting on which it is based) is underpinned by the sense that ‘at present, humanitarian decisions are often based on poor information’ (DFID, 2012: 5) and are ‘anecdote, rather than evidence, driven’ (Mazurana et al., 2011: 1). Even when evidence is available, decisions...


Etude de faisabilité pour un programme de transferts sociaux monétaires comme instrument majeur d’une protection sociale centrée sur l’enfant au sénégal


Les subventions et autres mesures politiques adoptées par le gouvernement en 2007 pour protéger les pauvres des effets néfastes induits par le prix élevé des denrées alimentaires et du carburant se sont révélées très onéreuses et pourtant inefficaces pour atteindre les plus pauvres. La...


Response to Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda)


When used appropriately, cash-based interventions can have
multiplier effects in helping to meet peoples’ needs in food,
shelter, non-food items, health, nutrition and education, protecting
or rebuilding livelihoods, facilitating the return and reintegration of
displaced people, and stimulating the...

December 2013

Emergency Relief Coordinator’s Key Messages On Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda


Emergency Relief Coordinator’s Key Messages On Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda

15 noviembre 2013