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4281 – 4300 of 4859 resultados

Development of a Framework for Multipurpose Cash Assistance to Improve Aid Effectiveness in Lebanon: Support to the Market Assessment and Monitoring Component


The objective of the three market assessments presented in this report is to provide the interagency cash transfer programming working group (CTPWG) with meaningful and actionable information on the market impact of cash assistance in Lebanon. This report is also intended to inform decision making on...


Research to Identify the Optimal Operational Set-up for Multi-Actor Provision of Unconditional Cash Grants to Syrian Refugees in Lebanon: Final report and recommendation


This report contains the findings and recommendations from a 30 day research project commissioned by the cash working group (CWG) based in Lebanon, and more specifically the team tasked with the operational set-up. The Avenir research project team was engaged to identify the optimal operational set-up for...


Effects of the Palestinian National Cash Transfer Programme on Children and Adolescents


Over the past two decades, social protection programmes have been implemented in many developing countries to reduce poverty and vulnerabilities in the face of context-specific challenges such as economic crises,inequality and exclusion, and human development deficits. The multidimensional...


Étude de cas du CALP Network – Subventions monetaires sans conditions pour l’aide humanitaire et le relevement dans les provinces de Rizal et de laguna aux Philippines (suite au typhon Ketsana)


Afin de répondre aux inondations soudaines survenues dans les provinces de Laguna et de Rizal aux Philippines, Oxfam International a mis en oeuvre un programme de transfert monétaire en trois phases : des transferts monétaires sans conditions pour la population afin de répondre aux besoins...


Le CALP Network Formation Niveau 2 – Module 4 – Suivi, planification et préparation aux interventions

Guides et outils

La formation niveau 2 a été développée comme une formation approfondie pour les personnes qui ont déjà de l’expérience avec les programmes utilisant les transferts monétaires (en espèces et / ou les bons d’achat) : les responsables programmes / projets de tous secteurs (sécurité...


Electronic Transfers Scoping Study and Preparedness Plan

Policy paper

This piece of work was arranged by Action Against Hunger (ACF), with the intention of understanding the electronic payment services available in a minimum of two country missions and to support ACF in preparing for future humanitarian response in country and globally, with a specific focus on...


Is Cash Transfer a Better Devil than Food Aid? A study of Malawi’s use of cash transfer as a response tool to food insecurity in 2012/2013 and 2013/2014


The 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami is considered as the first humanitarian situation where cash transfers were used as an alternative to food aid. Since then, cash transfers have been used as a standalone response tool to disasters, or used in combination with food aid. Malawi piloted the use of cash...


Pilots, principles or patronage: what makes social protection succeed in southern Africa?


The Regional Hunger and Vulnerability Programme (RHVP) has commissioned studies of 20 social transfer schemes and a range of thematic papers on the conceptualisation, design, implementation and impacts of social protection programmes in six southern African countries: Lesotho, Malawi....


Communications Technology and Humanitarian Delivery – Challenges and Opportunities for Security Risk Management


The articles contained in this publication are dispatches from a new frontline in humanitarian action: the digital frontier. All are written by those observing, experiencing and attempting to respond to the challenges created by the digital revolution and the very real threats it is creating for...


The CALP Network Level 2 Training – Module 1 – An Introduction to CTP

Guidelines and Tools

The objective of the Level 2 training is to strengthen the capacity of humanitarian actors in cash transfer programme design and implementation, to share recent research and learning, and encourage advocacy, institutionalisation and coordination in cash transfer programming (CTP). This training follows...


Evaluation of ECHO-Funded Cash and Voucher Food Assistance in the Democratic Republic of Congo


People in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have long faced protracted conflict and instability resulting in the displacement of populations. In order to provide households affected by new displacements with timely access to food, ECHO funded the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), the Association...


Cash Transfer Programming for Urban Displacement

Policy paper

In urban displacement contexts with functioning markets and developed banking systems, humanitarian agencies are increasingly using electronic-transfers (e-transfers) as the preferred cash delivery mechanism. Based on the Danish Refugee Council’s response to the Syria crisis, this Evaluation and...


Leveling the Playing Field: How do we make social protection more transformative?

Policy paper

Today social protection has a central place in development agenda. It is no longer seen just as protection for the poor but also as a way to promote growth by transforming the poor into a productive force to boost national economies. Nepal adopted this idea earlier than many other countries in the region....


Does one size fit all? The Conditions for Conditionality in Cash Transfers


Created in the early 1990s in Latin America, Conditional Cash Transfer programmes (CCTs) are now at the forefront of the international policy debate as one of the most effective social interventions for tackling poverty in developing countries. However, if CCTs have been successful in achieving some of...


Travailler avec les banques: un guide pratique de négotiation

Guides et outils

Ce mini-guide donne des conseils pratiques sur comment négotier et travallier avec les banques pour la planification et mise en oeuvre des programmes de transferts monétaires en urgence.


Lacunes des recherches sur les programmes de transferts monétaires


En rassemblant des résultats grâce à la recherche-action, le CALP Network a pour objectif d’améliorer la mise en oeuvre des programmes de transfert monétaire (PTM) et de sensibiliser l’opinion sur les PTM en tant que mécanisme approprié et efficace pour les interventions d’urgence. En...


Facteurs affectant l’optimisation des coûts des transferts électroniques dans les programmes humanitaires


Ce travail de recherche propose une méthodologie pour évaluer les coûts et présente des études de cas détaillées sur les coûts liés à l’exécution des récents programmes faisant appel aux transferts monétaires en situation d’urgence menés au Kenya et en Somalie, s’inspirant des...


The Economic Impact of Ebola: Monitoring the Impact of Potential Transport Disruptions on Traders, Food Availability, and Market Prices


Uncertainty about the exchange rate, restrictions on shipping routes, reduced activity by informal traders fearing infection from Ebola and the cordon imposed around Kenema and Kailahun has the potential to interrupt the trade of basic commodities across the country. We therefore collected data on food...


Is Cash Transfer Programming ‘Fit for the Future’? – Executive Summary


This summary presents the results of a 2013 research study entitled, Is Cash Transfer Programming ‘Fit for the Future’? The research was commissioned by the the CALP Network and undertaken by the Humanitarian Futures Programme (HFP), King’s College London. The project intends to understand...


The CALP Network’s tools – a summary

Guidelines and Tools

This document provides an overview of the main tools created by the CALP Network to help the cash community of practice to learn about, share information and discuss cash transfer programmes. Download to find out more.