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4141 – 4160 of 4861 resultados

Criterios mínimos para el análisis de mercado en situaciones de emergencia

Guía y herramientas

El creciente consenso en los últimos años sobre el papel primordial que los mercados desempeñan en las intervenciones humanitarias ha propiciado el desarrollo de diversas herramientas y directrices para ayudar y guiar a las organizaciones humanitarias a la hora de realizar una evaluación de...


Overview: Rapid Assessment of Markets (RAM)


The Rapid Assessment for Markets (RAM) provides a quick and basic snapshot of how key markets operate immediately after a shock, to support initial decision on feasibility of response options (cash vs in-kind, initial market support) and to identify whether or not more detailed market system analysis is...


South East Flood Response with Cash Transfer Programming


The biggest criteria is what needs is your cash transfer expected to cover. Consider below questions when setting your CTP amount. -How much will it cost for intended beneficiaries to purchase goods in local markets? -Are there any other goods and services on which HH may spend available cash? -Are prices...


Productive Impacts of the Child Grant Programme in Zambia


This short one page paper looks at the impacts of the Child Grant Programme in Zambia on asset ownership, agricultural activity, non-farm business activities, labour supply and local economies. The CGP is one of Zambia’s flagship social protection schemes. It targets ultra-poor districts not previously...


Introduction to Market Assessments – Video


Markets play a central role in the lives and livelihoods of people. Sudden shocks such as natural disasters and conflict can have a strong negative impact on people’s capacity to access basic commodities. Market assessment and analysis should be an integral part of any emergency needs assessment to best...


Technical Guidelines: Conditional Cash for Rent

Guidelines and Tools

The guideline was prepared by UNHCR Shelter Working Group in Jordan with the objective of  informing shelter sector partners of best practices for implementing conditional cash-for-rent assistance targeting Syrian refugees in the host communities. The guide explores how to define the scope of a cash...


Value for Money of Cash Transfers in Emergencies


The objective of this study is to analyse evidence on the Value for Money (VfM) of cash transfers. The study reviews evidence on the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of cash, vouchers and in-kind transfers, in order to support a more structured analysis of the VfM of different transfers. It is based...


Cash in Emergencies Toolkit

Guidelines and Tools

Access Toolkit Here Cash transfer based programming (CTP) is an effective and flexible way to support people affected by emergencies, maintaining their dignity and choice, while fostering local economies. CTP includes all forms of cash and voucher-based assistance. The Cash in Emergencies Toolkit has been...


Evaluation of the OneCard Pilot in Lebanon


The OneCard pilot is part of the WFP-UNHCR Joint Plan of Action for Cash and Vouchers (2014), which aims to implement cash and vouchers using common e-delivery mechanisms. The objectives of the OneCard pilot were: To test the programmatic, technical, and financial efficiency and feasibility of the...


Integrating Gender throughout a Project’s Life cycle 2.0: A Guidance Document for International Development Organisations and Practitioners

Guidelines and Tools

The overarching premise of this document is that to conduct effective, responsible development work, incorporating gender at all stages of a project’s life cycle – from project design and proposal development to field implementation and monitoring, evaluation and learning – is critical. As such,...


Debunking the Stereotype of the Lazy Welfare Recipient: Evidence from Cash Transfer Programs Worldwide


Targeted transfer programs for poor citizens have  become increasingly common in the developing world. Yet, a common concern among policy makers – both in developing as well as developed countries – is that such programs tend to discourage work. We re-analyze the data from 7 randomized controlled...


Tigo Cash Senegal

Guides et outils

Mobile Cash S.A (“MCSA”) was created in 2012 as a subsidiary of the Millicom group, it obtained its EME license from bceao following the decision of February 13, 2014 under the number “EME. SN 005/2013. Mobile Cash S.A. is therefore authorized to issue and distribute electronic money to a clientele...


Part 1.4 Protection Risk and Benefits Analysis


All humanitarian interventions carry risks, even in-kind delivery of goods and services. Cash programming is no exception. Specific areas of risk include:
Safety and dignity.
Humanitarian access to crisis-affected populations.
Crisis-affected populations’ access to aid.
Data protection and beneficiary...


Impact de la maladie à virus Ebola sur l’agriculture et la sécurité alimentaire


L’objectif global de cette évaluation est de déterminer l’impact de la MVE sur l’agriculture, la sécurité alimentaire et les moyens d’existence des ménages dans les zones affectées et non affectées. Plus spécifiquement, l’étude fournira au Gouvernement de la République de Guinée et à...

December 2014

Cash Working Group (Groupe de Travail Assistance monétaire) à l’EST de la RD Congo

Guides et outils

November 2014

Cheaper, Faster, Better? A case study of new technologies in cash transfers from the Democratic Republic of Congo


Over the past decade, there has been a growing consensus in the humanitarian community that cash, as compared to in-kind aid, is the best form of assistance to provide during an emergency. For families that have been displaced by a crisis or natural disaster, cash offers aid recipients more flexibility...

November 2014

National Disaster Risk Reduction And Management Council


27 octubre 2014

Les programmes de transfert monétaire sont-ils prêts pour l’avenir ? – Annexe 4: L’utilisation des transferts monétaires par les gouvernements


Le présent rapport se fonde sur deux hypothèses principales. La première : d’ici 2025, les gouvernements des pays à revenu intermédiaire et faible se préoccuperont de plus en plus de maintenir leur contrôle sur les crises humanitaires et seront par conséquent, plus enclins à affirmer leur...

23 octubre 2014

Cash Transfer and Community Resilience Programming in South Central Somalia

Blog Post

The Building Resilience in Central Somalia (BRCiS) attempts to provide immediate humanitarian assistance as well as developing longer term local capacity through a combination of locally adapted cash-for-work and unconditional cash transfers.

10 octubre 2014