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3961 – 3980 of 4861 resultados

Terms of Reference Geneva-based Cash Working Group – January 2016


Terms of Reference Geneva-based Cash Working Group – January 2016

January 2016

Dynamique de L’Intérieur des Ménages et la Conception des Programmes de Protection Sociale: le Cas des Ménages Polygames au Nord du Burkina Faso

Case Study

Un récent examen des programmes de protection sociale de la Banque mondiale et de la problématique de genre met en évidence la nécessité d’accorder une importance accrue aux dynamiques intra-ménage dans la conception des programmes de protection sociale (Bardasi, 2014)1 . Lors de la conception des...


Cadre Strategique Pour L’action


Un résumé consolidé des engagements pris pour les Transferts Monétaires


Logement: permettre aux marches de fonctionner


Ce document d’orientation décrit l’évolution du rôle de la Banque mondiale dans le secteur du logement et propose un nouveau programme de politiques du logement et de réformes institutionnelles pour les pays en développement. Il expose les raisons justifiant l’élaboration de nouvelles...

Partnering for success: What works in e-cash programs?

Blog Post

As the CALP Network readers know, cash transfer programming is growing in use in a variety of locations and situations. After years of using cash transfers, humanitarians are increasingly interested in taking advantage of electronic delivery mechanisms to offer program participants additional choice,...

20 noviembre 2015

IOM Cash-Based Transfer – Update and Case Studies


Cash-based transfers have a long history in the support of people on the move. Cash or vouchers have been an element of the International Organization for Migration’s resettlement support for people moving to new countries, or returning to countries they had to leave. Increasingly over the last decade,...

November 2015

Notas de orientación sobre transferencias monetarias y medios de vida- América Latina

Guía y herramientas

En la región de América Latina y del Caribe (LAC) se han implementado varios programas que utilizan las transferencias monetarias, por lo general, condicionada. En contextos humanitarios se están usando cada vez más transferencias monetarias, sobre todo en el ámbito de la seguridad alimentaria y en...

November 2015

Notes d’orientation: les transferts monétaires dans les programmes de moyens d’existence – Afrique de l’Ouest

Guides et outils

Suite aux débats sur le rôle des transferts monétaires dans le renforcement de la résilience, l’acceptation croissante des transferts monétaires comme outil intersectoriel s’est accompagnée d’une meilleure compréhension de l’approche et de son potentiel à briser le cycle de pauvreté. Au...

October 2015

Mise à l’échelle des transferts monétaires avec ECHO : principes communs d’utilisation des transferts monétaires à usages multiples

Blog Post

En juin 2015, le Conseil de l'Europe a adopté 10 principes communs pour l'aide monétaire à usages multiples. Si aujourd'hui les transferts monétaires ne représentent qu'une faible part de l'aide humanitaire, les principes communs ouvrent la voie à davantage d'activités de plaidoyer auprès des...

7 septiembre 2015

Scaling up Cash-Based Assistance with ECHO: Common principles for multi-purpose cash-based assistance

Blog Post

In June 2015, the Council of Europe adopted 10 common principles for Multi-Purpose Cash-Based Assistance. While only a small percentage of humanitarian assistance is currently cash-based, the common principles are paving the way for greater advocacy with other donors and partners, as well as in view of...

7 septiembre 2015

New the CALP Network Online Training Course: “E-Transfers and operationalizing beneficiary data protection”

Blog Post

With the increase in the use of electronic transfers (e-transfers) in the humanitarian sector, concerns regarding information management of beneficiaries’ data have risen among humanitarian agencies. Although there are principles and operational standards that provide a framework for the protection of...

3 septiembre 2015

The role of Cash Working Group Coordinator: Focus on Bangladesh

Blog Post

Multiple country cash working groups have emerged the past years to encourage the coordination of cash transfers across sectors. Eun Jung Yi, Coordinator of the Bangladesh Cash Working Group, presents some of the key achievements of the group within its first 12 months of existence.

3 septiembre 2015

New Publication: “MARKit: Price monitoring, analysis and response kit”

Blog Post

The Local Regional Procurement (LRP) Learning Alliance has launched a new publication “MARKit : Price monitoring , analysis and response kit” aimed to guide food assistance practitioners through the steps to monitor markets during the implementation of food assistance programs, and to ensure that...

24 agosto 2015

New publication: “MARKit: Price monitoring, analysis and response kit”.

Blog Post

The Local Regional Procurement (LRP) Learning Alliance has launched a new publication “MARKit : Price monitoring , analysis and response kit” aimed to guide food assistance practitioners through the steps to monitor markets during the implementation of food assistance programs, and to ensure that...

24 agosto 2015

UNICEF’s Alternative Responses for Communities in Crisis (ARCC) programme – The largest Humanitarian Multi-Purpose Unconditional Cash Transfer Program in the DRC

Blog Post

Cash-based Response programs have a long standing history as part of humanitarian response in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Gabriele Erba provides an insight into the ARCC programme and its operational research component looking into the consequence of using different delivery mechanisms and of...

9 julio 2015

Economic Recovery Assessment


As Ebola cases in Sierra Leone have dropped, the country and policymakers have turned their eyes to the challenging task of economic recovery. While some people are beginning to bounce back from the crisis, others, including petty traders and youth, continue to face reduced sales and limited alternatives...

July 2015