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3861 – 3880 of 4863 resultados

Building on social protection systems for effective disaster response: the Philippines experience


How can social protection systems be used in disasters, as a complement to, or substitute for, humanitarian assistance? Oxford Policy Management led a two-year research project investigating this question, looking at the role of social protection in both mitigating the impact of large-scale shocks and...


Cash and Markets In The WASH Sector


Market based programming is increasingly heralded as having a critical place in the future of humanitarian programming. The proposed benefits of working through existing market systems include improvements to speed, efficiency and effectiveness of programming and increased beneficiary dignity and...


Les modèles de coordination des transferts monétaires en Afrique de l’Ouest: Mali et Mauritanie


Depuis sa création, le CALP Network est engagé dans le soutien à la coordination des acteurs de transferts monétaires. A travers des ateliers d’apprentissage dédiés à ce thème, organisés en 2012 et 2015 à Genève, et la création de nombreux outils et études sur le sujet, le CALP Network a...


Data management and protection starter kit: Tip sheet 2: Data minimization

Guidelines and Tools

Data minimization is a privacy principle that requires the people collecting data to be intentional about what type of data is collected and how long it is retained. To meet this principle, teams should limit data collection to what is directly relevant and necessary to accomplish a specified purpose. In...


Market Analysis and Outcome/Impact Measurement in Cash Transfer Programming in the WaSH and Shelter Sectors in Sudden Onset Disasters


Over the past five years, cash transfer programming has become an increasingly popular modality of humanitarian intervention. Recently, unconditional and unrestricted MPGs have been increasingly championed as a default modality, based on evidence collected by organisations such as the...


Food Security Cluster Coordinator Cash Transfer Briefing Package


The gFSC aims to contribute actively to provide guidance and tools for national food security clusters to adequately coordinate cash interventions among cluster/sector partners and to ensure equally and consistently consideration of cash alongside other forms of humanitarian assistance in the food...


UNHCR Cash Assistance: Improving refugees lives and supporting local economies


UNHCR’s Cash-Based Interventions (CBI) support the most vulnerable Syrian refugees living within the host community in Jordan. Thanks to generous donor support last year, over 30,000 households received monthly cash assistance, winterisation cash, and cash for health, totalling nearly US $ 85 million....


Document de travail 2: Étude de cas du Mali. Document préparatoire

Guides et outils

Le présent document vise à fournir un état des lieux des connaissances et des questionnements sur ces questions dans le contexte spécifique du Mali. Il a été écrit sur la base d’une revue documentaire couplée à des échanges menés avec différentes parties prenantes par email et Skype et/ou en...


Data management and protection starter kit: Tip sheet 5: Encryption

Guidelines and Tools


Using Cash for Shelter: An Overview of CRS Programs


Cash continues to gain prevalence as a modality for humanitarian agencies to help people meet multiple and diverse needs in the wake of a crisis. It provides people with the dignity of choice, and is often significantly more cost-efficient than the delivery of in-kind aid. In programs with a shelter...


Principles on Public-Private Cooperation in Humanitarian Payments

Guidelines and Tools

E-payments can make the delivery of cash disbursements more secure, cost- effective, faster and more convenient. In the context of humanitarian crises, digital payments offer recipients choice and can help stimulate the local economy. To fully realize the benefits of new technologies and achieve scale,...


The Mam’out Project: Seasonal Multiannual Cash Transfers for the Prevention of Acute Malnutrition in Tapoa


In response to alarming rates of acute malnutrition, Action Against Hunger (ACF) initiated a project to strengthen and evaluate the prevention of acute malnutrition of children younger than 36 months in the Tapoa province, Burkina Faso. Using seasonal and multiannual unconditional cash transfers, ACF’s...


Travailler avec des filets sociaux basés sur des transferts monétaires dans des contextes humanitaires – Note d’orientation pour les acteurs humanitaires

Guides et outils

Au cours des dix dernières années, la protection sociale est apparue comme une mesure importante de la politique sociale pour lutter contre la pauvreté et les inégalités au sein de la société et pour remédier à la vulnérabilité des individus face aux crises. Dans le prolongement de ces...


Data management and protection starter kit: Tip sheet 7: Data retention, archiving and disposal

Guidelines and Tools

Data retention refers to the length of time that data is kept by the organization that gathered it. Data archiving describes the intentional preservation of data in a format that makes it easy for collaborators to refer back to. And data disposal is the process of deleting data in a safe and responsible...


Labour Market Analysis in Humanitarian Contexts. A practitioner’s guide

Guidelines and Tools

The world and the scale of complex crises are rapidly changing, thus calling for new tools and fresh approaches. This guide aims to help humanitarians conduct better labour market analyses (LMA) to inform the design and delivery of livelihoods and market strengthening programmes in emergency crisis and...


Economic Impacts of Humanitarian Aid


Humanitarian aid – whether in-kind or cash transfers – can have a significant economic impact. Potential positive effects include stimulating demand, supporting regeneration of local businesses, job creation and increased tax revenue for governments. Potential negative effects include price inflation,...


Les modèles de coordination des transferts monétaires en Afrique de l’Ouest : Mali et Mauritanie


The CALP Network, basé sur son expérience dans les pays et les réalisations des différents groupes – dont la vitalité peut évoluer rapidement au fil des mois – a choisi de documenter particulièrement l’expérience de coordination des TM du Mali, qui est actuellement l’un des CWG les plus...