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281 – 300 of 391 resultados

The Public Pursuit of Secure Welfare: Background Paper on International Development Institutions, Social Protection & Developing Countries


This paper provides an overview of the development of the conceptual framework underlying social protection programming and policy among the key international development institutions active in this sector. It sets out the historical, institutional and political factors underlying the current debate,...


Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards: Second Edition

Guidelines and Tools

Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS) is a set of international guidelines and standards for designing, implementing, and evaluating livestock interventions to help people affected by humanitarian crises. LEGS is based on three livelihoods objectives: to provide rapid assistance, to protect...


Document de Capitalisation Projet du Cadre Commun sur les Filets Sociaux Saisonniers au Nord du Mali, régions de Tombouctou et Gao.


Ce document de capitalisation s’adresse aux acteurs humanitaires et de développement, aussi bien gouvernementaux que non gouvernementaux oeuvrant au Mali à réduire la vulnérabilité et la pauvreté des populations, mais aussi pour ceux qui s’intéresse et cherche à se rapprocher des techniques...


Africa Social Protection Policy Briefs – Affordability and Financing of Social Protection Systems


Social protection spending as a share of each national economy tends to increase as the country’s per capita income rises and as the coverage and scope of its social protection programs increase. Overall spending on social protection in Africa is low by international standards (see box below), and these...


Social Protection System: An Afghan case study, analysing the potential of a child-focused social protection Cash Transfer Programme in Balkh


UNICEF is considering the development of a social protection programme with a specific focus on children, within the already existing framework developed by the World Bank and MoLSAMD. With the end goal of articulating children-sensitive programming with the World Bank’s own safety net programme in...


What is social protection?


This presentation was made on behalf of UNICEF at the social protection framework validation meeting that took place at the Jacaranda Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya on 26 September 2014. It looks at components and dimensions of social protection, lessons from global experiences and some limitations of the...


Normes et directives pour l’aide d’urgence à l’élevage (LEGS)

Guides et outils

Les Normes et directives pour l’aide d’urgence à l’élevage (LEGS – acronyme de l’anglais Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards) constituent un ensemble de normes et de directives internationales pour la conception, la mise en œuvre et l’évaluation des interventions en matière...


Designing Social Protection Frameworks for Somalia: Findings and Ways Forward in SCS


This presentation was made on behalf of Development Pathways at the social protection framework validation meeting that took place at the Jacaranda Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya on 26 September 2014. It looks at designing social protection frameworks for Somalia and covers: 1.Activities and Methods 2.Macro...


Humanitarianism in the Age of Cyber-warfare: Towards the Principled and Secure Use of Information in Humanitarian Emergencies


Humanitarian assistance is driven by information. From early warnings to needs assessments to final evaluations, information determines priorities and resource allocation. In addition, a crisis drives people to collect and share personal information that they otherwise wouldn’t: the names of missing...


Evidence of impact of emergency cash transfers on gender and protection


This rapid review gathers together reports which provide evidence on the gendered and protection impacts of cash transfers (CTs) in emergency and humanitarian contexts. It aims to provide a guide to the level and type of evidence which is available, as much of the work written on this topic relies on...


Transfert monétaire par l’intermédiaire de commerçants: Guide pratique des transferts monétaires en situations d’urgence

Guides et outils

Ce mini-guide présente quelques informations pratiques sur l’utilisation des cartes pour effectuer des transferts monétaires par intermédiaire de commerçants. Le guide comprend les informations suivantes: – Conditions préalables – Description de la méthode de paiement – Avantages et...


Social transfers in the fight against hunger – A resource for development practitioners


A European Commission Reference Document aims to deepen the understanding of a concept, develop knowledge, provide orientations for aid implementation, and present good practices. This Reference Document is intended as a resource to support the practical integration of social transfers into programmes...


Communications Technology and Humanitarian Delivery – Challenges and Opportunities for Security Risk Management


The articles contained in this publication are dispatches from a new frontline in humanitarian action: the digital frontier. All are written by those observing, experiencing and attempting to respond to the challenges created by the digital revolution and the very real threats it is creating for...


Planning for government adoption of a social protection programme in an insecure environment: the Child Grant Development Programme in northern Nigeria


Cash transfer programming (CTP) is increasingly used in West Africa in response to food and nutritional crisis. Beyond emergency situations, cash transfer mechanisms are key mechanisms for national social protection strategies and policies. Despite the rapid development of social...


Réduire la pauvreté et investir dans le capital humain : le nouveau rôle des filets sociaux en Afrique – Études de cas dans 22 pays


La stratégie de protection sociale de la Banque mondiale pour l’Afrique de 2012 à 2022 met en lumière la nécessité d’établir une base factuelle solide pour étayer la préparation et la mise en œuvre de programmes de protection sociale sur ce continent. Depuis 2009, la Banque mondiale a...


Regional Learning Event: “Links between emergency cash transfer programming and social safety nets in the Sahel.” – Final report


Cash transfers are nowadays widely used in response to the food and nutrition crises that affect the Sahel. Since the crisis of 2012, many stakeholders (including governments, United Nations agencies, international or local non-governmental organisations) have made use of them – at scale, in some cases....


Protéger la vie privée des bénéficiaires: Principes et normes operationnelles pour une utilisation securisee des donnees personnelles dans les programmes de transfert monetaire et electronique


Les transferts électroniques sont porteurs de risques inhérents relatifs à la collecte et au traitement des données personnelles des bénéficiaires. Toutefois, à ce jour, ces risques sont largement méconnus et ils font l’objet de peu de solutions. Les pratiques des organisations sont rarement...