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2781 – 2800 of 4866 resultados

Helene Julliard


Helene heads Key Aid’s work on cash and market-based programming, as well as capacity building. She has supported the institutionalisation of cash and market-based programming for UNDP, UNHCR, IRC, Save the Children, CARE, Oxfam and World Vision, among others. She has also authored several related...

Kristina Flegg


Moath Jafar


Location: Jordan

Moath Jafar


Location: Jordan

Christer Lænkholm


Christer Lænkholm has more than 18 years of experience in the humanitarian sector, working with both emergency response and recovery. The last 6 years he has been leading the transformation and institutionalizing of CVA in DanChurchAid. He is training and capacity building staff and implementing partners...

Etienne Juvanon Du Vachat


Etienne has 15 years of experience on development and humanitarian policy and programmes with a focus on agriculture, food security and nutrition. He worked for local and international NGOs including Oxfam and Action Against Hunger, before joining FAO in 2014, where he works on Cash and Voucher...

معاذ جعفر


الموقع: الاردن

Caroline Holt


Caroline Holt is the Director, Disaster, Climate and Crises at the IFRC leading the IFRC’s global teams in Operations, Climate, Migration and Socio-Economic Empowerment. Caroline has worked in the humanitarian sector for 20 years, mostly with the Red Cross Red Crescent network and counts cash as one of...

Elizabeth Tromans


Elizabeth Tromans is the Senior Technical Advisor for Cash and Emergency at the International Rescue Committee. She has spent a decade working in the humanitarian field working in both acute and protracted emergencies. Elizabeth previously worked with Catholic Relief Services where she was based in India,...

Rosa Akbari


Rosa Akbari is a Senior Advisor with the Technology for Development team at Mercy Corps. She helps teams leverage lowest common denominator technologies throughout Mercy Corps’ field work, with special focus on humanitarian cash and voucher assistance. Rosa has worked at the intersect of humanitarian...

Tim McInerny


Tim is Global Advisor – Cash & Markets with the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC). Tim provides technical and strategic support on cash and markets across NRC’s programmes worldwide. Tim has over a decade of experience in the humanitarian sector, working with both response, recovery and DRR with the Red...

Louise Gentzel


Worked with the UN in different capacities since 2002, including with OCHA, WFP, UNICEF and DPKO at HQ and field level (Sudan / Syria Crisis, Amman). Focusing on OCHA’s role in integrating cash into coordination structures and processes since 2016, including through support to field offices and as OCHA...

Moath Jafar


Location: Jordan

Kristin Smart


Kristin Smart sits within Oxfam’s Global Humanitarian Team and leads Oxfam’s work on CVA.  Within her team also sits Oxfam’s humanitarian leads on social protection and markets supporting across all areas of Oxfam’s work.  With over 12 years of humanitarian experience across South East Asia,...

Syed Mohammed Aftab Alam


In his current role, Aftab provides leadership and direction to Plan International on CVA, including technical support across all sectors.  Previously he has worked with DGECHO, Islamic Relief Worldwide, United Nations Development Programme, Department of International Development funded projects,...

Francesca Battistin


Francesca is the Humanitarian Cash and Markets Adviser for Save the Children UK. Graduated in Economics and Epidemiology, Francesca has 11 years of professional experience in livelihoods recovery and cash transfer programming in post-disaster and post-conflict settings. For the International Labour...

Core CVA Skills for Supply Chain, Finance and ICT Staff


The Fritz Institute in collaboration with IRC, have produced modules based on the content of the 5-day face-to-face training for the Core CVA Skills for Supply Chain, Finance & ICT Staff course.

28 enero 2020 / English / 2. Especializado

West and Central Africa


The CALP Network supports actors working in cash and voucher assistance (CVA) in West and Central Africa. The CALP team supporting this region are based in the Action Against Hunger office in Dakar, Sénégal. The CALP Network provides support for CVA coordination, capacity building and knowledge...

28 enero 2020

West and Central Africa Cash Working Groups


28 enero 2020

Somalia Cash Working Group


The Somalia Cash Working Group brings together actors involved in Cash and Voucher Assistance in Somalia. It guides the community of practice on recommended transfer values pegged to the Somalia Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB) which is updated and published by FSNAU. With support from REACH, they compile...

28 enero 2020