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2741 – 2760 of 4866 resultados

Key Aid Consulting


For generic queries, related to training.



The Bioforce Institute is an organisation working for the public interest, training relief workers to ensure vulnerable populations worldwide are provided with effective aid.



RedR UK provides training and technical support to NGOs, aid workers and communities responding to natural and man-made disasters all over the world.

Programmation axée sur les marchés (MBP)

Guides et outils

La programmation axée sur les marchés (MBP), dans le cadre du travail d’Oxfam, signifie que nous prenons toujours en compte les marchés existants, via des évaluations, des analyses et la programmation, à toutes les phases d’une intervention et dans tous les secteurs techniques.

5 febrero 2020

Organizational Cash Readiness Tool


This set of tools and documents guides practitioners through a process of strengthening their organization's capacity and readiness for cash and voucher assistance (CVA).

5 febrero 2020

Podcast: Is informed consent possible in humanitarian CVA?


Episode 2 of the CashCast tackles data responsibility with Amos Doornbos, Linda Raftree, James Eaton Lee and Ric Tighe

Core CVA skills for programme staff – Chad


3-7 febrero 2020 8:30-17:00 / Chad / Français

Geneva based Cash Working Group (GbCWG) Meeting – February 2020


Geneva based Cash Working Group (GbCWG) Meeting

February 2020

Mitigating Risks of Abuse of Power in Cash Assistance in Uganda


This document outlines lessons learned from a joint UNHCR/WFP project in Uganda with the aim to identify and mitigate the risks of abuse of power in cash assistance through the main delivery mechanisms used in-country: mobile money, e-cards and cash delivered through mobile vans.

February 2020

Compte-rendu du Cash Working Group du Mali du 27 février 2020


February 2020

Panier de dépenses minimum (MEB) – Outil de prise de décision

Guides et outils

Cet outil de prise de décision est fait pour accompagner les praticiens et les décideurs à travers les étapes clés du processus de calcul du MEB. Elle décrit les différentes étapes et approches possibles du processus d’élaboration du MEB, et donne des liens vers de nombreuses ressources...

February 2020

سلة الحد الأدنى من الإنفاق أدوات صنع القرار

إرشادات وأدوات

الغرض من ورقة النصائح هذه هو مرافقة الممارسين وصناع القرار من خلال المراحل الرئيسية في عملية حساب الحد الأدنى من سلة الإنفاق من أجل: (أ) تحديد المسار الأنسب الذي يجب...

February 2020

How to Promote Gender Equality in Humanitarian Cash and Voucher Assistance

Guidelines and Tools

The use of cash and voucher assistance (CVA) in humanitarian action is increasing rapidly.
With this rise, there is also growing demand by stakeholders to ensure CVA is more gender-responsive, addressing gender gaps and moving towards greater gender equality.
Gender-responsive CVA, which recognizes...

February 2020

Consolidated Feedback from Field Consultations on the draft Cash Coordination Guidance for Cluster Coordinators and draft Standard ToRs for Cash Working Groups

Guidelines and Tools

Following discussion of the draft cash Coordination Guidance for Cluster Coordinators and the draft Standard ToRs for Cash Working Groups at the GCCG meeting on 30 August 2018 the decision was taken to seek feedback and inputs from field colleagues before endorsing these. The CALP Network submitted a...

February 2020

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)




31 enero 2020



31 enero 2020

Regional Cash Working Group


31 enero 2020