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2701 – 2720 of 4866 resultados

Social Protection


The use of social protection systems to support vulnerable people is becoming increasingly common in developing countries, and can provide a channel through which cash and voucher assistance (CVA) can be delivered in times of crisis. But to do so effectively will require increased coordination between...

28 febrero 2020

The CALP Network Glossary in Arabic: A common understanding and greater consistency

Blog Post

The first version of the CALP Network Glossary of Terms was published in 2011. This aimed to encourage mutual understanding, and increase coordination and clarity when it comes to the terms and definitions used in the world of cash and voucher assistance (CVA). Since our work began in the MENA region,...

27 febrero 2020

مسرد مصطلحات المساعدات النقدية والقسائم باللّغة العربية: فهم مشترك وتناسق أكبر

Blog Post

تم نشر أول نسخة من مسرد مصطلحات المساعدات النقدية والقسائم لشراكة التعلم النقدي في عام 2011. وذلك بهدف التشجيع على الفهم المشترك، وزيادة التنسيق والوضوح فيما يتعلق...

27 febrero 2020

Benjamin Sivasima


Benjamin K. SIVASIMA joined UNICEF in 2013 as a social policy specialist in Mali, focusing on social protection, child poverty analysis and Cash Transfer programming activities. In 2017, he joined the social policy section in West and Central Africa Regional Office in Senegal as a social policy and...



Boukari OUEDRAOGO has over 13 years of experience in the development sector, with 11 years of spent at the Ministry of Social Affairs. Since 2016, Boukari is the Child-sensitive Social Protection Technical Adviser at Save the Children International Burkina Faso, where he focuses on designing,...

Boureima Lionel OUEDRAOGO


Lionel has been the CVA Focal Point in FAO Burkina since 2013 and Head of FAO Sub-Office in the North Central Region, Co-lead of the Working Group on CVA in Burkina Faso since 2014. He has a total of 15 years of experience, including 5 years in the Ministry in charge of Agriculture in Burkina Faso and 10...

Cedric Regede


Cedric is a seasoned Food Security and Livelihoods Specialist with knowledge and practical experience in project design and implementation. He also has experience in Project resources management wwith excellent report writing and team building skills.

Floride Tankalet


Florida Tankalet is Food Security and Livelihood Coordinator at the NGO World Vision International CAR since July 2018.

Mouhamadou Hamadjoda


Hamadjoda is a Humanitarian Cash Transfer Specialist with an extensive background in Food Security, Economy, Environment and Cash Transfer Programming. Graduated in International Development, Project Management and International Governance and Diplomacy – MSc, BSc, BA, he spearheaded several Cash...

Jean Milimouno


Jean MILLIMOUNO is a 42 Years Old BIEP attendee from Guinea. He graduated from Catholic University of Lyon, France and Gamal Abdel Nasser University of Guinea with Masters in Local Development Engineering and Sociology. Mr MILLIMOUNO is the Executive Director of Local Development Support Network in Guinea...

Kassim Malle


Kassim MALLE supports, among other things, UNHCR’s activities in Mali relating to CVA for refugees and returnees. He joined UNHCR in 2009 and since then has been contributing to the implementation of the organization’s programmes, from emergency to reconstruction. It also supports the Malian...

Sani Dan Aoude


Sani ELHADJI DAN AOUDE is currently Monitoring and Evaluation Manager of CARE International’s Humanitarian Program in Niger. Since 2012, his work is focused on the preparation and response to humanitarian emergencies affecting Niger. In recent years, Sani has been directly involved in the design and...

Cash Week 2019: How cash is driving change across the system

Blog Post

Cash Week 2019 aimed to provide a space to reflect, learn, and look ahead, to ensure quality in our use of CVA at scale. The CALP team reflects on the key takeaways from the events that took place around the world, and what they mean for actors within and beyond the humanitarian sector.

20 febrero 2020

Yasi Amadou


Yasi is currently in charge of CVA at the National Office of the Niger Red Cross. He was Focal the Point from October 2017 to 2018 and then National Coordinator CVA department since November 2018. He managed multiple projects involving CVA, Cash for Work, and vouchers . At the Niger Red Cross, he...

Cash Week 2019: Event Report


In recent years, the use of cash and voucher assistance (CVA) in humanitarian action has increased dramatically. Cash Week 2019 aimed to provide a space to reflect, learn, and look ahead, to ensure quality in our use of CVA at scale. Bringing together cash actors and specialists from relevant fields,...

20 febrero 2020

Grupo de trabajo de transferencias monetarias con sede en Ginebra


El GTMsG conecta a los actores de transferencias monetarias al nivel de Ginebra para apoyar intervenciones de mayor calidad, fomentar la colaboración, aumentar la rendición de cuentas y apoyar a los colegas en el terreno.

18 febrero 2020

Global Cash Working Group


The Global Cash Working Group (GCWG) is a platform for actors to collaborate and address key issues related to cash and voucher assistance (CVA). The GCWG seeks to link global cash initiatives and actors more systematically with evidence from and best practice in the field and the broader humanitarian system.

18 febrero 2020

Papa Keita


J’occupe actuellement le poste de Food Assistance Manager à World Vision Mali. J’ai également servi en tant que Field Commodity Coordinator et ensuite Manager des projets Résilience PAM avec les composantes Food For Asset/ Cash for Asset de 2013 à 2016. Je suis titulaire d’un Master en...

Cisse Ibrahim Soumana


J’ai plusieurs années d’expérience dans l’humanitaire avec une expérience solide sur les projets d’assistance alimentaire d’urgence, le relèvement précoce et la résilience des populations touchées par les crises et catastrophes. Manager depuis bientôt 3 ans avec International Rescue...