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2361 – 2380 of 4867 resultados

La situation mondiale des transferts monétaires en 2020 – Chapitre 8 : concilier les transferts monétaires et la protection sociale


PRINCIPALES CONCLUSIONS Travailler avec, à travers et à côté des systèmes de protection sociale est essentiel pour renforcer le lien entre l’humanitaire et le développement. Depuis 2017, l’action des humanitaires dans ce domaine s’est développée, y compris avant le choc. Une...

23 julio 2020

State of the World’s Cash 2020 Chapter 3: Quality programming


WHO DEFINES QUALITY IN CVA? The focus for improving cash and voucher assistance (CVA) has gradually shifted from increased scale, to improved quality and is now moving towards quality defined in terms of outcomes for recipients. Consensus is emerging among CVA actors on what constitutes quality...

23 julio 2020

State of the World’s Cash 2020 – Chapter 2 summary: Mainstreaming CVA – progress; risks & challenges


CVA is an increasingly common and well-understood tool in humanitarian response – 85% of practitioners perceive that there has been more systematic consideration of CVA over the last 2 years.This chapter asks: ‘How can  ambitions for scaling up CVA be met whilst also pushing for better, more...

23 julio 2020

State of the World’s Cash 2020 – Chapter 5: Coordination


There has been very limited progress on cash coordination since 2017. Cash continues to challenge the established coordination and funding architecture, and efforts to resolve outstanding questions around cash coordination have failed. Despite the lack of global agreement, Cash Working Groups are pushing...

23 julio 2020

El Estado Global de los Programas de Transferencias Monetarias 2020 – Capítulo 6B: Invertir en innovación para los PTM


TENDENCIAS Y RIESGOS Pese al crecimiento en áreas como las finanzas digitales, el apetito para la innovación en los PTM ha descendido desde 2017.   Ha aumentado la atención prestada a la comprensión y el análisis del valor de la innovación desde la perspectiva de las personas...

23 julio 2020

La situation mondiale des transferts monétaires en 2020 – Chapitre 9 Covid-19 et transferts monétaires : impacts et implications de la crise et de la réponse


MISE À L’ÉCHELLE DES TRANSFERTS MONÉTAIRES, BESOINS ET FINANCEMENT Les transferts monétaires sont considérablement accrus en réponse à la COVID-19, mais l’écart entre les besoins et le financement augmente rapidement. Rien n’indique que l’augmentation des transferts monétaires...

23 julio 2020

State of the World’s Cash 2020 Chapter 3 summary: Quality programming


67% of practitioners report that the quality of CVA has increased in the last two years. The focus for improving CVA has gradually shifted from increased scale, to improved quality and more recently towards quality as defined by outcomes for recipients. This chapter asks: ‘How can we continue to...

23 julio 2020

State of the World’s Cash 2020 – Chapter 6A: Evidence, Learning & Information Sharing


Three-quarters of practitioners agree that they have the evidence needed to design quality CVA. However some critical evidence gaps remain for example around recipient choice and wellbeing, cost effectiveness and the use of CVA in combination with other aid modalities. This chapter asks: ‘How can...

23 julio 2020

The State of the World’s Cash 2020 Report: Global Launch


This 90-minute webinar and Q&A will launch The State of the World’s Cash 2020 Report, present a complete picture of the state of CVA in 2020, and explore how we can all work together to better meet the needs of crisis affected people. The State of the World’s Cash 2020 draws on inputs from hundreds of...

23 julio 2020 14:00 / English

State of the World’s Cash 2020 – Chapter 4 summary: Build sufficient capacity for Cash and Voucher Assistance


Since 2018 individual and organisational CVA capacities have improved, and are having a positive impact on the timeliness and scale of CVA. But dedicated funding for CVA capacity building is generally insufficient and unpredictable and recruiting and retaining skilled staff remains a challenge. This...

23 julio 2020

State of the World’s Cash 2020 – Chapter 6B: Investing in innovation for CVA


Since 2017, the appetite for CVA innovation has decreased slightly as has the percentage of practitioners (46%) who agree that humanitarian agencies and private sector actors are developing effective working relationships in CVA programmes. Despite this, digital finance and the use of mobile money has...

23 julio 2020

El Estado Global de los Programas de Transferencias Monetarias 2020 – Capítulo 7: Integración de los PTM con los sistemas locales


PRINCIPALES HALLAZGOS Hay un consenso creciente en cuanto a la importancia de las estrategias de localización en los PTM. Sin embargo, aún con este amplio acuerdo, todavía es necesario un entendimiento común sobre lo que significa la localización en la práctica y qué aspectos se deben...

23 julio 2020

La situation mondiale des Transferts Monétaires en 2020 : Introduction et méthodologie


Depuis la publication du premier rapport sur la situation mondiale des transferts d’espèces en février 2018, l’utilisation des transferts monétaires (TM) s’est développée et diversifiée dans un paysage humanitaire en rapide évolution. Ce nouveau rapport examine les progrès, les changements...

23 julio 2020

State of the World’s Cash 2020 Chapter 5 summary: Coordination


There has been very limited progress on cash coordination since 2017. Cash continues to challenge the established coordination and funding architecture, and efforts to resolve outstanding questions around cash coordination have failed. Despite the lack of global agreement, Cash Working Groups are pushing...

23 julio 2020

State of the World’s Cash 2020 – Chapter 7: CVA integration with local systems


For a relevant and sustainable response , the role of local actors and local systems is critical. There is a growing consensus regarding the importance of localisation within CVA, but little clarity on how to drive this forward in practice. Progress on localisation requires humanitarian actors to be...

23 julio 2020

El Estado Global de los Programas de Transferencias Monetarias 2020 – Capítulo 8: Vinculando los PTM y la protección social


PRINCIPALES HALLAZGOS Trabajar con, a través de y junto con los sistemas de protección social es clave para fortalecer el nexo entre la ayuda humanitaria y el desarrollo. Desde 2017, la acción de los actores humanitarios ha aumentado en este espacio, incluyendo la implicación previa a las...

23 julio 2020

La situation mondiale des transferts monétaires en 2020 – Chapitre 1 : Financement, politiques, volume et collaboration


VOLUME ET FINANCEMENT Le volume mondial des transferts monétaires a atteint 5,6 milliards de dollars en 2019, après avoir augmenté d’une année sur l’autre, passant de 2 milliards de dollars en 2015. Les transferts monétaires ont également augmenté en pourcentage de l’aide humanitaire...

23 julio 2020

State of the World’s Cash 2020 – Chapter 6A summary: Evidence, learning & information sharing


Three-quarters of practitioners agree that they have the evidence needed to design quality CVA. However some critical evidence gaps remain for example around recipient choice and wellbeing, cost effectiveness and the use of CVA in combination with other aid modalities. This chapter asks: ‘How can...

23 julio 2020

State of the World’s Cash 2020 – Chapter 8: Linkages between SP and CVA


Longstanding efforts to strengthen links between humanitarian CVA and social protection have been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, with significant progress since the last report. CVA should aim to complement robust social protection systems where they exist and contribute to their strengthening...

23 julio 2020

El Estado Global de los Programas de Transferencias Monetarias 2020 – Capítulo 9: Covid-19 y los PTM: impactos e implicaciones de la crisis y la respuesta


ESCALADA DE LOS PTM, NECESIDADES Y FINANCIACIÓN Los PTM se está amplificando significativamente en respuesta al COVID-19, pero la brecha entre las necesidades y la financiación está creciendo también rápidamente. No hay pruebas de que hasta la fecha el incremento de los PTM haya afectado...

23 julio 2020