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2341 – 2360 of 4867 resultados

State of the World’s Cash 2020 Chapter 7: CVA integration with local systems


MAIN FINDINGS There is a growing consensus on the importance of localisation within CVA. But this broad agreement is yet to evolve into a common understanding of what localisation means in practice and which aspects to prioritise.     Perceptions of the capacity of local organizations...

23 julio 2020

Analysis of key value chains (wheat and wool), with a special focus on the light manufacturing sector in Mosul


DRC has commissioned this study with the end objective of providing access to market opportunities for privately-owned small and medium enterprises and job opportunities for conflict-affected men, women and youth. For that purpose, DRC has taken a marketsystem and value-chain approach to development and...

23 julio 2020

La situation mondiale des transferts monétaires en 2020 – Chapitre 5: coordination


DÉFIS GLOBAUX, IMPACTS ET OPTIONS Les progrès ont été très limités en ce qui concerne l’accord sur le rôle, la portée, la direction et les ressources de la coordination des transferts monétaires depuis 2017, avec des problèmes particuliers concernant les transferts monétaires à usages...

23 julio 2020

The State of the World’s Cash 2020


The State of the World’s Cash 2020 provides a comprehensive snapshot of cash and voucher assistance (CVA), with significant recommendations for anyone interested in humanitarian action. This report follows on from the first report, a seminal piece, published in 2018. Since then CVA has continued to grow...

23 julio 2020

State of the World’s Cash 2020 Chapter 8: Linking CVA and social protection


MAIN FINDINGS Working with, through and alongside social protection systems is . Since 2017, action by humanitarians in this space has grown, including pre-shock engagement. Robust social protection is a prerequisite to address the drivers of poverty prior to crises, respond better to recurrent...

23 julio 2020

State of the World’s Cash 2020 – Chapter 1: Funding, policies, volume, and collaboration


In the past four years the global volume of CVA has doubled and in 2019 accounted for  17.9% of international humanitarian assistance. Tracking of CVA volume data  is improving and 91% of practitioners perceive that support from donors has increased. This chapter asks: ‘As the global volume of CVA...

23 julio 2020

Cash and Voucher Assistance and Risk: Perception vs Reality Grand Bargain Cash Workstream Annual Virtual Meeting

Webinar recording

Webinar hosted by the CALP Network and WFP under the Grand Bargain cash workstream annual virtual meeting umbrella. Is cash assistance riskier than in-kind? All the evidence says no, but we still act as if it is.
During the Covid-19 pandemic CVA has been the modality of choice in humanitarian responses....

23 julio 2020

El Estado Global de los Programas de Transferencias Monetarias 2020 – Capítulo 4: desarrollar capacidades suficientes para los Programas de Transferencias Monetarias


AVANCES Y RETOS Las capacidades individuales y organizativas relacionadas con los PTM han mejorado, y están teniendo un impacto positivo en la rapidez y la escala de la respuesta. Sin embargo, persisten brechas que están afectando a la calidad de los PTM y a su posterior escalado. El desarrollo de...

23 julio 2020

La situation mondiale des transferts monétaires en 2020 – Chapitre 6A: évidences, apprentissage et partage d’informations


COMBLER LES LACUNES EN MATIÈRE D’ÉVIDENCES La recherche et l’apprentissage en matière de transferts monétaires sont passés de la preuve du concept à la qualité du programme   et au comblement des lacunes en matière d’évidences.   Le manque d’évidences n’est généralement...

23 julio 2020

State of the World’s Cash 2020 Chapter 9: Covid-19 and CVA: Impacts and implications of the crisis and response


CVA SCALE-UP, NEEDS, AND FUNDING CVA is being scaled up significantly in response to COVID-19, but the gap between needs and funding is growing rapidly.   There is no evidence that the scale up of CVA to date has impacted the quality of programming. However, within a context of tightening budgets,...

23 julio 2020

State of the World’s Cash 2020 – Chapter 2: Mainstreaming CVA – Progress; Risks and Challenges


CVA is an increasingly common and well-understood tool in humanitarian response – 85% of practitioners perceive that there has been more systematic consideration of CVA over the last 2 years.This chapter asks: ‘How can  ambitions for scaling up CVA be met whilst also pushing for better, more...

23 julio 2020

El Estado Global de los Programas de Transferencias Monetarias 2020: Introducción y metodología


Desde que se publicó el primer Informe sobre el Estado Global de los Programas de Transferencias Monetarias en febrero de 2018, el uso de los Programas de Transferencias Monetarias (PTM) ha aumentado y se ha diversificado en el marco de un panorama humanitario de rápida evolución. En este nuevo informe...

23 julio 2020

تقرير حالة النقد في العالم لعام 2020


يقدم تقرير حالة النقد في العالم لعام 2020 صورة شاملة عن حالة مساعدات النقد والقسائم، إلى جانب توصيات مهمة لكل المهتمين في العمل الإنساني. يتابع هذا التقرير نتائج التقرير...

23 julio 2020

La situation mondiale des transferts monétaires en 2020 – Chapitre 6B : investir dans l’innovation pour les transferts monétaires


TENDANCES ET RISQUES Malgré la croissance des secteurs tels que la finance numérique, l’appétit pour l’innovation en matière de transferts monétaires a légèrement diminué depuis 2017   L’attention accordée à la compréhension et à l’analyse de la valeur de l’innovation...

23 julio 2020

State of the World’s Cash 2020 Chapter 1: Funding, policies, volume, and collaboration


VOLUME AND FUNDING The global volume of CVA reached US $5.6 billion in 2019, having increased year-on-year from $2 billion in 2015. CVA also grew as a percentage of international humanitarian assistance, standing at 17.9% in 2019, up from 7.9% in 2015.   Growth in the use of CVA is expected...

23 julio 2020

State of the World’s Cash 2020: Introduction and methodology


Since the first State of the World’s Cash Report was published in February 2018, the use of cash and voucher assistance (CVA) has grown and diversified within a rapidly shifting humanitarian landscape. This new report examines progress, changes, and challenges over the last two years.

23 julio 2020

State of the World’s Cash 2020 – Chapter 3: Quality Programming


67% of practitioners report that the quality of CVA has increased in the last two years. The focus for improving CVA has gradually shifted from increased scale, to improved quality and more recently towards quality as defined by outcomes for recipients. This chapter asks: ‘How can we continue to...

23 julio 2020

El Estado Global de los Programas de Transferencias Monetarias 2020 – Capítulo 5: Coordinación


RETOS, IMPACTOS Y ALTERNATIVAS GLOBALES Desde 2017 se ha avanzado muy poco hacia el consenso sobre la función, el alcance, el liderazgo y la dotación de recursos para la coordinación de la asistencia en efectivo, con cuestiones particularmente delicadas en torno al efectivo multipropósito...

23 julio 2020

La situation mondiale des transferts monétaires en 2020 – Chapitre 7 : intégration des transferts monétaires dans les systèmes locaux


PRINCIPALES CONCLUSIONS Il existe un consensus croissant sur l’importance de la localisation dans le cadre des transferts monétaires, mais ce large consensus doit encore évoluer vers une compréhension commune de ce que signifie la localisation en pratique et des aspects à...

23 julio 2020

State of the World’s Cash 2020 Chapter 2: Mainstreaming CVA – progress; risks & challenges


PROGRESS AND CHALLENGES CVA, including multipurpose cash, is an increasingly common and well-understood tool in humanitarian response, but barriers remain to its use. To ensure that CVA is used wherever it is the most appropriate tool, there is a need for stronger response analysis, but this faces...

23 julio 2020