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2101 – 2120 of 4866 resultados

WVI Cash and Voucher Programming Indicator Compendium

Guidelines and Tools

This indicator compendium was designed to support World Vision field offices to design and monitor quality cash and voucher programmes. Specifically, the compendium will enable colleagues responsible for designing, implementing and monitoring cash and voucher programming to select appropriate indicators...

1 enero 2021

مجموعة أدوات النقد الآمن (العربية)

إرشادات وأدوات

تم تصميم مجموعة أدوات النقد الأكثر أمانًا ، التي تمولها الوكالة الأمريكية للتنمية الدولية ، للحصول على الحد الأدنى من المعلومات المتعلقة بالحماية في حالات الطوارئ...


Safer Cash Toolkit (Français)

Guides et outils

La trousse pour une gestion sûre des espèces a été conçue dans
le but d’apporter une solution au problème de manque de données
pour l’évaluation systématique des risques encourus par les individus
qui reçoivent et utilisent l’assistance en espèces de programmes
humanitaires. Cette trousse...


Safer Cash Toolkit (Español)

Guía y herramientas

El Conjunto de Herramientas Efectivo Más Seguro ha sido diseñado
para abordar el desafío de la información insuficiente para identificar
sistemáticamente los riesgos que enfrentan las personas al recibir
y utilizar efectivo en programas humanitarios. El conjunto de
herramientas está diseñado para...


“Pinning down moving targets”: Adapting humanitarian cash programmes to the multi-pronged crises in Lebanon


Whilst most humanitarian responses across the globe have had to navigate the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic, in Lebanon the challenges related to COVID-19 emerged on top of an unprecedented protest movement, political instability, a rapid deterioration of the economy and the increasingly protracted...

31 diciembre 2020

Cash and Voucher Assistance for Protection Outcomes in Mine Action


Despite growing evidence that Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) can be a useful tool, where appropriate, to enhance the protection and resilience of individuals, households, and communities affected by crisis, Cash and Voucher Assistance is not widely used within Humanitarian Mine Action (HMA). This study...

29 diciembre 2020

Cash transfer and child protection: An integrated approach to address the needs of unaccompanied and separated adolescents in the Central African Republic


This report assesses Plan International’s Monetary Transfer and Child Protection Project in Central African Republic. It aims to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the programme, including implementation challenges and successes, benefits and associated risks for beneficiaries,and to identify...

22 diciembre 2020

Cash Transfer and Education: Supporting basic education for Syrian refugees and Egyptian host communities


This report assesses Plan International’s Tawasol: Learning for Coexistence Project in Egypt to understand its strengths and weaknesses, including implementation challenges and successes, risks and benefits for beneficiaries, and any needs for continued capacity building. Plan International – with...

22 diciembre 2020

Cash. Dignity. Agency.


Watch the videos here Displaced people face higher rates of gender-based violence before, during, and after they are forced to move. The Women’s Refugee Commission (WRC) explores how cash transfers can be used in response to gender-based violence and its potential to help displaced persons, including...

22 diciembre 2020