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Cash & Voucher Assistance in the 4Ws for Syria Guidance on reporting: A Companion Guide to the 2019 4Ws Glossary & Template

Guidelines and Tools

• Provide a clear guidance on how to report cash and voucher assistance (CVA) into the 4Ws.
Intended outcomes
• Partners have a common understanding of how/where to report different types of cash transfer projects.
• Humanitarian stakeholders have more accurate aggregate data for meta...


The potential of Cash and Voucher Assistance to empower women and reduce violence evidence


On April 29 and 30th in Washington DC, CARE and UNWOMEN, on behalf of the gender and cash sub-workstream of the Grand Bargain, convened a workshop with the objectives of:
• Sharing and exchanging existing knowledge, experiences, and good practices;
• Exploring and prioritizing research gaps on cash...


3rd Grand Bargain Cash Work Stream Workshop – Co-Conveners’ Report


The third Grand Bargain (GB) Cash work stream Workshop was held at WFP Headquarters in Rome on 16th-17th May 2019, hosted by WFP and DFID. Over 85 participants attended the workshop, representing 60 donor and humanitarian organisations and multilateral agencies, and including representatives from the...


Cash Assistance and the Prevention, Mitigation and Response to Sexual and Gender-Based Violence


The study Cash Assistance and the Prevention, Mitigation and Response to Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) is based on comprehensive research in Lebanon, Ecuador and Morocco. It provides learning and recommendations when using cash assistance in the prevention, mitigation and response to SGBV. The...


Addressing Food Crisis In Yemen: Executive Summary


This report is a summary of findings from the full evaluation.
The evaluation looks at:
■ Performance against Development Assistance
Committee (DAC) Evaluation Criteria: relevance,
efficiency, effectiveness, impact, and sustainability
■ Insight on the internal and external factors influencing


Cash transfer Programmes – Impact on Stunting and Financial Inclusion


This report focussed on evidence published in the last ten years (since 2009) on cash transfer programs’ impact on stunting and financial inclusion. The importance of maternal education on stunting emerged from the literature and warrants further investigation, which was outside the scope of this...


Feedback Channels in Cash and Voucher Assistance: How to Apply Best Practices to CVA

Guidelines and Tools

Accountability is at the core of effective humanitarian programming, and it is our duty to ensure that all programs – including those that use CVA to meet outcomes – are responsive to the clients we serve. While CVA is not inherently more risky than other forms of assistance, there are specific...


Multipurpose Cash Outcome Indicators – Final Draft for Testing

Guidelines and Tools

Note that the MPC indicators have now been revised. Please click here  to access the updated Multipurpose Outcome Indicators and Guidance, which is available in Arabic, English, French and Spanish.        Multipurpose Cash Outcome Indicators – Final Draft for Testing Multipurpose cash (MPC) is a...


Quantitative assessment of the social assistance system of the Kingdom of Eswatini


Analysis of social assistance needs, coverage of needs by existing programs and identification of social assistance gaps in Eswatini


Beyond Basic Needs: Using Cash and Voucher Assistance to Support the Transition from Basic Survival to Livelihoods Recovery in a Resource-Strapped World

Guidelines and Tools

Do you think of yourself as a “cash” person OR as a “livelihoods” person? An “emergency” practitioner OR a “recovery” practitioner? Or do you find yourself unsatisfied with the often narrow implications of these terms? We’ll never have enough funding to provide basic needs support to...


Monitoring Child Protection within Humanitarian Cash Programmes

Guidelines and Tools

This paper summarises findings from an initial scoping study, which seeks to review how child protection outcomes are captured when monitoring multi-purpose humanitarian cash programmes. The study intends to inform the development and piloting of new approaches to integrating child protection concerns...


Cash Working Group Strategy Paper for South Sudan 2019-2020, 1st Edition – July 2019


The Cash Working Group Group South Sudan (hereby referred as CWG in the document) was officially established in 2015 and has been recognized as the medium for coordination, communication, information sharing, technical discussions, as well as capacity building of cash actors. This platform also provides...


Tripartite Agreement Template Between Government, Partner And Financial Service Provider For Provision Of Financial Assistance To Beneficiary Accounts

Guidelines and Tools


CVA for Protection: A Mapping of IRC’s Use of Cash and Voucher Assistance to Help Achieve Protection Outcomes

Guidelines and Tools

The IRC first began to integrate cash into protection programs in 2013, leveraging the flexibility of CVA to support clients living in urban refugee contexts in the Middle East. Since then, IRC has rapidly expanded its use of CVA to help achieve protection outcomes. This scale-up has come with important...