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Julie Lawson McDowall


Location: United Kingdom

Karen Peachey


Location: Kenya

Luis Lupu


Luis joined the CALP Network in August 2019 as a Planning and Reporting Accountant based in Oxford. Prior to work for the CALP Network he was supporting the Financial Team of the medical humanitarian organization Doctors of the World in Spain. Having worked previously in banking, taxes consultancy as well...

Martin Pittman


Martin is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the CALP Network’s global capacity building strategy, targeting institutions and individuals to achieve excellence in cash and voucher assistance. He is from the United States and holds a Master’s degree in international education, and has...

Rose Smith


Location: United Kingdom

Nigeria CWG technical coordinator job description

Guidelines and Tools

Nigeria CWG technical coordinator job description

13 January 2020

Svetlana Omel Duncalf


Location: United Kingdom

Hazar Alei


Location: Jordan

Mourad Khawaja


Location: Jordan

Abdoulaye Hamidou


Location: Senegal

Jennie Trow


Based in Panama City, Panama, Jennie is the technical lead for the planning and delivery of the CALP Network’s learning and capacity building activities in the region, with a priority focus on Latin America and the Caribbean. She has over 15 years of experience in LAC. Prior to joining the CALP Network...

Ibrahima Kebe


Location: Canada

Karen N. Pinzón


Karen joined the CALP Network in April 2018 as the Programme Officer for the Americas office. She holds a Masters Degree in International Relations and International Economics from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies. Prior to joining the CALP Network, she worked in refugee...

Kadaf Abdourahamane


Lynn Yoshikawa


Location: Canada

Nathalie Klein


Nathalie joined the CALP Network in 2014 and has been working since then with the regional team and the CALP Network’s members and partners to fulfil the transformative potential of CVA to make humanitarian assistance more efficient, transparent and dignifying for crisis-affected populations. She has an...



Well-functioning markets are a lifeline for people affected by crises. Effective cash and voucher assistance (CVA) uses and supports local markets. Market analysis must therefore be a key part of the response cycle, for cash programming and other forms of humanitarian assistance.

9 January 2020

Social Protection


The prevalence of long term and recurrent crises pushes humanitarians to look for more effective, efficient, and sustainable ways to respond.  Linking social protection and humanitarian response - or developing more flexible social protection systems to respond to crises – could potentially address...

9 January 2020

Gender and Inclusion


Gender, age, abilities and other individual or context-specific characteristics present different opportunities and challenges to provide CVA to people in crisis in a dignified manner.

9 January 2020

Digital Payments


Embracing new technology is critical to making humanitarian response – including cash and voucher assistance (CVA) – as effective as possible. But when we integrate new technologies and partnerships into humanitarian assistance, we must ensure that the safety, dignity and preferences of people in...

9 January 2020