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State of the World’s Cash 2020 Chapter 1: Funding, policies, volume, and collaboration


VOLUME AND FUNDING The global volume of CVA reached US $5.6 billion in 2019, having increased year-on-year from $2 billion in 2015. CVA also grew as a percentage of international humanitarian assistance, standing at 17.9% in 2019, up from 7.9% in 2015.   Growth in the use of CVA is expected...

23 July 2020

State of the World’s Cash 2020 – Chapter 1: Funding, policies, volume, and collaboration


In the past four years the global volume of CVA has doubled and in 2019 accounted for  17.9% of international humanitarian assistance. Tracking of CVA volume data  is improving and 91% of practitioners perceive that support from donors has increased. This chapter asks: ‘As the global volume of CVA...

23 July 2020

State of the World’s Cash 2020 Chapter 7 summary: CVA integration with local systems


For a relevant and sustainable response , the role of local actors and local systems is critical. There is a growing consensus regarding the importance of localisation within CVA, but little clarity on how to drive this forward in practice. Progress on localisation requires humanitarian actors to be...

23 July 2020

State of the World’s Cash 2020 Chapter 3: Quality programming


WHO DEFINES QUALITY IN CVA? The focus for improving cash and voucher assistance (CVA) has gradually shifted from increased scale, to improved quality and is now moving towards quality defined in terms of outcomes for recipients. Consensus is emerging among CVA actors on what constitutes quality...

23 July 2020

State of the World’s Cash 2020 – Chapter 6A: Evidence, Learning & Information Sharing


Three-quarters of practitioners agree that they have the evidence needed to design quality CVA. However some critical evidence gaps remain for example around recipient choice and wellbeing, cost effectiveness and the use of CVA in combination with other aid modalities. This chapter asks: ‘How can...

23 July 2020

The Provision of Cash and Voucher Assistance in the Response to the Venezuela Refugee and Migrant Crisis: Findings and lessons learned, Executive summary


This study, for which data was compiled between March and April 2020, seeks to document lessons and good practices in the delivery of CVA in Ecuador and Colombia by humanitarian organisations and governments, in response to migrants and refugees from Venezuela. The purpose of this analysis is...

23 July 2020

State of the World’s Cash 2020 Chapter 5: Coordination


GLOBAL CHALLENGES, IMPACTS AND OPTIONS There has been very limited progress on agreeing the role, scope, leadership and resourcing of cash coordination since 2017, with particular issues around multipurpose cash. 90% of key informants noted that the global impasse on cash coordination continues to...

23 July 2020

State of the World’s Cash 2020 Chapter 9: Covid-19 and CVA: Impacts and implications of the crisis and response


CVA SCALE-UP, NEEDS, AND FUNDING CVA is being scaled up significantly in response to COVID-19, but the gap between needs and funding is growing rapidly.   There is no evidence that the scale up of CVA to date has impacted the quality of programming. However, within a context of tightening budgets,...

23 July 2020

State of the World’s Cash 2020 – Chapter 7: CVA integration with local systems


For a relevant and sustainable response , the role of local actors and local systems is critical. There is a growing consensus regarding the importance of localisation within CVA, but little clarity on how to drive this forward in practice. Progress on localisation requires humanitarian actors to be...

23 July 2020

State of the World’s Cash 2020 Chapter 2: Mainstreaming CVA – progress; risks & challenges


PROGRESS AND CHALLENGES CVA, including multipurpose cash, is an increasingly common and well-understood tool in humanitarian response, but barriers remain to its use. To ensure that CVA is used wherever it is the most appropriate tool, there is a need for stronger response analysis, but this faces...

23 July 2020

State of the World’s Cash 2020 – Chapter 5: Coordination


There has been very limited progress on cash coordination since 2017. Cash continues to challenge the established coordination and funding architecture, and efforts to resolve outstanding questions around cash coordination have failed. Despite the lack of global agreement, Cash Working Groups are pushing...

23 July 2020

Analysis of key value chains (wheat and wool), with a special focus on the light manufacturing sector in Mosul


DRC has commissioned this study with the end objective of providing access to market opportunities for privately-owned small and medium enterprises and job opportunities for conflict-affected men, women and youth. For that purpose, DRC has taken a marketsystem and value-chain approach to development and...

23 July 2020

State of the World’s Cash 2020 Chapter 7: CVA integration with local systems


MAIN FINDINGS There is a growing consensus on the importance of localisation within CVA. But this broad agreement is yet to evolve into a common understanding of what localisation means in practice and which aspects to prioritise.     Perceptions of the capacity of local organizations...

23 July 2020

State of the World’s Cash 2020 – Chapter 4 summary: Build sufficient capacity for Cash and Voucher Assistance


Since 2018 individual and organisational CVA capacities have improved, and are having a positive impact on the timeliness and scale of CVA. But dedicated funding for CVA capacity building is generally insufficient and unpredictable and recruiting and retaining skilled staff remains a challenge. This...

23 July 2020

State of the World’s Cash 2020: Introduction and methodology


Since the first State of the World’s Cash Report was published in February 2018, the use of cash and voucher assistance (CVA) has grown and diversified within a rapidly shifting humanitarian landscape. This new report examines progress, changes, and challenges over the last two years.

23 July 2020

State of the World’s Cash 2020 Chapter 3 summary: Quality programming


67% of practitioners report that the quality of CVA has increased in the last two years. The focus for improving CVA has gradually shifted from increased scale, to improved quality and more recently towards quality as defined by outcomes for recipients. This chapter asks: ‘How can we continue to...

23 July 2020

State of the World’s Cash 2020 – Chapter 2 summary: Mainstreaming CVA – progress; risks & challenges


CVA is an increasingly common and well-understood tool in humanitarian response – 85% of practitioners perceive that there has been more systematic consideration of CVA over the last 2 years.This chapter asks: ‘How can  ambitions for scaling up CVA be met whilst also pushing for better, more...

23 July 2020

State of the World’s Cash 2020 Chapter 6B summary: Investing in innovation for CVA


Since 2017, the appetite for CVA innovation has decreased slightly as has the percentage of practitioners (46%) who agree that humanitarian agencies and private sector actors are developing effective working relationships in CVA programmes. Despite this, digital finance and the use of mobile money has...

23 July 2020

Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) and Partnership Toolkit – Good Practices & Guiding Questions

Guidelines and Tools

This document outlines in detail steps and considerations in Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) programs that are supporting of Local Humanitarian Leadership, align with principled and effective partnerships and follow minimum quality standards for partnerships across each phase of the CVA project cycle.

22 July 2020