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Kate Hart


Location: United Kingdom

Leonela Medina Baez


Leonela is a communications specialist who has a great interest for international development and human rights. She has worked in the communications department in the Dominican country offices of different organizations, including UNICEF, PAHO/WHO, World Vision and Heartland Alliance International,...

Première Urgence Internationale (PUI)


Première Urgence Internationale is a non-profit, apolitical and secular organization. For 40 years, we have been dedicated to support the most vulnerable populations, affected by humanitarian crisis. Our vision is a world in which vulnerable communities have the means to meet major challenges and shape...

Edge Effect


Edge Effect is a specialist diverse SOGIESC (aka LGBTIQ+) humanitarian and development organisation, working to ensure the rights, needs and strengths of people with diverse SOGIESC are addressed through sector policy and programs.

Slides for the Global CWG meeting – Oct 2021


The enclosed slides for the 28 October meeting feature presentations from WFP, the Uganda and CAR CWGs and GSMA , as well as key links to key resources discussed.

29 October 2021

Cash Coordination Caucus – Proposed Strategy

Policy paper

The strategy document was developed by the EP’s office to delineate the objectives, composition and engagement structure of the cash coordination caucus in the Grand Bargain 2.0 process...

29 October 2021

Global Cash Working Group: Focus on Financial Inclusion

Members event

The Global Cash Working Group (GCWG) is a platform for actors to collaborate and address key issues related to cash and voucher assistance (CVA). The October meeting agenda will focus on financial inclusion, collaboration with the private sector and an update on cash coordination developments. Register...

28 October 2021 13:00 / Virtual / English

Responding to Shocks Using Social Protection: Principles and a Framework for NGOs

Guidelines and Tools

This overview provides an initial operational framework to guide decision-making as NGOs engage with SP systems and programmes. It outlines key guiding principles and specifies the value-add of NGOs engaging with systems of SP. It aims to complement and balance the considerable existing work aimed at,...

26 October 2021

Cash Coordination – Selected Resources


Effective coordination can prevent gaps and overlaps in humanitarian responses, ensure the impact of cash and voucher assistance (CVA) is optimised for the benefit of crisis affected populations, whilst also making the most of limited humanitarian funding. However disagreements remain around how (CVA)...

CVA Training for Donors


The CALP Network have developed CVA training for donor staff. Donors can take any of the six modules to better understand how to integrate CVA into ways of working.

22 October 2021 / English

Shreeju Shrestha


Shreeju Shrestha is the Cash and Markets Adviser in Oxfam’s Global Humanitarian Team. She has experience leading and facilitating the uptake and delivery of cash and voucher programming to reach sectoral and multipurpose outcomes across various emergency settings.  Shreeju has a Master’s in...

Market-Based Approaches for National WASH Cluster Response Plans: (In English, Arabic and Portuguese).

Members event

This webinar is aimed for humanitarian practitioners working in Myanmar, Sudan, Libya, OPT, Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Mozambique.

13 October 2021 / online / English

Board and Technical Advisory Group


The CALP Network is governed by a Board of up to 13 people who are drawn from the membership. The Technical Advisory Group (TAG) provides guidance and technical leadership to the CALP membership and the network as a whole.

13 October 2021

Eastern Africa Regional CWG meeting

Members event

The meeting will focus on the use of blockchains and crypto-currencies in humanitarian operations. Contact if you’d like to attend the event.

12 October 2021 / Zoom / English

Technical Advisory Group


About the TAG The TAG helps shape and steer the CALP Network’s technical and policy priorities within the overall strategic vision for the network. All TAG Representatives are from CALP member organizations or are independent members of CALP. The TAG: Proposes, leads and supports thematic areas of...

12 October 2021

Turning the page on traditional learning: Why the CALP Network’s new online course is so exciting

Blog Post

The CALP Network is entering a new era of inclusive online learning, and there are lots of reasons to get excited about it.

7 October 2021

Good Practice Review on Cash Assistance in Contexts of High Inflation Launch Webinar


7 October 2021 12:00 / English

Cash Assistance in Contexts of High Inflation and Depreciation


The challenge of inflation and currency depreciation in the context of humanitarian cash and voucher assistance is growing. The need to document existing practice has been underscored by COVID-19, which has exacerbated economic volatility in many humanitarian contexts, and increased humanitarian needs.