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Cash Hub Webinar:27 – Responding to Disasters with CVA

Members event

Philippines Red Cross will share experience on responding to recent disasters, including with community managed livelihoods support. Hellenic Red Cross will share on recent wildfire and flood responses and discuss challenges related to different registration methods, community engagement and...

23 February 2022 / online - MS Teams / English

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CALP Board Meeting

Members event

17 February 2022 / English

Humanitarian Cash + Social Protection = Better Preparedness


How does humanitarian Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) add value and strengthen social protection systems and how may these linkages be built into improved disaster preparedness in the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region? This study analyzes programs from 2016 onwards to understand the benefits,...

Evaluation of CALP’s work : a focus on the West and Central Africa experience (2018 – 2021)


This report provides the results of an evaluation carried out by Key Aid Consulting between September and October 2021, assessing CALP’s work in the West and Central Africa (WCAF) region between August 2018 and September 2021. This evaluation assessed how CALP contributed to building an enabling...

8 February 2022

Linking MPCA to longer-term solutions in Iraq: Strategic and operational revision workshop


The CWG in Iraq organized a 2-day workshop to discuss strategic and operational components and revise the MPCA approach, in line with the transitional context to durable solutions. This is a report with the summary and key decisions taken during the workshop and it can serve as a case study on linking...

3 February 2022

Adaptation of Operational Activities to Humanitarian Crises – COVID-19 pandemic


Turkish Red Crescent’s (TRC) Kızılaykart Cash Based Assistance Programmes Coordinatorship continues to work relentlessly with the aim to develop shock-responsiveness and continue to alleviate human suffering caused by conflicts, involuntary migration and socioeconomic challenges in the face of the...

3 February 2022