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Multi-Cluster/Sector Initial Rapid Assessment (MIRA)


The immediate aftermath of a sudden-onset disaster is a critical period of time when the humanitarian and donor communities need to make key decisions on how to best support the affected country or region and its populations. However, during that brief period, limited comprehensive information on the...

March 2012

Unconditional Cash Grants for Relief and Recovery in Rizal and Laguna, The Philippines (Post-Typhoon Ketsana)


In response to rapid onset flooding in Laguna and Rizal provinces in the Philippines, Oxfam International implemented a Cash Transfer Programme (CTP) in three phases: 1) Unconditional cash transfers for individuals to provide for basic needs; 2) Conditional cash transfers for individuals resuming income...

31 January 2012

ICT/mobile Phone Technology: A shift in the right direction

Blog Post

Thirteen African nations came together for the AgriKnowledge Share Fair in Addis Ababa at the end of October 2012 to learn about approaches for quicker and more efficient humanitarian response. Government representatives, researchers, UN agencies and NGOs gathered for a three day symposium on best...

11 January 2012

Social Cash Transfers and Financial Inclusion: Evidence from four countries


This focus note from CGAP looks at social cash transfers and how this is being used to improve financial inclusion. To do so they look at examples from Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and South Africa. The focus note compares the various payment approaches, how these interlink with the respective government...


Emergency Food Security and Livelihoods (EFSL) 48-hour Assessment Tool

Guidelines and Tools

The purpose of the 48-hour assessment tool is to obtain a quick understanding of the emergency food security and livelihood (EFSL) situation within the first few days after a rapid-onset disaster. Initially developed by Oxfam, this tool aims to support response teams to meet requirements in emergencies in...


How to Conduct a Trader Survey?

Guidelines and Tools

The purpose of this technical guidance sheet is to provide guidance to WFP Country Office and partner staff in conducting a simple trader survey with limited or no external technical support. For complex trader surveys, or in situations where local capacity is insufficient, experienced WFP staff in the...


Helping Families, Closing Camps: Using rental support cash grants and other housing solutions to end displacement in camps

Guidelines and Tools

Rental Support Cash Grants have enabled over 14,000 families to move from Haiti’s displacement camps into safe housing. Since October 2010, ten months after the January 12th earthquake, these grants of $500 US Dollars covering one year of rent have proven to be a fast, effective and relatively...


Comparative Review of Market Assessments Methods, Tools, Approaches and Findings – SWOT Analysis

Guidelines and Tools

This document makes a comparative review of  different market assessments methods,tools, approaches and findings. A swot analysis of the Emergency Market Mapping Analysis (EMMA), Market Information and Food Insecurity Response Analysis (MIFIRA) and World Food Programme Trader Survey (WFP TS) is...


USAID Guidelines for Proposal


USAID’s Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA) has revised its Guidelines for Proposals in accordance with updated USAID requirements and the changing global humanitarian context in 2012. These Guidelines apply to new awards as well as to modifications of existing awards. The...


Emergency Food Security and Livelihoods (EFSL) 48-hour training materials to print

Guidelines and Tools

Developed by Oxfam and supporting ECB agencies, the EFSL training materials can be used to train participants to confidently apply the ‘48-hour assessment tool’ to assess the impact of a shock/hazard on an affected population’s food security and livelihoods. This resource includes all printing...


Mobile Money Transfer: A study on effectiveness and efficacy!


For this study both structured and semi-structured questioning method were used. Few KII (in depth interview) along with a pre-designed questionnaire were used for understanding the benefits and challenges of this new method on different stakeholders.


Impact Evaluation of Cash, Food Vouchers, and Food Transfers among Colombian Refugees and Poor Ecuadorians in Carchi and Sucumbíos


This report is the final impact evaluation of the World Food Programme’s Food, Cash, and Voucher intervention and contains analysis on outcomes including food security, social capital, anemia, and gender issues. Due to the targeting of Colombian refuges and poor Ecuadorians in Northern Ecuador, it also...